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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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I can see it all now...."What would you expect to pay for Ataribox? Well, when you think about the cost to buy every classic gaming system ever made, that would cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. If you were to buy an actual arcade game, that would cost somewhere between $800 and $5000 for each game. If you were to buy IBM's Big Blue super computer, you'd have to pay millions of dollars. Ataribox is like taking all those things and putting them in a plastic 3D printed box on your simulated wood grain credenza. Atari will sell the Ataribox for $250 (or more). Think about it. That's basically an entire video arcade, super computer, and every home gaming system ever made for $250 (or more). Wow!"


Or you could do all of that on the computer you already own for almost no extra expense.

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I made a post in one of the other Atari box threads on this forum. I thought I was posting in this thread. How many Atari box threads do we have? D:


Mods can we get a merged topic of Atari box threads here on Atari age?



A few more shower thoughts on the Atari Box mainly on the system specs side of things and the scam bit that people are saying that it is.


First off the scam bit.

Big Name companies are backing or Supporting the Atari box. Either directly or indirectly.

1. The CEO of AMD came out and said that they (AMD) are proud to be working with Atari on a new Semi custom design powered by Radeon Graphics. [Link to the tweet]

2. Mixer - A Streaming company owned by Microsoft tweeted this out a while back. [Link to the Tweet].

3. The Atari logo is going to be in the movie Blade Runner 2049. They probably got some major money from this to help the development of the Atari box and other projects going on at Atari.

4. Atari is working with other companies. From the speaker hat to the Atari Box itself.


The list goes on.


I know that people are comparing this to the Coleco Chameleon. But that was shady from the start.

In my mind the Atari box at least deserves a chance before being called a scam.


I would also like to point out that they are building allot of long term relationships for the Atari box and the Atari brand in general.

They cannot afford to screw over their partners at this time other wise it would be catastrophic for Atari in general in the long run.


System Specs -

Atari do not plan to compete with the XB1 and PS4. For the most part I believe them. However one thing that the OUYA or early Steam Machines did not have during their life time was Low Level APIs like Vulkan. I strongly think that the Atari box is going to have a semi custom Bristol Ridge or Summit Ridge SoC. This would explain the early 2018 launch for the Atari box in my mind.


For those who do not under stand what Low level APIs allow consoles to do. I would encourage you to watch the following video comparing performance of Vulkan to OpenGLES.



Vulkan = Games that perform much better on low to medium end devices like android phones or an AMD semi custom SoC for example.


Everything that Atari has done so far has a very clear idea of where the Atari Box is going.


Just me being objective about the whole thing. :)


- HeadClot





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Deserves a chance? How fucking naive are you?


Let me _REALLY_ spell it out for you:


Atari is, a tiny office in New York, consisting of the CEO, his secretary, and a pool of intellectual property lawyers. ATARI DOES NOT HAVE ENGINEERING STAFF. After the bankruptcy of Atari S.A., Atari simply became a trademark troll.


Atari's business model is simply licensing the brand at an exorbitant licensing fee ($500,000 minimum), and a significant share of profits of what's made. THAT'S IT. Atari LITERALLY takes ZERO risk on ANYTHING. The licensors literally take all the risk.


Except, this time, the guy doing the hardware, Feargal Mac Conuladh, a man with a MASSIVE HISTORY of burning people over Kickstarter, time and time again, go look up the Atari GameBand, and the Smartfly USB on an armband (which you can get on Alibaba, btw)., has decided to use his time trusted method of flexible funding method on IndieGoGo (not formally announced, but this falls right in line with his other projects.) to literally throw all of the risk off of him, and have early adopter customers literally shoulder the burden.


This project will die horrifically, because the man has a tried and true pattern of shortcutting his way via cheap off-Alibaba chinese hardware, and when it does, I will be here, literally yelling I TOLD YOU SO, to all of you who dared to fucking dream...because so many of you have not dealt with people like this, you don't know, nor understand, that's what makes you horribly naive.



