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4Ttude a 3D Tic-Tac-Toe homebrew with Comlynx support


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4Ttude is my personal entry for the Atari Lynx 30th Birthday Programming competition.


At the end of July the core of Nutmeg (the other entry of mine, made with Retroguru team) was almost completed and all the technical problems solved, so decided to go with a personal work, but with only a month for doing it had to find something simple. The only option was to make an advanced version of the barebone tic tac toe POC I did to test my comlynx lib.


The core engine is taken from open source code on github, but since the original code uses the terminal as output, it wasn't a trivial task to make it something playable on the Lynx.


My first version of the game was reaaly basic in terms of GFX and Musics. Thanks to the work of @marss 4Tude during the last day had a very nice new dressing (GFX rework is not finished at the moment) and in the future I'll try do the same for the musics if I find a help.



0.png.65e23f29c8e30e0c43267bfcbfbec54b.png                2.png.b6953990df49d25b880b5f63d306f05a.png



The game is a classic 3D tic tac toe played on a cube of 4x4x4 spaces, displayed as 4 layers of a 4x4 grid. To help the players, on the right side there are alternate views of the same cube and of its four diagonals. I think that these alternate views are an innovation respect to a lot of other versions of this game you can find online. The player can remove this alternate views from the board with the game options or pressing Opt1 during game. The last move is displayed with a yellow border and also this mark can be hidden from the options or with Opt1.



1.png.a1486d225c4dd352eeb64f895f33c330.png            3.png.4b9890105ed56b28eac621b9f55e164c.png


To learn the game it's possible to play against the CPU selecting a difficulty level from 0 to 10. The CPU is very strong, so to master this game the player has to spend some time learning. If you beat the CPU yor rank rises and the records of yor last ranks is mantained in the game internal save state (only if played with a cart with an EEPROM chip, on a HQ SD cart, or on an emulator with EEPROM emulation).




You can also play unranked games that don't change your rank. Think at them as Training Matches. During an unranked game versus the CPU you can use some training tools pressing B: you can undo your last move (only if the game is not over) or ask an hint to the CPU (the CPU will give a hint according to it's difficulty level, at level 0 it will be a random move ? )




When you'll be good enough at this game you can play with other players. There are 2 multiplayers mode: turn based on the same console or with two Lynx connected with a comlynx cable.


5.png.ba0987ec0bfebac35174fe844cb45374.png            7.png.974c700a65e58fc75f09350f9dc68ae6.png



Thats all, if you like board games this little work will give you a lot of hours of fun.


You can find attached to this post the game instructions (sorry for the typos and the bad english, maybe someone can help me checking the file, I'm busy tuning the new game GFX).


Here are the game controls:


DIRECTIONS KEYS: Navigate menus or move on the board
A KEY: select an option on the menus or place you move during the game
B KEY: access training tools during an unranked game
PAUSE: pause / unpause the game
OPT1: rotate board visualization options (only during a game)
OPT2: rotate musics (during game) and mute unmute it
PAUSE+OPT1: Back to game menu
PAUSE+OPT2: Rotate the screen
OPT1+OPT2: clears the internal EEPROM (only when the game is paused)




Edited by Nop90
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41 minutes ago, Turbo Laser Lynx said:

I think it's notable that it's the first comlynx game in a very long time, cheers! ?

It's the first released, but not the first coded by me.


Stay tuned for something new before the end of this year. Can't say more for the moment. Sorry ?

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  • 4 months later...

Today I'm releasing an update of 4ttude that introduces a slower increase of the game difficulty with CPU strength raise and some random error of the CPU (or better, 50% of times the CPU doesn't select the best move of it's level, but the best move of the previous level, that is not strictly a bad move).


This way, a player that knows how to setup an atari can reach level 4 without too much difficulty. The game remains very hard, but with this setup the player can learn to develop a game strategy fighting a cpu that is not too much strong but doesn't make only silly moves.


I'm coolaborating with @marss to improve the gfx and to add other speech samples. The idea is to release the improved game on a phisical cart with the OCEO brand, and possibly coupled with the final version (with comlynx support) of Lawnmower.


Feedbacks for a better tuning of the 4ttude CPU AI are welcome, so please try the new build and let me know.


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Another update after only 6 hours.


This time I added a nice splash screen with a lot of colors  (as anticipatd here) that had to remove in the previous build because wasn't working as expected. I found the solution to fix it just an hour after releasing v1.1 so I added it again just to show the world how much the lynx is better than other handheld of its time.








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  • 3 years later...

ZeroPage Homebrew is playing 4Ttude on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us!




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  • 5 weeks later...

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