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! FlashROM 99 & FinalGROM 99 - Repository

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Bump. Any chance to convert ?

I'm not positive this is complete, but here's Copy-Cat.


Dumped using the Classic99 'make 379 cartridge' option. I observed the used memory in low RAM and saved from >2000->2EFF (more than was needed, but the program requires at least the XB assembly utilities). Also selected to load character set and restore registers. The start address came from the loaded code and I read it from the REF/DEF table - >292E


Two main gotchas. The first was copy protection - it reads sector 257 from DSK1 and does some tests on it. I didn't bother reversing the tests, jumping over them was enough to make it run. B @>295C at >2948. I made this patch before I saved it.


The other was the XB environment for the characters was assumed, and Classic99's tools currently only convert for Editor/Assembler environment, not XB. So I had to patch the loader to load the characters into the expected place with a screen offset of >60... the Classic99 loader hard-codes the address of the character set loader, so this was easy. The patch had to happen after saving, of course, but address >7F7E became >46 to load lowercase in the new place and >7F8E becomes >44 to load uppercase in the new place. Sector editor did these (offset is minus >6000).


Finally, since it's less than 8k, I renamed it to a 'C.BIN' type. There's no bank switching so it's neither inverted nor not inverted. Should work fine as long as the loader accepts 8k ROMs.




(Warning: be careful if you use this in Classic99. Remember that Classic99 /can/ write sectors to disk images, and don't accidentally copy overtop of your work disk as a test like I did... :/ )

Edited by Tursi
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Anyone who can help me find the breakpoint in Myarc disk manager 3 , can´t remember if i asked before :)


I think it is a hard one because it searching for the controller or something so it go to start screen after some seconds


It is an E/A option 3 file


I have had intermittent success finding the starting breakpoint by disassembling the ea3 file in TiImageTool. If the address of start is clearly in expansion ram, such as an AORG file.



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Anyone who can help me find the breakpoint in Myarc disk manager 3 , can´t remember if i asked before :)


I think it is a hard one because it searching for the controller or something so it go to start screen after some seconds


It is an E/A option 3 file






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