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SDrive-MAX ATX support


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18 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

Need more information on the entire set up.

                                                                                     => SDrive-Max 

130XE => 1050 (D1) => 1050 (D2) => P:R:Connection <

                                                                                     => WiModem232 (serial port)


As stated, my other SDrive-Max (socketed chip with pin#2 bent up and connected to RX, diode on TX) works flawlessly with this same set-up. This new build is using the chip on board with sub-board and is the one I am having the issues with. Only works when the 130XE is powered up OR when the 130XE is powered down and there is no power getting to the WiModem232. Makes no sense to me.

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1 hour ago, NISMOPC said:

                                                                                     => SDrive-Max 

130XE => 1050 (D1) => 1050 (D2) => P:R:Connection <

                                                                                     => WiModem232 (serial port)


As stated, my other SDrive-Max (socketed chip with pin#2 bent up and connected to RX, diode on TX) works flawlessly with this same set-up. This new build is using the chip on board with sub-board and is the one I am having the issues with. Only works when the 130XE is powered up OR when the 130XE is powered down and there is no power getting to the WiModem232. Makes no sense to me.

I'm confused here - how does ANY of it work if the 130XE is powered down? 


Also, now that I visualize things, part of your problem might be the P:R:Connection. I think it works a lot like the 850 and has to bit-bang the serial connection. So when it's communicating with its R1: and R2: ports (to talk to your WiModem232), it basically steals all the bus bandwidth. I can set up a similar arrangement with my own hardware tomorrow night and confirm. I'll run my Atari chain this way:

Computer --> 1050 D1: --> 1050 D2: --> P:R:Connection --> [R1: Lantronix MSS100] --> SDrive-MAX.


I'll try to run serial coms through the Lantronix with disk access to D3:/D4: on the SDrive-MAX and see how it goes.

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21 minutes ago, DrVenkman said:

I'm confused here - how does ANY of it work if the 130XE is powered down? 

Both the WiModem232 and the SDrive-Max are powered by their own 5V USB power supplies. No power is used by the SIO for these.


The nice thing about that is you can select what disk image(s) you want to load on the 8-bit before turning on the computer.

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The P:R: connection can act weird if the pre-wired sio end is not the one connected towards the computer.

It shouldn't matter, but it does.

the daisy chain continues after that using a standard SIO cord.

I normally try to put is as near to the last device as I can.


It is possible there is another issue, because of the way the  pr and 850 work.

Your wimodem is connected to the p:r: connection r1 or r2 port correct?

every thing else is SIO correct?

what cable is your 9 pin serial to wimodem? As in who made it? what is the pinout? It's not a wintel box serial cable hopefully

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13 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

The P:R: connection can act weird if the pre-wired sio end is not the one connected towards the computer.

Still seems odd my other SD-Max works perfectly fine. 


13 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

what cable is your 9 pin serial to wimodem? As in who made it? what is the pinout? It's not a wintel box serial cable hopefully

It's an official ATARI (NOS) serial cable and works just fine with everything previously. Just not this different version SD-Max.

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let's put it another way, does this problem occur with using all rs232 serial devices(like a modem or lantronix etc.)? Or just when using the wimodem?


The idea here is to see if it's the P:R: concurrent/block mode affecting your sdmax isolation method or not.

If all serial comms on the P:R: do this then is the sdmax with that method is at issue, if it's the wimodem then the wimodem port may have something tied to a pin it shouldn't....


hard to figure much else out without said items in hand to look over and see what's going on.

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I managed, while playing with the options in my sdrive-max, to rotate the screen and mess up the calibration. Two for one.. so that on boot the screen wont respond to any touch :(


how do I reset the sdrive max back to the caibration screen please?


did i see somewhere there is a .cfg file?


thanks all! :)





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23 minutes ago, iainjh said:



I managed, while playing with the options in my sdrive-max, to rotate the screen and mess up the calibration. Two for one.. so that on boot the screen wont respond to any touch :(


how do I reset the sdrive max back to the caibration screen please?


did i see somewhere there is a .cfg file?


thanks all! :)





Hold a stylus or finger on the screen while powering the SDM up. 

