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On 5/20/2023 at 2:53 AM, danwinslow said:

Ah. Ok, thanks. The guy asking about it seemed to have some expectation of it working that way, so I kind of thought it was supposed to. Maybe it's kind of a language hole, and only works in variants that MadPascal is not implementing.

Yes, I assumed that local variables are initialized every time you call a function, but it seems local variables in (Mad) Pascal act more like static local variables in C language.  


I like Mad Pascal. It makes me more productive.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Tebe,

thank you very much for the compiler update! Woke me up to restart some A8 coding after summer break :)


Recompiling my project with 1.6.8 gave me an error with "mod", which did not happen under 1.6.6.

It looks like a 'mod 16' (or 2,4,8,..) produces a 'jsr #$00' .



line 1288: textline[13]:=chr(33+w1 mod 16); 


RTLIB: $22AB..$29D3
        jsr #$00
BRIT.a65 (12562) ERROR: Illegal addressing mode (CPU 6502)


The corresponding code in .a65 @ line 12562:

; optimize OK (BRIT.PAS), line = 1288

    lda GLOBALS.W1
    and #$0F
    jsr #$00
    lda #$21
    sta adr.TEXTLINE+$0D


for context: 

    'u' : begin           // Use sextant

        if night < 50 then begin
            xms_textline(103); // Only     
            xms_textline(105); // at night!     
        end else begin
            xms_textline(101); // Position: Y"y' X"x'
            textline[11]:=chr(33+w1 div 16);
            textline[13]:=chr(33+w1 mod 16); //rogi@2023.08.17: new compiler error??
            textline[16]:=chr(33+w2 div 16);
            //textline[18]:=chr(33+w2 mod 16); rogi@2023.08.17: new compiler error??


Edited by Atlan_Roland
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MP newest version, new features


- improved memory allocation for arrays [0..0], 'ABSOLUTE $0000' is enforced initially, 1 byte of memory is saved
- added possibility to declare arrays without specifying their size, e.g.:

 tab: array of byte = [1,3,4,3,1];
 tb: array of char = 'abcdefghij';

- new compiler directive {$bin2csv filename} allows you to initialize arrays e.g.:

 tb: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv filename} ];



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Hi Tebe,

in MP 1.6.8+, the usage of a pstring variable as parameter to unzx0() does not work anymore.

(compiles, but the unzx0ed datastream seems to get written unpredictably into memory, at least not in the specified target adress).


The same workes fine with MP1.6.6 though.


Has there been any change in usage of pstring that i'm missing?


Attached the .a65 outputs of MP 1.6.6 and MP 1.6.8 of given code below. If you should need more data tell me.

Thank you for all your efforts with mp! 👍


program test_mp_1_6_8;
uses crt,zx0;

	IMPORT   = $5000;	  

	i		: byte;
	fname		: pstring;

unzx0(fname, pointer(IMPORT));  		// was fine MP 1.6.6, but not anymore in MP 1.6.8 ?
//unzx0('D:RESOURCE.ZX0', pointer(IMPORT));	// to verify, works fine if the filestring is given directly.
for i:=0 to 39 do

repeat until false;




testcode_mp_1.6.6.a65 testcode_mp_1.6.9.a65

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On 8/21/2023 at 11:37 PM, tebe said:
- improved memory allocation for arrays [0..0], 'ABSOLUTE $0000' is enforced initially, 1 byte of memory is saved
- added possibility to declare arrays without specifying their size, e.g.:

 tab: array of byte = [1,3,4,3,1];
 tb: array of char = 'abcdefghij';

- new compiler directive {$bin2csv filename} allows you to initialize arrays e.g.:

 tb: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv filename} ];



I'm a bit confused about the name "$bin2csv". I'd expect CSV means "Comma Separated Values", so read a "1,2,3" text file. But this looks like a "bin2bytearray," e.g. INS in MADS. ?!

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On 8/26/2023 at 11:15 PM, tebe said:



Tokenizer sees this as "Comma Separated Values."

I see, this this is actually a compile-time expression that resolves into source; not a binary include directive.

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  • 1 month later...



new directive {$optimization LOOPUNROLL}, {$optimization NOLOOPUNROLL}, works only with FOR with const parameters


{$optimization LOOPUNROLL}

 for a:='a' to 'd' do writeln(a);

{$optimization NOLOOPUNROLL}


Edited by tebe
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When looking into the loading of Arcadia here:

There seemed to be issues:
1) The mechanism works with a hard-OS but left the NMIEN as $C0
2) With a soft-OS the code is never entered and so the NMIEN remains as the OS set it, $40
3) The game itself never loads & copies blocks under the OS and so call/PORTB flip is not required.

