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The review of A-Z of Atari ST Games Volume 3 book RetroLaird is trying to delete!

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1 hour ago, Swiss Tony said:


So this guy is either misremembering it, has knowledge of an unfinished commerical or homebrew project that was worked on when he was a young child, or is totally making stuff up. I assume the first due to the tweet to Mike Lamb!

It's a running gag in a way, the kieren sock puppet account (atarifan) is having a dig at Mike lamb. When you remember that one of the first things Kieren claimed to have written was Steve Davies 128k it all starts to make an odd sense.


My reply to him suggests that the form of speech added was that it made people talk about plagiarism.

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7 minutes ago, Welshworrier said:

It's a running gag in a way, the kieren sock puppet account (atarifan) is having a dig at Mike lamb. When you remember that one of the first things Kieren claimed to have written was Steve Davies 128k it all starts to make an odd sense.


My reply to him suggests that the form of speech added was that it made people talk about plagiarism.

I understand now. All I can say is... Wow.

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1 hour ago, Welshworrier said:

Well the other one worth checking would be https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AG4J27FG7KWJZ7U6BC2VNRKYATAA


Apart from 5* no buy ratings of the same suite of books on the same day, she might have some 'hobbies' - like in December and May 2019. Sounds much more like a real person though.

Haha love it!

Edited by Retrobob
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On 3/1/2020 at 3:37 PM, Landstalker said:

Revisionism rules.

Apparently Kieren "requested that he not be invited to any further UK events".
This is a nice spin on "being officially told by all organisers that he would not by welcome".
He does like to think he is the master of his ship, rather than the ships rat.

Not sure where this was written, but I, as the person in charge of the events organisation he claimed in his utter bullshit 'expose' to actually be the creator of, can confirm unreservedly that I've repeatedly made it clear he would never again be welcome at Revival. In fact even though old rivalries exist elsewhere, he is in fact the ONLY person to ever be barred from our events.


I should introduce myself at this point and say that I am Craig Turner, joint founder of Revival Retro Events along with Chris Wilkins. Since Chris departed after just our second major event in 2014, I alone have single handedly been running virtually every aspect of these non-profit events, with the assistance of a small group of collectors and enthusiasts who simply volunteer their personal collections and their free time to help make Revival the biggest dedicated retro gaming event in the UK. I should also let you know that I'm in process of preparing my own document with ACTUAL evidence proving every single one of the points he dared to raise against me and the Revival team are complete lies, as well as the full reason he was told he was no longer welcome and the sustained attack he has been maintaining since early 2017 when I told him where to go, and in fact for a long time before that, which led me to take the action I did. It's going to take a while as tons has surfaced now former victims of his psychopathy have begun talking, I've been granted apologies and I've been given access to conversations he had confirming what we always suspected. For now though this is just a summary rebuttal to document my main problems with him.


Whilst this cretin used to loosely be part of this team (brought in by Chris as another helping hand, before I even knew who he was), he was NOT a founder, the events or name are NOT based on anything he claims to have done prior, and he was NOT involved in ANY part of the organisation beyond providing a few consoles in the early days. He did NOT create the name, the entire concept of the event was conceived from Chris doing two minor events in 2004 and 2008, and myself carrying forward some opinions being relayed to me as a former helper to other events that pure retro gamers weren't happy with those events going more commercial and comic-con focused, asking us to instead create an event that kept the attractions purely retro-related. I came up with the name, created the logo and all associated branding, scouted and found all of the initial venues, sourced equipment and collaborators, ran all of the advertising, set up the YouTube channel and funded the initial event, along with money from Chris, to make the first event happen. Prior to the first Revival in 2013, I met him a total of 2 times - once at an early meeting when some of us were discussing contributions from the museums and other early collaborators (at which his contribution was zero) and once more when he accompanied Chris to the first venue, long after it had been secured and most of the details bashed out. He had zero input whatsoever, had no access to our social media or website control, and was not involved in any of the planning or advertising. There's dozens of podcasts, video segments, radio appearances and other interviews from me, Chris or both of us together, and we remained fully liable if the event bombed.


After Chris left I rebuilt the events into something much bigger and he remained on the team, but his welcome was already wearing thin. On more than one occasion we received complaints about his behaviour with members of the public at the events, including an incident where he snubbed a request for help by the leader of an autistic youth group who I'd made special provision to attend our 2015 event, where he quite literally walked away from her face to face remarking he was "too busy to help", witnessed by other staff members who stepped in to rectify the situation, as well as some stunned onlookers. He was asked to admit people at a busy first event and was promptly removed from reception after failing to check numbers on a ticket against an excel spreadsheet. He came to reception repeatedly during busy admission time to complain loudly that his name lanyard was spelt wrong, and declare that he just wouldn't wear it unless a new one was issued immediately - in earshot of paying visitors. He would repeatedly berate others in our internal staff chat, rubbishing feature and exhibit ideas, scoff at private chat and announcements where we might otherwise be patting each other on the back, and generally be unproductive. He didn't join us on post-event meals and generally segregated himself. He would film the events for his channel's benefit, and speak of them as though he was an outsider, but as you see all over his numerous fluff pieces and profiles, when there is credit to be taken he exaggerates his input and significance  to further inflate his ego and forgets the royal 'we', instead portraying himself as solely creditable for anything that is going well. You'll recognise this as identical to what he did to Chris and his book contributions, where if he writes something and gets into a publication, he is the reason it did so well. If it doesn't and it does well, he goes out of his way to destroy it out of sheer jealousy, as he did sharing free versions of those books online and doing his shitty 'reviews'. He even rubbished and reviewed publications he DID appear in.... exactly what he did with Revival.


