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Popeye Arcade 8-bit conversion


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Thanks Miker, and Homesoft.


As a side-note, this version of Popeye gets its Bluto graphic from this older 5200 hack: 5200 Popeye - New Bluto


There's an 8-bit conversion of this one as well, but I forget the source of it. I can post a copy if anyone is interested, although at this point it's just a lesser version of what you see here.

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Popeye... The Arcade Version was one of my very 1st Cabinets I was falling in love with. I really love the game but the Atari 8 bit version always had this sprite collision issue, if you try to punch the bottles. :_(

At least it looks better than the C64 Version :D but I wish we could have the sprites from the NES Version. :D


Anyway, thanks for a very nice mod of a great classic game. :thumbsup:






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  • 2 weeks later...

Popeye - 17,690

bet you meant to post this in the HSC thread eh? :-D


Had Popeye go through a heart or whatever the falling things are on the first screen (might have been two near each other) but more seriously: when waking left on the 2nd screen (on long plaftorm) with spinnach and Brutus was walking left, I went straight through him - usually I punch him but I wasn't paying attention and forgot! (Playing on PAL 130XE). How about improving that Olive signature too ;)

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Ack! that's where I thought I had posted it.


bet you meant to post this in the HSC thread eh? :-D


Had Popeye go through a heart or whatever the falling things are on the first screen (might have been two near each other) but more seriously: when waking left on the 2nd screen (on long plaftorm) with spinnach and Brutus was walking left, I went straight through him - usually I punch him but I wasn't paying attention and forgot! (Playing on PAL 130XE). How about improving that Olive signature too ;)

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I created a Brutus player a long time ago to replace the current A8.

(It wasn't very pretty back in the day, and I didn't change the color register; so black still didn't show up well)

I made this a few months ago. I was thinking about hacking the A8 again (as well as some other system),

and I drew this with the A8 player maker.


I happened upon this thread and figured I would offer this up if interested. I know I'd never take the time to reproduce such an awesome Popeye title screen. That is impressive!


I only have the walking frames completed, but I would be more than happy finish off the other frames if these could be used.

I always hated that his head looked like an "S" or a number "5".

This uses two players. When the brown and violet overlap, it produces a flesh color.


Popeye... The Arcade Version was one of my very 1st Cabinets I was falling in love with. I really love the game but the Atari 8 bit version always had this sprite collision issue, if you try to punch the bottles. :_(

At least it looks better than the C64 Version :D but I wish we could have the sprites from the NES Version. :D


Anyway, thanks for a very nice mod of a great classic game. :thumbsup:





Edited by darryl1970
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