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Unicorns season: Prince of Persia for the A8!


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5 hours ago, rensoup said:


Fuck off.


You're an insult to the concept of work.


I am happy to discuss the arguments. I do not transfer insults and emotions to any forum. I never allow myself personal attacks. 


1 hour ago, rmzalbar said:

An emulator is illegal? A program that mimics the behavior of hardware without copying its design? Whaaat?

I will only write about my experience. The European company I worked for registered its private label solutions. Solutions for given product brands were registered to a different extent for all European countries or only for one. It was possible to register the way the product works in terms of hardware and software. It's just a loose concept. There is a certain scope for registering a patent so that other devices cannot imitate its (this particular device's) performance. The method of operation was described in the patent. Such registration is not simple, but possible. Theoretically, the issue of software emulation of computers could be illegal. It's just loose speculation.

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On 11/16/2022 at 5:17 PM, nowy80 said:

Please note that while offering empty cartridges, I also post videos on how to make such a cartridge yourself. For people who have time and skills, they can prepare such a product on their own. For other people who want, I am happy to prepare such empty cartridges.

Here's your problem. Once you "prepare" the cartridge, you are not selling empties anymore.


If you were really selling empty flash carts with a label and a box for 65 dollars, nobody would buy it.


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37 minutes ago, Stephen said:

I wonder if Ebay considers an "empty bag" of weed to be OK to sell?

Well, they sell Smell Proof Odor Proof Stash Containers. I wouldn't take my chances if I were to travel to Singapore ;)


And Weed Delivery Empty Gift Bags. I assume they will be "prepared" once they are delivered to the birthday boy :)

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2 hours ago, Stephen said:

Wow - what an array of different labels all for blank carts!  I wonder if Ebay considers an "empty bag" of weed to be OK to sell?

This reminds me of the kid who would repeatedly flail another kid's hand into their face while saying, "stop hitting yourself!" to them over and over and over.

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6 hours ago, rensoup said:


I'm not going to be lectured on ethics and good behaviour by someone pretending to be selling blank carts



Thank you for advertising, I received a lot of inquiries about cartridges. In the auction it is written exactly what is being sold and what is the scope of services provided. I really have no reason to sell games that are freely available on many sites. Of course, you can have your opinion on this subject if you express it in a civilized way. Regards.

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6 hours ago, nowy80 said:

Thank you for advertising

I am afraid people offering "services" like yours will eventually deprive the community of some new games or conversions that might have come about otherwise as programmers who put a lot of love and dedication in a work they give to the community for free might think twice about their altruism if they see others making a quick buck on it. Even if you thread on the safe side of copyright law and your business is entirely legal (or at least tolerated or more likely ignored by the copyright holders of PoP), not everything that is legal is decent as well to do and you might have averted much criticism had you asked the @rensoup for his opinion on this operation before proceeding with it. This would have been decent as you'd have less business without his effort.


We certainly have no right to ask you to go about your business in a decent way but don't expect to be treated decently if you don't.


To set the record straight, a few posts above you posted something purporting to quote me which was actually exclusively a statement of your own. When asked politely to correct this and instructed how to go about it, you failed to correct your post or set the record straight in an appropriate way. This does not add credibility to your claims of sincerity and good will. 


I therefore state that the purported quote in the linked post is not something I ever posted here or elsewhere.

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He said multiple times that he doesn't sell AtariMax cartridges and he newer offered PoP. People offer AtariMax flash cartridges with games (they provide a list of games) on ebay for more.

I don't remember exactly where I saw it (maybe Facebook) but I think someone is already offering PoP package for sale in badly 3D printed white cartridge with crooked PCB inside. 

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4 hours ago, slx said:

I am afraid people offering "services" like yours will eventually deprive the community of some new games or conversions that might have come about otherwise as programmers who put a lot of love and dedication in a work they give to the community for free might think twice about their altruism if they see others making a quick buck on it. Even if you thread on the safe side of copyright law and your business is entirely legal (or at least tolerated or more likely ignored by the copyright holders of PoP), not everything that is legal is decent as well to do and you might have averted much criticism had you asked the @rensoup for his opinion on this operation before proceeding with it. This would have been decent as you'd have less business without his effort.


We certainly have no right to ask you to go about your business in a decent way but don't expect to be treated decently if you don't.