With increasing pressure with each event, I required more help to deal with some of the admin. With me and every member of the team having full time jobs, finding someone to do things wasn't easy as most folks were far too busy. With a rocky 2016 jump to a larger event we had to go bigger, and so I had to spend more time seeking minor sponsorship, promoting and seeking new help every hour outside of my normal day - if we didn't break even it was on my head and I couldn't afford to fund shortfalls. The simplest thing I could delegate was to have someone handle the detailed and structured announcement schedule, prep images and ensure all announcements were properly shared throughout groups, primarily Facebook where most of our demographic reside. In mid 2016 he stuck his hand up to volunteer which I knew was risky, but I had no one else to do it. He wasn't given access to the website, Youtube or Twitter though thankfully, as besides one way-too-long 'promo video' (basically a flipbook of console images about 10 minutes long) that he uploaded to HIS channel, (even though I wanted to approve it first and upload to our Youtube), his contact within the group was low, and after that all he did was post updated videos of his '50 xxx console games' videos with a Revival banner tacked on, upload them to his channel and then post them on the Revival page, not actually promoting the event and whenever I intervened to share a post, he would immediately follow it with his own videos, as if to shadow our announcements and to promote himself more.


He said very early on he would likely 'be out' of the next event because of his upcoming wedding but flitted back and forth with interest. I largely ignored his comments in the group chat at this point because he had started so many arguments with different members of the team I was quietly relieved he wouldn't be involved, and out of politeness (read: out of a suspicion he would become hostile) I thanked him for what he'd done and then we just cracked on with plans and left his access in place. Every so often after that though he would continue starting arguments with the team outside of the group, and most of them spoke to me individually about how they felt they could no longer work with him. I let it ride and tried several times to keep the peace but he just kept at it every so often. After publicly posting on the Revival page several times using his personal profile about how shit he thought some of the guests were, over-analysing a light-hearted announcement and how terrible he thought our ideas were. I finally pulled him up on this and he didn't even reply to my messages. Things continued and it came to a head in March 2017, when after starting yet another argument with several team members privately, he decided to put up a public post on his own wall, tagging us all and the event page by name, which said something to the effect of "Cant believe the amount of abuse and bullying I'm receiving from x, x and x, Craig Turner it's lovely company you keep over there at Revival", intentionally tagging us all so everyone would see it, harming our reputation and dragging me and my events into an argument that was nothing to do with either. All this despite just a few months prior, my reputation and the names of Revival and others were thrown into the firing line again when I openly defended him when he was being accused of being a thief and misappropriating the funds of a different small event he claimed leadership of. 


This was the final straw and so I messaged him directly to tell him he was bang out of order, ask what his problem was and remind him that I had always defended him. He replied by steadfastly denying I'd done so, suggesting me and Chris had somehow wronged him in the setting up of Revival, and that he had never been 'thanked' for his contributions, so he had a right to be pissed off. This was all very shocking and so I reminded him of how outrageous this all sounded, and suggested he was having some kind of mental delusions. I'd already had a conversation years ago where he was losing his head over a minor argument and when I suggested he was seriously overreacting I suggested he should seek help professionally, and that was when he was a 'friend'. Now I told him outright he sounded simply insane to the point of being destructive. He repeated over and over again he was never 'thanked', despite him being publicly thanked several time more so than more productive members of the team, in team photos and had his room costs covered despite being claimed to be higher than that of other members of the team staying in the same hotel. He had a stroppy sulk after 2016's event where we were all going for a curry afterwards sitting away from everyone but within range in the bar, and when 50 of us were going out for food several of us kept going over to ask if he was coming with us and he'd just reply with a sulking "I have no money" remark. It's a phrase he's repeated so many times since to other people, and I finally got to understand it - he wanted paying for his contributions, no matter how insignificant, whether they were wanted, or whether there was any agreement to be paid or not. These are the same gripes he has had with Chris, Retro Gamer and everyone; he believes his mere presence is so awesome it warrants reward.


