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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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I see a little silhouetteo of a SNEZ

pull the pics! pull the page!

hide the super Nintendo!

Drunken commentary, isn't necessary, Whee!

prototypo! prototypo! Figaro!


I'm just a salesman, give me your money

He's jest a salesman, selling more Magazines

He's being courted by Konami!

Easy funds, easy dough, will you give me dough?

No no no no no no no!

Atariage has a very lengthy page for me

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All that Queen was a good way to ring in page 400, well done you crazy people!


This MK fever dream stuff is just weird, where did he come up with this fantasy? If a company like SEGA couldn't make a go of it with its resources, and even mighty Nintendo is stumbling, how do these nudniks get off even talking like this, let alone planning to take money for it?


"We've got to remind everybody, were not just starting a campaign just to buy a product, this campaign is bringing a company to life, that again we hope to be there from five, ten, or fifteen years from now bringing tons of entertainment year after year after year. With these developers, who over time get used to this system. When they get used to it they start to do fantastic things; were not going to change the game plan at the last minute, making them start all over. Its got a long, long runway, and like Steve said there are lots of opportunities for developers to exploit what were giving them over the course of time."


Put them in the Shark Tank!

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He sure gave up his dream easy enough, though. Sean "Mr. Lee" allegedly pulls one over on him and he sells the molds. You think if he really believed in the longevity likes he states (and not just in it for a quick buck) he'd have found a way to still make it happen.

I understand that "third time is a charm" but just NO!!!

He mishandled the project twice (RVGS and CC) I think he dreamed it enough.

The fake prototypes started with the RVGS cardboard, then the "Altrium rendering", followed by the "kitchen video" (aka "power goes in, video comes out"), then we went CC with a SnezzzzzInAJag and finally a CaptureCard, it's enough dreaming if you ask me.


As once said:


Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice shame on me

Fool me thrice shame on Lee


or the last line was also poignantly reported by Pat as:


Fool me thrice fuxx u.

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Within ten posts from now, Pamela Ewing will wake up and find all of this was a dream, and Mike Kennedy steps out of the shower to go on working on the Coleco Chameleon project.

Ok, that's a name I didn't hear in almost 30Y. For forever I thought that Victoria Principal (the actress behind the character) was the CEO of Victoria's Secret, LOL.

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I once read that Victoria Principal had claimed at least three different birth years. First she said she was the first US born child in Japan after WW2, which would make her born 1946. The she said 1947 and then 1950. That was before the days of Internet and Wikipedia, which indeed lists her as born January 3, 1950.

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I once read that Victoria Principal had claimed at least three different birth years. First she said she was the first US born child in Japan after WW2, which would make her born 1946. The she said 1947 and then 1950. That was before the days of Internet and Wikipedia, which indeed lists her as born January 3, 1950.

I'm just mad that I still have memories of all that garbage TV of the 80s but I can't remember something important my wife told me just 10 mins ago ... it's gonna hurt tomorrow.

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EDIT: Yes I cheated by quickly "stealing" the 4 slots and then retyping their content, what you gonna do? Consider the previous ones (if you saw them) a prototype.


And if you like to do the same without showing the pesky "edited on ..." you can always subscribe :twisted:, that gives you 30 days of "I changed my mind" access to your own posts .... and 10% discount on the store .... which I haven't used yet ... shame on me I should support the homebrewers better.

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