So with 2) the fault appears to lay with the game not asserting NMIEN should be $C0, rather than the framework?


With 3, could the compiler detect RAM under OS is not used (during loading) and so flip to off/on entry points to RTS?

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  • 2 weeks later...

MP 1.6.9



- improved memory allocation for arrays [0..0], 'ABSOLUTE $0000' is enforced initially, 1 byte of memory is saved
- added possibility to declare arrays without specifying their size, e.g.:

var tab: array of byte = [1,3,4,3,1];
var tb: array of char = 'abcdefghij';

- new compiler directive {$bin2csv filename} allows you to initialize arrays e.g.:

var tb: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv filename} ];

- new compiler directive {$optimization loopunroll}, {$optimization noloopunroll}, performs FOR loop unrolling with fixed parameters
- new BLOWFISH module allowing to encrypt, decrypt character strings according to specified key
- new example a8\AES-Rijndeal


new samples (AES-Rijndeal, Blowfish)







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21 hours ago, tebe said:

MP 1.6.9



- improved memory allocation for arrays [0..0], 'ABSOLUTE $0000' is enforced initially, 1 byte of memory is saved
- added possibility to declare arrays without specifying their size, e.g.:

var tab: array of byte = [1,3,4,3,1];
var tb: array of char = 'abcdefghij';

- new compiler directive {$bin2csv filename} allows you to initialize arrays e.g.:

var tb: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv filename} ];

- new compiler directive {$optimization loopunroll}, {$optimization noloopunroll}, performs FOR loop unrolling with fixed parameters
- new BLOWFISH module allowing to encrypt, decrypt character strings according to specified key
- new example a8\AES-Rijndeal


new samples (AES-Rijndeal, Blowfish)






blowfish_test.obx 7.75 kB · 2 downloads




String handling seems to have changed again.

This example worked in MP v1.6.8+:

 fname		: string[14]				absolute NPC_ARRAY + 64+6+7+16+1+1; // fname: "D:X#.ZX0"  --> todo: reduce to [8] 					 
fname:='D:UA.ZX0'; 						//Initialize fname (D:**.ZX0) and set to Atascii  font file. 
unzx0(fname,pointer(FONT)); 			//load font before text is displayed


Now with 1.6.9 it throws:

Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.6.9 [2023/10/13] for 6502
Compiling U_LOADER.PAS
U_LOADER.PAS (537,8) Error: Incompatible types: got "STRING" expected "POINTER"

Ok, changing it to:



compiles, but crashes at running.


--> What would be the correct syntax/data structure now?



Edited by Atlan_Roland
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	procedure unZX0(inputPointer, outputPointer: pointer); assembler; register; overload;
	procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer; a: byte); register; overload;


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42 minutes ago, Atlan_Roland said:

missed the new "a:byte" parameter for stream loading.. (is that used for anything?)

Without this additional parameter, it will not be possible to distinguish between the calls of these two variants of the UNZX0 procedure


	procedure unZX0(inputPointer, outputPointer: pointer); assembler; register; overload;
	procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer); register; overload;


Error: Can't determine which overloaded function 'UNZX0' to call


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procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer; a: byte); register; overload;


this was probably supposed to be a temporary procedure until I corrected it, but I forgot


it has now been fixed



procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer); register; overload;



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31 minutes ago, tebe said:
procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer; a: byte); register; overload;


this was probably supposed to be a temporary procedure until I corrected it, but I forgot


it has now been fixed



procedure unZX0(fnam: PString; outputPointer: pointer); register; overload;



wow, you are the best - and you are fast! :)


though just tested it with main branch (1.7.0)  and with 1.6.9 with the new zx0.pas lib; but seems not to work here in my constellation though - the compiler seems to choose the inputPointer version. That is probably because I used it like the example below, pointing to a file-string. The version with the indicator byte was a good decision then 😄

    fname        : string[14];



By the way, i see that the compiler output in the 1.7.0 branch is listening procedures.. maybe this is some preliminary testing for the ORIGIN proposal ? 😆https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/issues/119 

(that would really be an cool feature, saving me enormous amout of RAM, as i would use it as some kind of 'overlay' function.)


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Sorry, Tebe, i didn't check the paramters!

your new unzx0() stream overload works perfectly of course!


Like you stated in your example code:


unZX0(fn, pointer(dpeek(88)) );




so to correct my code sample from above

	fname        : string[14];






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