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Decathlon. . . tips and tricks?


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Hello everyone, I have been away from the forums for a while, just getting back on. I started playing Decathlon again, and I have a few questions that have been eating away at my brain.


1. What controllers are the best for this game? - I use an Epyx XJ500? ( the label is LONG gone), its the only working controller I have had for the past 10 years, and I love it.


2. For the running events (non 1500), does the bar go to the end? I'm pretty sure it doesn't but, I'm only asking this becuase I can't go any faster than 10.11 in the 100m. . . no matter what I do I get a 10.11 every time, and I can't move the stick any faster. It may be the joystick has reached its limit, but I see much faster times in the record book


3. Is there a special technique used in the Pole Vault to get higher clearances? When I was growing up, I used to always excell at this event, I used to get ridiculous scores in respect to the other events. My brothers and I want to believe that we did something that made the guy sort of "push" off the bar at the top of his vault. It is quite possible that we are crazy, and are just adding to Atari legend, but what used to be my best event has through the years become my worst. Once again, we never used an Epyx controler back then (didn't get this until our Commodore came), so it may have to do with the controller.


4. Is this one of the best games, or what? - No matter how many times I play it, or how identical my scores have become. . . I can't get enough of this game!!! It is one of the best games to play multiplayer, and it is a true classic!!!


Thaks for any input, and good luck with all your gaming!!!

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I tried the Track N Field controller on Decathlon and didn't care for it. I can't get the hang of the three buttons, especially on the 400 m Hurdles.


Personally, I had the most success with the original CX-40 Atari joystick.


The Tac-2 is pretty comfortable too, it works very well.


There is a technique to get the energy bar to the very end but I was never able to do it myself (exception 1500m)


There is also a trick on the Pole Vault to make the athlete fly way over the bar :)



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Thanks for the input. I would like to get some different controllers to try, but I don't want to get too many. The Track & Field controller is cool regardless, so I don't mind that. I just don't want a bunch of junkie controllers laying around. My room is bad enough as it is. I'm working on getting a few original controllers, and I'll check out the other one you mentioned. I've been using the Epyx for years (broke the sticks on two), and I absolutely love it. However, not everyone that plays my system does. If you aren't used to it, the Epyx is real tough to get used to. My older brother actually has one for the NES. I never understood why they would have made it for that system, but its cool looking. . . virtually useless for that system though.


BTW. . . if the pole vault technique is illegal. . . I'd rather not know. I knew there was something though, as long as I have confirmation. . . I'm happy.

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Just wondering, anyone figure out a nice solid way to hold, or keep the Track & Field controller held down? I love to use it, but I just can't figure out a good way to keep it secure while I pound away, it wants to slide around and bounce. I want to use some velcro, but I don't want to mess up my coffee table.

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Yes the energy bar does go all the way to the end I have done this on every event but it is very hard to keep it there as Ron can testify. To give you an example to gauge how well you are and not only at speed but the button responce on the LONG JUMP when you make the bar go all the way to the end and when you make your jump at the jump line . That very line you jump at when you have max red bar the jump line will go off the screen my best is 11.65 if you go to my site at http://www.beatthechamp.com then go to "high scores" and "atari 2600" you will see every event on Decathlon plus the point values as I attained them. I also use a technique I call "The Spock Technique" I put the Joystick between my 4 fingers and move rapidly my responce time is quicker . I hope this can help in your quest to make great Decathlon scores.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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1. What controllers are the best for this game?


An old Electronic Games suggested a joytick that had a half-speed feature. It looked just like the Channel F controls with a extra button that would slow you down by jugglig the switch rapidly back and forth. This supposedly resulted in much improved scores.

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Ive never used that controller before I use the traditional Atari Joystick . So that it makes the level of game play fair . I can just imagine if I used an enhanced control what other players would say about my scores then .



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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That's unbelievable!!!! I've been using your so called "Spock technique" for years!!!! I found that it worked unbelievably well on Track & Field for the Commodore, and just continued using it for Atari's Decathlon. I guess I just have to keep practicing. Maybe one day I'll get out to one of these conventions to meet all you guys, and see you in action!!!

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I tried the Track N Field controller on Decathlon and didn't care for it.


My secret weapon was the Starplex button controller...


As far as holding it, I'd wedge it between my knees, use my first and third fingers on the LR buttons (but switch to first and second occasionally during the 1500m), and have my right hand free for the jump button. I was unbeatable. :-) (But then again, I wasn't competing against Mr Spock, so who knows ;-).

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Well, I played Decathlon again last night. Finally broke 10.11 in the 100m, but was completely worn out afterwards. I have to take a few days off of from this game, concentrate on less vigorous games while I recouperate(sp?). Anyway, I also tried the PV technique, and it appears that my cartiridge has that bug fixed (if that is possible.) It isn't the same cartridge we used growing up, and I have been able to do it on my emulator. I'm actualy very pleased about this. . . it takes away the temptation.

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Anyway, I also tried the PV technique, and it appears that my cartiridge has that bug fixed (if that is possible.) It isn't the same cartridge we used growing up, and I have been able to do it on my emulator. I'm actualy very pleased about this. . . it takes away the temptation.


Given that the PV cheat is even present on the Activision Anthology for PS2 version, this is very unlikely.

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An old Electronic Games suggested a joytick that had a half-speed feature. It looked just like the Channel F controls with a extra button that would slow you down by jugglig the switch rapidly back and forth. This supposedly resulted in much improved scores.


I have that stick you are referring to, part of my Oddball Joystick collection. I also have a few other button controllers that would probably work, like the Starplex, BC Blaster, and the KY Fingertip controller.


You can check them out at my site. :D 8)


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On your site, you have a pic of an Epyx 500XJ. What is the little switch on the joystick, right below the stick do? My Epyx does not have this feature, and was wondering if the one you featured is an older, or newer version.


I'll double check tonight, but I think it was rapid fire. That model also has two fire buttons, I think they made some with only one fire button as well.

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