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23 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

I think he means the AVG could be in the right slot and an r time 8 in the left slot

Just the reverse:


AVG on its nominal LEFT-port, and R-Time/8 on the RIGHT-port (which DOES NOT use $8000-$BFFF space, in any port, only $D5B8-$D5BF are needed, which is CCTL area, and away from SDX CCTL banking-control).


This, combined with (for instance) AXLON 512KB plug-and-play expansion on the 800, gives you a fully-functional [SDX-compatible + HD/IDE] machine, with essentially no internal HW modifications of any kind.


I am just missing the R-Time/8 cart here (for my reference 040 CTIA 800)... ??

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the rtime can work in either, the AVG could still be in the right cart slot if it were updated so we can still use all those carts and have real time as well, it would be very helfpul to time stamp software a number of right slot carts are productivity oriented, the monkey wrenches etc etc...

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2 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

the rtime can work in either, the AVG could still be in the right cart slot if it were updated

Correct, and correct... 


And for those trying to catch-up with the thread in a nano-second, the latter is the main, core point of the last 10+posts: having the ability to plug AVG on either left or right ports, and (when in right port) directly boot right-cart images, transparently, plus having hard-drive/IDE registers still accessible there.


That would be f-awesome, and no other cart (that I know of) today can do that.

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3 hours ago, Faicuai said:

Correct, and correct... 


And for those trying to catch-up with the thread in a nano-second, the latter is the main, core point of the last 10+posts: having the ability to plug AVG on either left or right ports, and (when in right port) directly boot right-cart images, transparently, plus having hard-drive/IDE registers still accessible there.


That would be f-awesome, and no other cart (that I know of) today can do that.

Ha, would the lid of the 800 close with the R-Time 8 cart in with a cart on top?

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30 minutes ago, leech said:

Ha, would the lid of the 800 close with the R-Time 8 cart in with a cart on top?

Don't think so, for easy to imagine reasons...?


But, on the other hand, consider the user interface and control of AVG (and Ultimate/SD, SiDE, etc.). Since there is no "reset" or "power-off" signal / trace on the cart-port, we need to actuate a dedicated "reset" button on the cart itself, for which there is no point closing the lid, while cart is in use.


What we don't want, however, is "towering" carts protruding (vertically) out of any cart port. That would be better suited for a horizontal back-port configuration (or, worst-case, on left-flank, like 1200/1400XL). 

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2 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

heh, the tower of power three high by two wide in one of my posts... a thing of beauty and terror! :)

Nothing beats the Sega Tower of Power.  Unless someone can figure out a 8bit to 2600 or 5200 adapter, a CD drive expansion, and maybe 7800 graphics upgrade... all external of course!

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This is AVGCART specific version of game FloB patched to allow saving progress to SD card. For use with any other cart/emulator, get official version at




You need AVGCART FW DD21 or newer (DD21 is included).


Thanks to bocianu for the lovely game, Xuio, ndary and Philsan for testing.


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Does this new firmware and Flob patch mean that other titles that supported saving on Atarimax carts might be getting avg specific versions in the future?


I don't know of any off the top of my head but I do know there are some :)


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flob was easy to patch since there's source code available so you can just rip the original flash chip related stuff and replace it with custom code, those binary only games (space harrier and pac-man are usually mentioned) are probably tougher, if there's someone who likes a challenge and would want to take a look at them, you know where to find me ;-)

(i tried playing space harrier last night just to check how it saves things, i found out what i'm not a fan of this kind of games and couldn't even beat the lowest score in the high score table so yea, that probably excludes me from the list)

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Hi folks, little question that is indirectly about the AVG..


When I use PDMPLAY it suddenly has defaulted to Covox which isn't a bit of hardware I own, so it plays in silence unless I hit Return and change it to PDM, bot the PDM files I have do the same but this is a weird thing that has just started to do this.





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Ack, its still doing it.....Pressing return still gives me a choice between 3 replay method but its still defaulting to COVOX. Did the rename etc twice incase I'd chosen the wrong XEX. Not the end of the world but it did play the pdm without all this before..


Will try a few more PDM as my SD became corrupted (huge files that were way bigger than a ATR. (2gig plus). I reformatted the SD and put some files back but it was doing it before then and still after.


Its just an XL with Ultimate 1mb, AVG and Sophia 2...


Tried some fresh pdm files from AA and still the same..I wonder why / how the player thinks I have a covox even though I'm using the mono pdm version??

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player should be just using defaults that are compiled into xex file, if you're getting a different default, the most plausible explanation is that incorrect binary is on SD card (file PDMPLAY in SD card root)

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