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Star Vagrant ATARI XL/XE game


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just started playing Star Vagrant (130k ED, Version 1.4) for a short while...


1) Bought 10x Stims at Port Alistair for approx. 41 UEC

2) Made JTL to Area 64

3) Sold 10x Stims for approx. 69 UEC

4) Made JTL back to Port Alistair


When I went to the trade console again, it showed these "not-so-nice" prices:

- Stims 27331 UEC

- Titanium 27472 UEC

Since all other prices seemed moderate to me (between 1-170 UEC), I wonder if this is normal ?

(These high prices look more like prices for spaceships...)


Tested via Atari 800 Win Plus, XL/XE PAL, XL-OS Rev. 2, 1088k RAM, Basic off, 100% speed. Will test on the real A8 (800XL, PAL, XL-OS Rev. 2, 576k RAM, Basic off) with Speedy 1050 drive soon...



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3 hours ago, MADRAFi said:

Sdriver MAX firmware have a lot of issues. Unfortunately I cannot make game compatibile with all devices.

Maybe future releases of sdrive firmware will behave correctly.


You can then at least document compatibility and incompatibilities that are known.



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3 hours ago, CharlieChaplin said:


I do not own SDrive-Max (only 2x SIO2SD, 2x SIO2SD/PC-micro, 2x SIO2PC and 2x SIO2USB, think that's enough), but maybe it is possible to lower the speed (pokey divisor) there ?!?


With SIO2SD some programs do not load or save when it is set to the highest speed (e.g. pokey divisor 1 or zero), so I did set it to pokey divisor 06 afair. With copy-protected programs (ATX) I would not be surprised if some will only load with lowest speed or 19,200 Baud. Star Vagrant is NOT copy-protected, but maybe the loading/saving speed is also an important factor there ?!? Again, I do not own SDrive-Max and do not know if it is possible to change the speed setting there... just a thought...



Well from @MADRAFi

response, I cannot tell if he programmed to interfaces that he knew were not supported by this device, or just also doesn't have the equipment to test against. 

I don't know anything about atari programming standards. So if I hear that @MADRAFi didn't do anything knowingly to exclude SDrive-Max device. 


I'll spend my time experimenting with settings and report back if I find anything successful. But I'd also like to know if this is known to be a waste of time.



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17 minutes ago, jedimatt42 said:


You can then at least document compatibility and incompatibilities that are known.




Well, I guess Madrafi simply does NOT own an SDrive-Max (just like me) and therefore did not know that his program does not work there. (On the other hand, several other hardware and software issues of SDrive-Max were reported here at AA forum and that's what he refered to.)




Tested Star Vagrant on my real A8 shortly. The above mentioned bug did not show up, therefore I encountered another thing...


When at the trade console, I wanted to sell cargo. I had 10 Stims as cargo and listed selling price was 74, thus 10 x 74 UEC would be 740 UEC, but the program wanted to give me 760 UEC instead. This calculation error (?) happened several times (but I only took a photo once). It's nice that the program wants to give me more money, but I still guess this is not normal - or is it ?!? Find the photo attached...



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Thanks for all the reports. It’s definitely a bug. Will try to fix it asap.


AS for SDrive max, I am using XBIOS to all IO operations. This is not my library so I cannot comment on how it handles different equipment.

If I find a solution for the sdrive max I will include it. The same way I have fixed the slow floppy devices which were hanging during IO operations.


Edited by MADRAFi
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Thanks to the bug mentioned in post #77, I made several hundred thousand of UEC fast (selling Stims at 37,863 UEC each); bought a new ship with room for 46 cargo (Raider) and made millions of UEC fast, then bought a new ship with room for 624 cargo (Hercules), sold more Stims and have more than a billion of UEC now.


