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Star Vagrant ATARI XL/XE game


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there still time to pre-order? I got so busy with the holidays coming I forgot to send payment before, I still have my original pre-order email from you, ready to pay through it if I still can. I saw your post above from Dec. 11th saying there might still be time to get in on it for this current printing, but now that is 10 days old, but yesterday you posted that there has been further delay so maybe I'm not too late yet? I thought I better ask before paying if a copy will be available/sent if I pay today.

Edited by Gunstar
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if anyone knows how to translate this game into cartridge. I would appreciate help.

Unfortunately I have no idea if this is possible. Game is written in MAD-Pascal and consumes a lot of space in memory. It utilize address space reserved for atari cartridges. All IO is done by xbios but that part could be replaced to copy data from cart banks.

Anyway I am not that skilled to do it myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to compliment you on how you have handled this process. I purchased a digital-only copy (no room for more boxes). 


Without any requests, you have sent out a notification of each new version for me to download. I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but it looks interesting. 

I wanted to support someone who was offering digital downloads at a reasonable price. 

Bob C

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Store error (probably because I am on a train) submitting the form. Tried again, and it stated request was already stored. This was for a digital only edition. 


Is digital being run as limited/preorders? 


From other posts in thread I was expecting to see a PayPal workflow. Is this an email workflow instead?



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Digital should be available all the time. The page prevents from submitting the same order more then once. Clear cache or reopen a page to get it reset.

In a result you will receive an 1st email that order is submitted. That email will contain paypal link. Later you would receive 2nd email with a link to digital copy.

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Very nice mood set by the game. Calming. 


However, I can't get it to save in game to my Sdrive-Max.  I don't have any other storage device to test...  I'm seriously new to Atari, and Atari disk usage.   The game responds after a long while with a "save-error" and eventually resumes the save menu and music. 



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Received my copy today. Very nice package, poster and stuff!


I was so evil to open the package (collector's value therefore dropped to only 10%) and found a 5,25" disk with the english version 1.1 (DD/180k), a tape that's actually a USB-stick (with PL/EN/DE versions 1.2, PDF manuals, graphics and musics), a printed map and a printed english manual. Since the diskette was only single-sided (only contained data on diskside A), I was so evil to make a backup copy onto diskside B (and notched the disk, collectors will hate me for doing this)... ;-)


Luckily, I already got an E-Mail with a link for the update version 1.3 and downloaded it today. While archivers (and the Alan Parsons Project, errmm, the Atari Preservation Project) will surely keep all versions, I think I will copy Version 1.3 ED onto the 5,25" disk (= english 130k version without intro; collectors will hate me once more for doing this and collector's value will therefore drop to 0% or completely worthless)...   ;-)


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I do not own SDrive-Max (only 2x SIO2SD, 2x SIO2SD/PC-micro, 2x SIO2PC and 2x SIO2USB, think that's enough), but maybe it is possible to lower the speed (pokey divisor) there ?!?


With SIO2SD some programs do not load or save when it is set to the highest speed (e.g. pokey divisor 1 or zero), so I did set it to pokey divisor 06 afair. With copy-protected programs (ATX) I would not be surprised if some will only load with lowest speed or 19,200 Baud. Star Vagrant is NOT copy-protected, but maybe the loading/saving speed is also an important factor there ?!? Again, I do not own SDrive-Max and do not know if it is possible to change the speed setting there... just a thought...


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