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1 hour ago, toddtmw said:

That looks really nice. If you export it to individual .stl files, I’d be happy to do a test print and provide feedback. 

I think I'm going to wait until I have my own 3D printer to test print this, I'd like to be the first one to see it in the flesh. I'm saving for a Prusa i3 kit. All donations gratefully received! LOL
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2 minutes ago, Mr Robot said:

I think I'm going to wait until I have my own 3D printer to test print this, I'd like to be the first one to see it in the flesh. I'm saving for a Prusa i3 kit. All donations gratefully received! LOL

What a tease. ?

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Sorry but discussions elsewhere in public and private have made me rethink what I was going to do with this design. I will be releasing it into the public domain but I don't see why I should rush to get it out so that it can be used by greedy people to make a profit from. They will get their money eventually but not until I've enjoyed my creation myself first. 


Thank you for the offer, I don't think anything I just said includes you but I'll wait until I'm ready to release it. In the mean time I can get on with designing a 1010, XF551 and 810 Models, they don't seem to be available online so I'll draw those from scratch. 


If you have any of that hardware, I'd appreciate measurements as the designs progress, I'd like them to be right but I don't have the real hardware to measure myself.


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47 minutes ago, Mr Robot said:

In the mean time I can get on with designing a 1010, XF551 and 810 Models

I think that the 810 model will probably end up being the coolest one of all.  :)

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1 hour ago, Mr Robot said:

Sorry but discussions elsewhere in public and private have made me rethink what I was going to do with this design. I will be releasing it into the public domain but I don't see why I should rush to get it out so that it can be used by greedy people to make a profit from. They will get their money eventually but not until I've enjoyed my creation myself first. 


Thank you for the offer, I don't think anything I just said includes you but I'll wait until I'm ready to release it. In the mean time I can get on with designing a 1010, XF551 and 810 Models, they don't seem to be available online so I'll draw those from scratch. 


If you have any of that hardware, I'd appreciate measurements as the designs progress, I'd like them to be right but I don't have the real hardware to measure myself.


Yep. I understand your point of view. Personally, I have released my designs freely on Thingiverse. Most designs (including mine) are published under the Creative Commons share and share alike license for non-commercial use.




I guess it's good that kbr didn't publish his cases with that license, because it's clear from the pictures posted above that your case is derivative of that (The base plate, especially), and you would be in violation of at lest two terms of the Creative Commons license above with your design.


I wish you luck on your future designs. I hope no one rips you off.



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hmm I thought some said to use that part of their design is some portion of dialog I have been privy to, so it's not quite the same thing... although looking through past catalogs of designs and cases it could be said almost everything is derivative if we really want to push things that far :)


Printing it before putting it out there is always a prudent move no matter how you slice it though...

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2 hours ago, toddtmw said:

Yep. I understand your point of view. Personally, I have released my designs freely on Thingiverse. Most designs (including mine) are published under the Creative Commons share and share alike license for non-commercial use.




I guess it's good that kbr didn't publish his cases with that license, because it's clear from the pictures posted above that your case is derivative of that (The base plate, especially), and you would be in violation of at lest two terms of the Creative Commons license above with your design.


I wish you luck on your future designs. I hope no one rips you off.



Sorry to disappoint you but it’s not a derivative work of any existing case, it’s all original work, I did use the same tongue and groove method, that’s not what derivative means! The 1050 model is a remake of a case on thingyverse though and as such it’s licensed NC so no one is allowed to sell it. Fat chance that clause isn’t going to get crapped on when I comply with the SA portion. 


When I’ve printed it, fixed any issues and am satisfied it’s correct, I’ll be releasing the STL for anyone who wants to use it. Sorry if that takes longer than you’d like. If you’d like to donate to my printer fund you can speed things up if you want it faster. 