To set the record straight, a few posts above you posted something purporting to quote me which was actually exclusively a statement of your own. When asked politely to correct this and instructed how to go about it, you failed to correct your post or set the record straight in an appropriate way. This does not add credibility to your claims of sincerity and good will. 


I therefore state that the purported quote in the linked post is not something I ever posted here or elsewhere.

I have backup cartridges for older titles. If someone sees that there is a new title and does not want me to sell a cartridge for his title, please let me know. I will delete the auction on all portals. He will even prepare a free cartridge.
The community is very different, there are people who use such services. There is another side, people who have prepared cartridge housings or PCBs. I often buy components directly from the Creators of these solutions. With profits, I buy various types of devices for old computers and test them. I also write reviews for releases that, for example, support poor people from the "retro community".
SLX I don't care about being treated well. Just no aggression and epithets. I often disagree with many people, but I guess that's what the ofum is for, to exchange information or views in a decent way if possible.

PS. I corresponded with you about editing the post with the quote. I wrote the message wrong. I confirm that this is my text, not a quote.

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@nowy80 What you seem to disregard is, you are profiting from another persons work.  @rensoup made this out of the love of programming, love of the hobby and because he could. He did it for himself, for us to enjoy (for free) and out of passion.  You are stealing it, profiting off of someone else's labor of love and you see nothing wrong with that?  The only thing I see from you is excuses of how you think it's ok, how you think you are doing nothing wrong.   Everyone here is telling you why you are wrong and you don't care.  I see a scumbag, a thief.  If you can't see that, there is something wrong with your morals.   I hope your ebay store gets reported and taken down.  You sell stolen property.   Regards.

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6 minutes ago, DavidC said:

I read it.  Whats your point?  I saw no apology.   And why are you defending a thief? 


He doesn't have to apologize to rensoup, because he hasn't stollen anything from him. He stated this multiple times in this thread and there's no proof to think otherwise. 

He made only one copy for his own use and nobody knows if he made more. Anyone is allowed to make a cartridge version for personal use, based on files and informations in this and other threads. 

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21 minutes ago, ZuluGula said:

He doesn't have to apologize to rensoup, because he hasn't stollen anything from him. He stated this multiple times in this thread and there's no proof to think otherwise. 

He made only one copy for his own use and nobody knows if he made more. Anyone is allowed to make a cartridge version for personal use, based on files and informations in this and other threads. 

Your flawed logic is the same as his. I just stated my opinion and if I recall, I was not talking with you when I did.     If @rensoup tells me to shut up about it, I will respect his decision.    That's the thing...respect. 

Edited by DavidC
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12 hours ago, slx said:

I am afraid people offering "services" like yours will eventually deprive the community of some new games or conversions that might have come about otherwise as programmers who put a lot of love and dedication in a work they give to the community for free might think twice about their altruism if they see others making a quick buck on it.

That's right.


I'd certainly like to have a physical release but I'd like it to be nice collectible. 


Like I mentioned a while back, I'd like to have a custom shaped cart (which probably means a custom cut/designed PCB), a nice and small cardboard box (like those for phones) with the title pic slightly tweaked to look like those early 800 software.

There would have to be an agreement with JM (and potentially Ubisoft) and at least some free carts for those who contributed...


That's a lot of hassle.


So when some douche pops up HERE and offers outrageously priced "blank" carts packed in tacky VHS boxes, I get a tad annoyed.




Perhaps if people who have experience with 3D design software for the cart could chime in, that would be a start.

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5 hours ago, rensoup said:


You being a pathological liar, I'm sure you did. 


In any case, here's more help for your business:



Let the money respectfully rain on your baboon ass.



Could you justify your subsequent invectives? What do you think I stole from you? I'm just asking for arguments, not invectives like so far. If you insult me again, I will not post in this thread again. Just note that I didn't write any emotional sentence directly about you. 


A small example relevant to this situation:
My laptop's hard drive crashed. I gave it to the company that sold me a new hard drive. I paid for the service of installing my own software that I had.
A few questions:
Did the company sell me a hard drive with a software installation service? (she acted immorally) Did the company sell me software? Can I throw insults at this company now?

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"rensoup" one more important point. You are throwing criminal threats at me (at least in the country where I live). Please, tell me specifically, what did I steal from you that you allow yourself to behave in such an illegal manner in my opinion? Please answer a very specific question? What have I stolen from you?

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