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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Right, I thought I noticed the posts jumped up a few places recently.


Maybe I'm misreading CPU's messages, I was concerned for an imminent thread lock, especially with posts like jibbajabba's.


TBF, could really do without all the AA > Internet > AA posting of dork-stood-in-front-of-games videos regurgitating half-understood summaries of this thread though :lol:


It was more of a warning, stop it with the youtube wars and pointing fingers at other people / name calling / accusations, that is all we want. And like Al said, stay on target.

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another lurker here who's been following the Chameleon for months and reading this thread since the beginning. Finally signed up so I could participate on the forum (I swear I'll read and post in other sections/threads lol).


This has been such an amazing ride. One thing it HAS done for me is make me want to get my hands on a clear Jag shell. I'd really love to build my own 3rd prototype lol.

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. . . but people with more 51% of a brain (or more) shouldn't have to ask others how they should view something, right?

"I don't understand why that's supposed to be funny" is a polite way of saying "how in the bleeping hell could anyone think that is funny." The first few seconds should have made just about anyone think "What in the hell is this bullshit? I don't know if I should report this video to YouTube or find out where that guy lives and vomit in his face."

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another lurker here who's been following the Chameleon for months and reading this thread since the beginning. Finally signed up so I could participate on the forum (I swear I'll read and post in other sections/threads lol).


This has been such an amazing ride. One thing it HAS done for me is make me want to get my hands on a clear Jag shell. I'd really love to build my own 3rd prototype lol.

Nice! All you need is an old GameCube or similar system laying around, some black tape, and a dream.

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Mam that gamester video, just wow. Not only he did he say a whole lot of nothing and make things worse, he put pat on blast as well as me twice and other members here. Why? To villify us? To make us look like a lynch mob? Did he think this was a good move? Him and I had both exchanged apologies and now this? Eff that hombre , not happy about this

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Mam that gamester video, just wow. Not only he did he say a whole lot of nothing and make things worse, he put pat on blast as well as me twice and other members here. Why? To villify us? To make us look like a lynch mob? Did he think this was a good move? Him and I had both exchanged apologies and now this? Eff that hombre , not happy about this


you seem like a type to make assumptions. i need your type in my company to make a "retro" console. want to take part of history?

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Already PM'd Al about the interesting post but I'll share so you who missed the big discovery about fake proto board can look up:




A few posts before are from people trying to ID the board and coming to conclusion it is a DVR card of some kind based on the chip they were able to read (barely). 5-11under and Al both posted the correct board just seconds apart and the whole thing steamrolled into OMG Fake #3 and numerous accusions.

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I can never get through more than a minute or so of his videos. I know he has many subs and fans but I can't stand his hyper-active f-bombing persona. He's going to have a heart attack before he's 40 if he doesn't calm down.

I'm the same. He's certainly an angry dude. lol.

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another lurker here who's been following the Chameleon for months and reading this thread since the beginning. Finally signed up so I could participate on the forum (I swear I'll read and post in other sections/threads lol).


This has been such an amazing ride. One thing it HAS done for me is make me want to get my hands on a clear Jag shell. I'd really love to build my own 3rd prototype lol.


welcome to you, and everyone who is signing up! was especially cool to see someone sign up from abroad too. welcome to you buddy. its what makes forums grow, when people come outta that lurk stage. i guess i read the forums here for a handful of years before i signed up in 2010, but its kind of been like that on a lot of forums for me. certain topics bring me there and i just forget to make an account because i dont want to end up tossing a ton of time into discussion, then after a while i feel guilty not sayin somethin. atariage is a great annul of information, and communitywise kind of a melting pot of na/dp/neogaf/everywhere vg, makes it i would say the best gaming forum. i hope you check out some of the other subforums and enjoy it here!


and again, i dont want to sound mean at all. but i hope some of you other 'manual readers' like i was sign up too. its a very great community to be a part of even if atari or coleco isnt your main vg love because of not only the people but because of how crucial the atari and its developments over the years were to programming for other systems. not only programming information, but historical information that all gamers should know, for sure. i spend a lot of time reading here and i really, really do wish i could afford to subscribe to show my support but im having some pretty crippling family issues right now, so maybe i appreciate that its as great of an archive of information as it is and a great balance of personalities here too. wanted to take a second and say this since theres been at least 4 or 5 people to sign up now in the last few days, thanks deathsled and all you new guys!


as far as the shells, maybe in a year or two when all this dies down, we'll see mike eek a few clear ones out on ebay. one youtube reviewer said mike gave him his, if nothing else comes from all of this, i can definitely see mike having etched out a market so that he can sell jag shells to people, be it for their own jag or even for project development. maybe that was the plan all along, to add some value to the molds, hah!