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Can someone clarify this? If you power the SD-Max with external power source (5V USB or 9V DC) and you turn off your 8-bit, can you still use your SD-Max or does the unit become inoperable until you turn your 8-bit back on? Trying to confirm if my SD-Max's (both of them) are operating correctly as can be seen by my prior posts.

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If you power from an external source your SDM should stay on regardless of the state of your Atari, Pin 10 on your SIO plug should NOT be connected.


You should be able to choose files, change settings, etc. 


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Since this thread has become quite the informative support thread with great responses, I am continuing my questions here instead of new thread post.


I've sorted out a few things with my two SDrive's and ran into a few more issues.


So the chip on board with sub-board and 5V USB power stems from two issues. One is easily resolvable. The other is not.

1. I had a loose/bad connection (or split wire) at the SIO connector that I need to fix.

2. This set-up does not play well with my P:R:Connection no matter what I do or placement in chain.

    - With no P:R:Connection in the daisy chain, I am able to use the unit and all functionality.

    - Even works with the 130XE powered off.

3. I plan to look for an 850 in an attempt to get this working correctly, hoping for better compatibility


The socketed chip board with RX pin#2 bent up, diode on TX and 5V USB power appears to have a new issue

1. This unit was working perfect with/without P:R:Connection daisy chained

2. After some movement, the RX wire came lose and potentially shorted something out on board

3. The unit will boot to SDrive.atr, etc., but here is where the issues appear

    - I am geting SIO ERROR: 1 and SIO ERROR: 3 in the command window on the unit

    - The unit locks up once I turn off the 130XE


**Neither of these units have SIO #10 connected. Only 5V USB power.


Is there any documentation on the SIO error messages that are present on the command window? I searched the forum, Google and the SDrive support sites and found nothing referencing the error messages. I have to assume when the RX wire came lose and I attempted to boot several times, the wire might have shorted on one or more of the pins on the chip and caused damage to the UNO R3 board, but I would like to know how to decipher/decode these error messages.


A new UNO R3 board is only $8 (on sale right now) locally @ MicroCenter, so I am OK with purchasing another to replace this one if I can figure out these error messages point to an issue with the board.


EDIT: FOUND THE CODES, but need help deciphering (in red)...




  1 error going into idle state
  2 error getting enhanced power requirements
  3 error on initialization for SD
  4 error on initialization for MMC
  5 error setting block length to 512
  1 error reading master bootblock
  2 error reading partition bootblock
  3 filesystem not supported
  1 CMD changed to high during data reception
  2 timeout
  3 usart frame error
  4 usart data overrun
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I think the first issue in red referring to CMD is the SIO Command signal. After the command is received, I believe CMD should go low while the device responds to the issued command. So if the error occurs, CMD has gone high during the data transmittal period. So if that happens, it will generate an error.  Either the computer didn’t get the response(s) it expected after the CMD signal, or else it’s a spurious signal from the computer (e.g., something’s wrong with the OS or machine issuing the command).

However the second error “USART frame error” I think is more telling. The SIO data is passed in frames. I don’t recall for sure what “USART” means as such - I believe in this context is it’s “universal serial asynchronous receiver-transmitter”. So the frame error generally refers to a corrupted SIO data frame. Which usually indicates a bad connection or poor-quality cable or connector crimp. You might also have a bad/cold solder joint on the SIO port, a bad ground connection, whatever.


I don’t claim to be an SIO expert as such but that’s my take on it. Someone like @phaeron or @flashjazzcat who know SIO protocols inside out and upside down, as well as timing-critical I/O operation and programming, would know precisely what those errors indicate in the context of this discussion. 


* * * *

Having said that, I’m still curious about your P:R:Connection issues. I haven’t tested my SDrive-Max with the P:R:Connection on the chain in the last few days but I was using it that way last weekend without any obvious issues. I’ll have to check again this afternoon. 

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