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Atari ST Games Ported to the Jaguar


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If you're open to suggestions... Impact with spinner support would be awesome. Plays better than Arkanoid (IMO) even though it looks a fair bit rougher. Easily one of my favourite ST games. I also can't believe Oids hasn't been done. It's a brilliant thing, I even own the Mac OSX version but can no longer play it as it's protection is locked to the computer it was registered on, which is long gone sadly. That version being bloody perfect.


Edited by juansolo
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it IS ST graphics. I wish your monkey wasn't illiterate.

Ha, I guess he should start a new thread about Arcade ports to the Jaguar. Oh wait, Arcade games used all sorts of random and custom chips so doing direct ports would probably require something like a mame engine being done on the Jag... guess he should start working on that rather than criticizing ST ports. :P

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I have been going through my pile o Jag carts and got to Flashback. In my mind ST ports aren't a huge selling point because I can't play them on the Jag and I have ST's lying around everywhere. In saying that, I appreciate the genius of doing so. However, I was wondering why "Another World" hadn't popped up yet? Or the STe version of Zool, for that matter. Yes, I have OCD.

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Karamba. I did a search through Atari Age and nada. I missed that. I'm guessing it isn't available anymore? No Dreamcast or Saturn release either, it is worth owning just for that intro.



It's available on evilbay. For a million bucks. I missed it too. It's killing me...

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I've always wanted a home port of the original Shadow Dancer, even though what we got on Genesis turned out to be a better game.

I wasn't even aware Shadow Dancer was released for the ST. I'd played it on the Genesis for sure, also at the Arcade a lot. Doesn't look half bad on the ST.

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I wasn't even aware Shadow Dancer was released for the ST. I'd played it on the Genesis for sure, also at the Arcade a lot. Doesn't look half bad on the ST.

Given the limits of the ST hardware, it is a pretty decent conversion.

Scrolling is pretty good, sensible choices of colours and some decent sized sprites.

Sound struggles at times, but it's not a game breaker.

It just needed checkpoints in the levels to make it a bit less frustrating.

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