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On 7/2/2020 at 3:52 PM, R.Cade said:

I grabbed the bag and looked again and I must have misplaced it. I'll be happy to pay you for another one+postage if you have one. Otherwise I'll have to wait a couple months for the slow boat.



If you still need the white (6pin) connector (NOT the white plug!), I can send it to you for free.

Just send me a pm with your postal adress...

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now that I have the special AVG SIO-cables (two selfmade ones and a much better looking one from Mr. Robot), I would like to try its function with some ATR images that do require RAM under the OS...


Looks like firmware 019 does not recognize the SIO cable nor support such ATR images that require RAM under the OS ?!?  (Or I am doing something wrong and/or must delete OSXEX first or whatever...)


Where can I find the firmware 020 (no matter if alpha, beta, etc.) and do some beta-testing...? I also have a few .CAS files here, but prefer the much faster CSIM versions running from disk/ATR (afaik, no turbo tape can reach 19,200 Baud). But I am not using any ATX images...


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5 hours ago, CharlieChaplin said:


If you still need the white (6pin) connector (NOT the white plug!), I can send it to you for free.

Just send me a pm with your postal adress...

Thank you for the offer- Mcclane already sent one my way.


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19 hours ago, CharlieChaplin said:



now that I have the special AVG SIO-cables (two selfmade ones and a much better looking one from Mr. Robot), I would like to try its function with some ATR images that do require RAM under the OS...


Looks like firmware 019 does not recognize the SIO cable nor support such ATR images that require RAM under the OS ?!?  (Or I am doing something wrong and/or must delete OSXEX first or whatever...)


Where can I find the firmware 020 (no matter if alpha, beta, etc.) and do some beta-testing...? I also have a few .CAS files here, but prefer the much faster CSIM versions running from disk/ATR (afaik, no turbo tape can reach 19,200 Baud). But I am not using any ATX images...


i've sent you an invitation yesterday, you need to accept it

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2 hours ago, tmp said:

i've sent you an invitation yesterday, you need to accept it


I would, if I could see it... where is this invitation stored ?

(Could not find it in the AA messenger, could not find it in my E-Mails...)


EDIT: A minute after I wrote this an E-Mail turned up...  ;-)

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I am probably doing something wrong, but I fired up the AVG primarily to use as a DT80 cart for my ATR8000.  It appears that the DT80, which is a 4k cart, is not supported.  The AVG reports "cart type not supported".  Am I dumb or is this a fact?





Edited by Jeffrey Worley
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one should use car files instead of bin/rom since they contain cart type in the header (in this case it's a kind of a bug since apparently the smallest rom i had was 8kb so there's no type forcing for 4kb/2kb files, i'll fix that)


try using attached car, if that doesn't work, i'll look into that



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1 hour ago, tmp said:

one should use car files instead of bin/rom since they contain cart type in the header (in this case it's a kind of a bug since apparently the smallest rom i had was 8kb so there's no type forcing for 4kb/2kb files, i'll fix that)


try using attached car, if that doesn't work, i'll look into that


DT80.car 4.02 kB · 2 downloads

THANK YOU!  What did you do?  I renamed the original file to .car and it did not work.  This one does.  Did you edit it somehow?  Thank you!!!!!!!


I am getting my CP/M disks sometime very soon and this will make it a heck of a lot more pleasant to use.  I once had the original cart, but that is long gone.





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A car file is a bin file with a 16 byte header on it that describes the type of cart layout the cart uses. It’s how emulators and multicarts know how to load them. You can save a bin to a car in altirra or atari800 


here is the list of cart types 



Converting CAR back to BIN is just a matter of chopping off the first 16 bytes. Altirra and atari800 can both do that too.


I have a database of every cart (I've ever found) and what cart type it should be. I use a couple of small python programs to convert back and forth depending on the type i need.


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thanks to @Xuel, you can now play PDM files directly from the cart browser without having to run side loader cart first and then pdm player for side


copy PDMPLAY from this zip into the root of your SD card and you should be able to directly run PDM files (you need firmware 0016 or higher)


(ESC to quit, SPACE/RETURN for settings)





Edited by tmp
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15 minutes ago, Mathy said:

Hello guys


Does that mean we can obtain higher bitrates/better sound quality?  And which output media do we select?






As tmp said, this plays the same files as FJC's PDM Player. You can generate them here:




The bitrate is pretty much maxed out already. It is limited by the PDM playback method. It's 44KHz for mono and 22KHz for stereo.


The AVGCart Player can use three different playback methods: PDM (8-bit), Covox (8-bit), and PCM (4-bit). Covox is probably the clearest if you have that extension in your machine. PDM should be better than PCM but I included PCM just for comparison.

Currently .pdm files have no way other than file name to identify mono vs. stereo. I think it would be nice to develop a standard header for these files to include this info in the file itself. This could also contain other metadata like Artist and Title. I'll make a proposal later.


You can play a stereo .pdm back as mono or vice versa but ideally you'd play back with the same number of channels as used during encoding with FujiConvert.

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Hello Xuel,


does your PDM player a) playback the PDM files directly (in a "fire and forget" style) or does it b) first copy them to an unused portion of the SD-card (contiguously, without DIR, direct sector access, ...) and then play them back from there ? If I had to choose, I would prefer the direct play (fire and forget) method similar to the 50fps / 60fps videoplayer... the other method means more wear and tear for the SD-card. 


(For example, if I play a PDM song ten times, then it gets copied ten times and errrrm, if I playback all of my approx. 550 converted PDM sounds several times, then they get copied several thousand times and that wears out the SD-card. faster.)


Note: I have not used/tested your new player yet, will do tomorrow...  ;-)



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4 minutes ago, tmp said:

yes, i forgot, it uses the same mechanism as avf player so files need to be contiguous on the card

So, if you defragment the .pdm files or write them continuously to start, then they'll be ready-to-play for as many playbacks as you want from then on, right?

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sure, there's no writing whatsoever


the limitation of files not being fragmented comes from playing phaeron's videos, due to transfer speed needed, it was quite futile to try to handle fat cluster chains


on the other hand, some time ago i tried to create a fragmented file and had quite a hard time (simply copying files, deleting some and then copying again wasn't working, i had to fill the card to the max, then delete some files and put some larger file in the remaining space), either fs drivers are intelligent these days and try to allocate single chain or i was extremely lucky



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Well that works lovely!


@Xuel I have to hit return/space twice to get the interface to open (1088xel, not tried on any thing else). Is there a way to pass params at launch or some way to set defaults?  I'd like stereo to be on by default, that's how I converted all the files I've done.


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9 minutes ago, Mr Robot said:

Well that works lovely!


@Xuel I have to hit return/space twice to get the interface to open (1088xel, not tried on any thing else). Is there a way to pass params at launch or some way to set defaults?  I'd like stereo to be on by default, that's how I converted all the files I've done.


I'll see if I can debug the double return/space issue. Can you walk me through the exact sequence of keypresses that you did starting from the AVGCart menu?


Yeah, tmp and I discussed the possibility of storing defaults somewhere. For now, I'll post different versions of the player with different defaults.

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