What's the goal of the game ? Get the largest cargo ship - I know I don't have that. Get rich and become the king of the transportation company. How many billions, drillions or zillions of UEC do I need to become the king ? As said before, I already have a billion UEC... ;-)


Alas, I could not find a better/larger ship than the Hercules, allthough I have visited all planets (and outposts, simply everything visible on the map) at least twice. The ships appearance was approx. this: C-35 Osprey 3 or 4 times, Raider 3 or 4 times, Commando zero times/never, Antarex Max zero times/never, Dreamlifter 1x, Cargo Hull C1 1x, Griffin zero times/never, Hercules 2x, Starlifter zero times/never, Spartan never, Merchant never, Cargo Hull C2 never. Maybe I have to visit the planets dozens or hundreds of times for different ships to appear ? Maybe I need more than a billion of UEC ? But maybe (and most likely) this is also due to the bug of post #77, which has been fixed now ?!?


The UEC on the attached picture reads: 1,270,415,344 UEC (1 billion, 270 million, etc.) - when I finish the game I want that amount of money in Euro, please ?



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If a ship is available in location you are visiting you will see it immediately :)

Different ships are available in different locations. I do not want to spoil discovery how game works.

Have you visited all 24 location in game?


I am thinking about ship prices modification. In my opinion it is to easy to buy large ship to fast. Please let me know what do you think about it.



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As said before, I visited all locations that are visible on the map (not sure at the moment, if these are 24 locations, since I do not have the map at the PC). But I played with version 1.4 and the bug mentioned in post #77. If there are no hidden locations (i.e. not visible on the map or made visible only after a certain event or after a certain amount of money, etc.), then I really visited all locations... I can send you my save file tomorrow, if that helps.


If the counting/calculation bug is fixed with version 1.5 then it takes much longer to be able to buy a better/larger ship I think. Will test version 1.5 tomorrow, tonight it is already too late and my wife already went to bed (and the Atari room is next to the bedroom, so no more Atari after wife went to bed)...  ;-)


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Yes, I used that map, while playing - so I really visited all locations, but only found spaceships Osprey, Raider, Hercules, Dreamlifter and Cargo Hull C1 and no other spaceships... therefore I found some of the mentioned spaceships (Osprey, Raider, Hercules) several times...


(Besides, there is/was at least one more path available not shown in the map, at least in the game I was playing, there was a path from Cyber Tech to Sakigake.)


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1 hour ago, CharlieChaplin said:

Yes, I used that map, while playing - so I really visited all locations, but only found spaceships Osprey, Raider, Hercules, Dreamlifter and Cargo Hull C1 and no other spaceships... therefore I found some of the mentioned spaceships (Osprey, Raider, Hercules) several times...


(Besides, there is/was at least one more path available not shown in the map, at least in the game I was playing, there was a path from Cyber Tech to Sakigake.)



Stupid me!

There are ports with several spaceships available, to see more than one ship you have to cycle between them by using the left + right arrow keys. Allthough I did read the manual, I forgot about that, sorry for the confusion! This was just my stupidity. Will playtest the new version 1.5+ tomorrow then...  (Maybe I can copy my gamesave with over a billion UEC onto the new version and buy all the larger ships then and finish the game fast ? Of course I will also start again and test the new update right from the beginning...)


Thanks a lot Madrafi for the really fast bugfixes and updates!


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9 hours ago, MADRAFi said:

Please download it again and make sure you use new downloaded atr.

I have just downloaded the update and it works fine. It's version 1.5.

There is only 1 update file available on the webpage.

The problem is with Firefox. It always loaded the file from the cache.

Thanks for your help.

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4 hours ago, MADRAFi said:

Well it does. It just missing intro :)

Has anyone tried saving a game on the double density disk using an Sdrive Max?


I do not know if has been proven not to work or if that is the assumption. I know the Sdrive Max can load the double density disk, but I haven’t saved a game yet. 

If I need to use the Enhanced Density disk, that is a good solution as well. 

Bob C

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30 minutes ago, MADRAFi said:

I have been testing and this is identified as an known issue. SDRIVE-MAX currently have an issue with xbios and DD disks (256b sectors).

Enhanced disk is confirmed to be working fine on SDRIVE-MAX.

Ok, that is good to know. I will use the ED disk version since I have seen the intro. 

Bob C

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