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Feargal Mac Conuladh, a man with a MASSIVE HISTORY of burning people over Kickstarter, time and time again...



Respectfully, I would hardly call one bad Kickstarter, Smartfly, a "massive history". And he did ship the original Gameband to every one of those backers. Absolutely not what they signed up for, but compensation none the less.


And speaking of the original Gameband, it was actually quite successful and well reviewed... It even had a footprint in mass market retail. Not to mention additional runs of limited edition color variants.


I get it... I'm the resident shill and my words won't mean much to you, but at least try not to be hyperbolic.

Edited by The Historian
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And speaking of the original Gameband, it was actually quite successful and well reviewed... It even had a footprint in mass market retail. Not to mention additional runs of limited edition color variants.


I'd be steaming pissed if I signed up to get Riva and instead was given ViRGE. If the same "mistake" applies to ataribox, you might get an R-Pi instead of a genuine AMD processor.


Anyways. about this gameband crap. Some tech review site said, "The whole idea behind Gameband is that as a gamer, you want to game all the time. Sure, you can game on your phone when you’re on the go, but maybe you’d rather game from a tiny 1.63-inch touch AMOLED display. Right, gamers? You tell me."


Well I'm gonna tell you. The answer is no. I'm an avid gamer and I do not want a pissant experience on a 1" screen. I want it Bux Deluxe on a quality emulation rig, fpga rig, or perhaps original hardware. All in good working order, all on a nice expansive display, or possibly a retro CRT if I'm in the mood.


Well we didn't even that microscopic screen. What'd they sub in for it? Some sort of wearable USB strap? So yeh.. I didn't know they (atari) was THIS bad till I started following these threads. I mean, yeh, I knew they stunk up the room and everything. But this is first-class fumigation!

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Well we didn't even that microscopic screen. What'd they sub in for it? Some sort of wearable USB strap? So yeh.. I didn't know they (atari) was THIS bad till I started following these threads. I mean, yeh, I knew they stunk up the room and everything. But this is first-class fumigation!

I think you are confusing the old Gameband with the new one. The old one was a simple USB device with an LED screen. The new one, with the screen, hasn't been released yet.

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Hey, I know nothing about either viewpoint here, and am still fairly new to this site, but from the tone of this conversation, I'd say we need to be more respectful.

Seeing people keyboard scream at each other over such a beloved topic such as Atari makes my eyes water.


I'm going to school-U-up now.


These threads are not about our beloved Atari. They're about these suits and zombies lurching around calling themselves "atari". The Atari you think you know has been dead for decades. There is zero creativity coming out of whatever offices they're renting. And it's ridiculous.


No way will "atari" in its present form ever create the coolness that was 70's and 80's. And the 70's and 80's are "so long ago", that *IF* that style was bought forward to today's videogames, it'd practically be brand new!

Edited by Keatah
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I think you are confusing the old Gameband with the new one. The old one was a simple USB device with an LED screen. The new one, with the screen, hasn't been released yet.


Maybe. I don't know and I don't really give a rat's ass. I'm not interested in wearing a USB stick. And I'm not interested in playing games on a 1" screen with shit controls. No matter how hard up the industry wants me to get into that stuff. It ain't happening.


And if they're both named "gameband" then they're failing right from the start to differentiate themselves. As I've clearly and inadvertently demonstrated. It's all very nebulous to me, like this big-ass fart cloud emanating from somewhere.

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I'm going to school-U-up now.


These threads are not about our beloved Atari. They're about these suits and zombies lurching around calling themselves "atari". The Atari you think you know has been dead for decades. There is zero creativity coming out of whatever offices they're renting. And it's ridiculous.


No way will "atari" in its present form ever create the coolness that was 70's and 80's. And the 70's and 80's are "so long ago", that *IF* that style was bought forward to today's videogames, it'd practically be brand new!


Oh, I know. I was talking about this site in general. This site is dedicated to the REAL Atari, is it not?

I'll shut up now, until I know I have something smart to say. ;)


Edit: The real Atari, meaning the one of the 70s and 80s.

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