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John Carlsen stated in the interview that he has an interest in the project succeeding because that is the only way he would get paid for his time and expenses on the project. However, he left the project and strongly implies he took his patentable ideas and work with him and did not disclose them to Mike because he did not trust Mike to keep them a secret. If Mike can't use his work on the hardware and software, it seems rather odd that Carlsen would be entitled to anything. Of course, no one is privy to the contract between the two men.


How exactly does one guarantee a console will work in 50 years time?


John said that Mike's recent cost cutting caused him to have an rather unimpressive hardware reveal video. He maintains that his evaluation boards did work as wired up and gave him "lots of computing power to work with", which would seem arguably to meet the standard for a prototype. If the FPGA would have been turned into a stretch goal or add-on, they could have had a Kickstarter. This seems like a plausible plan, but John left the project soon after the hardware reveal video. After he left, it appears that Mike went in a completely different direction. I feel like I'm missing something here.

Edited by Great Hierophant
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I can never get through more than a minute or so of his videos. I know he has many subs and fans but I can't stand his hyper-active f-bombing persona. He's going to have a heart attack before he's 40 if he doesn't calm down.

You don't really have to. AlphaOmegaSin usually says everything he's going to say in the first minute. Afterward, he just repeats himself ad nauseum.

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It's great to see people signing up to post in this thread. However, if you're going to do so, please try to make constructive posts or you may find them being deleted.


Does that mean the rest of us have to start being constructive now, too?


'Cause I'm not sure I can do that.


The interview I did with John Carlsen is now posted on Retro Gaming Roundup's page.


Very interesting stuff. Mad props to John Carlsen for even being willing to be interviewed.


Between that and some of the other interviews coming out, it's pretty easy to see the sort of patterns Mike Kennedy gets into, and how the utter, complete, and epic failure of this whole thing is solely his own doing.

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I for one enjoy watching youtube videos without any constant swearing like a drunken sailor every 5 seconds. I don't mind swearing here and there though. It's much easier to get your point of view across without being a hothead and feel like you are going to strangle someone through the computer monitor, tablet, or smartphone device whoever is watching it. It just becomes unbearable to listen to and I just move along.

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John Carlsen stated in the interview that he has an interest in the project succeeding because that is the only way he would get paid for his time and expenses on the project. However, he left the project and strongly implies he took his patentable ideas and work with him and did not disclose them to Mike because he did not trust Mike to keep them a secret. If Mike can't use his work on the hardware and software, it seems rather odd that Carlsen would be entitled to anything. Of course, no one is privy to the contract between the two men.


How exactly does one guarantee a console will work in 50 years time?


John said that Mike's recent cost cutting caused him to have an rather unimpressive hardware reveal video. He maintains that his evaluation boards did work as wired up and gave him "lots of computing power to work with", which would seem arguably to meet the standard for a prototype. If the FPGA would have been turned into a stretch goal or add-on, they could have had a Kickstarter. This seems like a plausible plan, but John left the project soon after the hardware reveal video. After he left, it appears that Mike went in a completely different direction. I feel like I'm missing something here.

I believe where John Carlsen is comin g from about the pay is he was on the team, under agreement he would be paid a certain amount of money for his work done. Unless his 'agreement' with Mike had a 'leave and lose it' clause Mike would still be in debt to John Carlsen for work performed aldeady- whether used or not.


At least that is my take on it.

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as disgusting as some of the youtube shenanigans is right now, I personally can't wait for the Scare PewDiePie episode where he gets chased around by a snesjag frankenstein beast. Might be worth subscribing for Red. That has to be the logical capstone event to this whole saga. The CC train will roll it's way through the youtube gaming personality hierarchy until everyone's had their say and it reaches its final stop.

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Does that mean the rest of us have to start being constructive now, too?

Your posts have been great. :)


I don't want people to have to worry that I'm going to remove posts. I've removed maybe 5 out of over 5,500 posts. And only one person so far. Just think before you post. If you're getting super emotional while posting, you might want to step away from the computer for a few minutes and then reread what you'er about to post before posting. Keep it cvil. Don't be mean-spirited, crude or cruel. Treat others like you'd like to be treated.


That is all.



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you seem like a type to make assumptions. i need your type in my company to make a "retro" console. want to take part of history?

I'm sorry, your misguided passive aggressive b/s must have went over my head. I don't remember assuming anything. Wait, no, I'm wrong, I did assume. I assumed that when two people make a truce that means '"cease fire" ,not blast them on YouTube with some passive "I may be bad but look at all these mean people " bullshit. As for your comment I am not quite sure the meaning but I am not here for a type fight. Much like the other 300 ppl making comments I am pretty pissed at all this.just venting my frustrations and taking feedback like the rest of them. I hope you enjoy your day

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Don't be mean-spirited, crude or cruel.

There goes 90 percent of my posts.




Treat others like you'd like to be treated.

I like it when people treat me like crap. Makes me feel like I'm back home in the 1970s. Compliments and social niceties make me cringe. For a true retro experience, I must be devalued and unappreciated. :D

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