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"AgaCart" my version of the Atari Lynx SD cartridge


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On 6/28/2019 at 3:24 PM, rj1307 said:

Cartridges are available on a regular basis, I will update the list as soon as I can edit the first post. Expect a message from me. :)




Can you explain a bit more about how the preset feature works? It isn't explained really how to do this in the current manual and I thought I had figured this out until last night when making video about the Agacart and it wouldn't behave for me. Here is what I thought the process for this was:


- Switch to Agacart startup mode 1 first...This is the mode where the lynx loads up the last game that was played automatically instead of making you choose a game.

- Once your game starts...press the buttons on the back to switch to another game rom bank. Numbers will blink out after a sec or two and in the case of my lynx, it will lock up the current game that was loaded and playing. Power cycle off/on the lynx and the game I selected prior will then load up.

- Power the lynx back off and hold down the right button until you get the "ants" indicators as I call them. Number of the last currently selected preset will be shown. Change to the number you want to store the game (You just previously auto loaded) and then press the Left button to begin the "P"rogramming mode. 

- Lynx will then reset and ....this is where it gets weird...

Usually it will go into program mode and load up the game I expected to see. When that happens then I know the preset has likely taken effect. But it will sometimes load up the game that was previously in that preset instead. This is the problem I was having last night. I could never get the preset to take the game that had been last loaded and it kept loading up ABP instead everytime. (For the record each preset appears to be preloaded with ABP when you get the cart). 


I have seen the above always happen if I have the lynx in startup mode 2 (Default mode). And that makes sense because the lynx doesn't really have a game loaded up to run from for that preset to lock onto to load into the preset bank. But yeah I'm not able to get this to work reliably and was hoping I'm just doing something wrong because in the current manual, the mode is mentioned but the specifics on actually getting the games saved to the preset vs loaded from the presets isn't made that clear.


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I will try to explain it, but my English is poor and I use the translator;)

Regardless of whether the cartridge works in mode 1 or 2, the number of the selected game is stored in the eeprom memory cell. The number of this cell can be selected in the "quick start" mode, in the range 1-9. Writing to this cell occurs when you select the game and the display goes off.

In the cartridges that I send to you, all 9 memory cells have the number 1 game written, i.e. APB, and memory number 1 is selected.

For example, I often play three games: Rigar, Xenophobe, Shanghai and I like to watch the BadApple demo. So I write it in this way, regardless of the work mode (1 or 2): press the right button, wait until the "ants" pass and the number of the currently selected memory cell will be shown. I switch it to the right number number 2 and press the left button. The game is loaded and memorized in this memory cell. As it is read, I change the game to number 52 (Rygar) and wait for the console to turn off. From now on, game number 52 is stored in cell 2.
I repeat this operation for the rest of the selected games and demos, i.e. in cell 3 I am writing game number 69 (Xenophobe), under cell 4 I am writing game number 56 (Shanghai) and in cell 4 I will remember demo number 131 (BadApple).


Now, when I want to play Xenophobe, I turn on the console with the right button pressed, select memory number 3 and press the left button. The game will be loaded.


Explanations require operation in mode 2, when the cartridge should wait for the game to be selected and then load it. Well, the entry to "quick start" causes one-off switching from mode 2 to 1, after turning off the console will return to mode 2.

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