At the end of all of this I told him in very plain words I was sick of lies lies and deviance, and told him in no uncertain terms he wasn't welcome, never to darken our door again and blocked him from any access to me or Revival directly. He then blocked most members of the team but it didn't stop. For years now, he had been spreading vile rumours to anyone who would listen about us, post public lies about things we had supposedly done or said, and interchangeably rubbishing me, Chris an Revival in any conversation he had about any of us. This, it now turns out went to an incredibly sociopathic level, as he accused me an Chris of saying some horrid things about youtubers and prominent members of the scene, created sockpuppets to start hate campaigns against his new found allies and enemies alike, then professing to them the sockpuppets belonged to me, Chris and members of the Revival team. He doubled down by going after individual members even after retaliation was inevitable, and even when one or two members told him it would get physical, he continued his barrage. 


The good news now is I have screencaps of all of these incidents, the sockpuppetry, and all the private conversations I had the foresight to capture over all this time. In anticipation of his 15-page monologue of self-aggrandisation those of us wronged got our heads together and now have the evidence exchanged to show the truth. It's so immense its taking me weeks to go through it and pick out all the relevant parts and organise it, and it's already distracted me from my last minute event plans as it is. Needless to say it's concrete and it's damning. Some even seen before, but much of it not. It will come out and I won't pull my punches or hide behind aliases. I will only be defending myself though to get the truth out online - anyone trying to use this to springboard themselves to more popularity or score a reputation of the back of because they've already buried themselves is on their own. Anyone still sitting on the fence is a coward, and anyone not sharing evidence or trying to go through me or others needs to grow some balls and speak for themselves.


The bottom line is that any negatives said about me by him are utter bullshit, any negatives you've heard in passing rumours is created by him with the sole purpose of trying to spoil our events and the team's reputation, and he is a parasite of the utmost level of obsessive hate towards anyone and everything that is good or successful. People are not friends, they are commodities - and once he is bored with you he will begin the mental gymnastics and edit wars to support whatever narrative he wants to convey to the next fool. He is utterly beyond redemption and knowingly mentally unstable living in a small pocket of enablers, and will never allow the cycle to be broken so will twist the world around him to fit his narcissistic self image and infallibility. Quite simply the most reprehensible person I've ever had the misfortune to meet. If you try to be indifferent, you're an enabler. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and the community should rightly banish you by association too. I don't have time for it - this fool has been ruining my hobby for years.

Edited by Mr.T
Mistaken account comment removed.
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56 minutes ago, Mr.T said:

If you try to be indifferent, you're an enabler. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and the community should rightly banish you by association too. I don't have time for it - this fool has been ruining my hobby for years.


This, this this and this. And again this.

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1 hour ago, Mr.T said:

If you try to be indifferent, you're an enabler. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and the community should rightly banish you by association too. I don't have time for it - this fool has been ruining my hobby for years.

I don't think it's so much a problem with indifference. Enablers - yes. I've seen people driven out of the community by these people, exactly because they did stand up and say something. And when I say "these people" - Kieren is far from alone. I have read 550 posts on this thread that could easily be talking about at least one other person. It's also doubtful that all of the accounts were him. I know for a fact that one of the recently closed accounts was someone else. I am sure there are others.


He certainly didn't act alone with trying to wreck S35. Luckily they were ignored and it was a fantastic event.


With all of the people taking legal action.. if you are reporting locally, I suggest you all get together and make sure each of your reports has the others reference numbers attached. That way they will all be linked. I will also say that my experience with Bedfordshire police (for someone else) is that they will tell you to report locally because they don't want to deal with it. This is why cross-referencing the reports is important. It forces Bedfordshire to take action.

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3 hours ago, Mr.T said:

It will come out and I won't pull my punches or hide behind aliases. I will only be defending myself though to get the truth out online - anyone trying to use this to springboard themselves to more popularity or score a reputation of the back of because they've already buried themselves is on their own. Anyone still sitting on the fence is a coward, and anyone not sharing evidence or trying to go through me or others needs to grow some balls and speak for themselves.

I had my own moment of realisation on Jan 6th (Thanks, Twitter!)



FUCK YOU KIEREN HAWKEN.  I'm not ashamed or embarassed about what you post about me.  It's just a mirror reflecting your soul.


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2 hours ago, fogartylee said:

I don't think it's so much a problem with indifference. Enablers - yes. I've seen people driven out of the community by these people, exactly because they did stand up and say something. And when I say "these people" - Kieren is far from alone. I have read 550 posts on this thread that could easily be talking about at least one other person. It's also doubtful that all of the accounts were him. I know for a fact that one of the recently closed accounts was someone else. I am sure there are others.


He certainly didn't act alone with trying to wreck S35. Luckily they were ignored and it was a fantastic event.


With all of the people taking legal action.. if you are reporting locally, I suggest you all get together and make sure each of your reports has the others reference numbers attached. That way they will all be linked. I will also say that my experience with Bedfordshire police (for someone else) is that they will tell you to report locally because they don't want to deal with it. This is why cross-referencing the reports is important. It forces Bedfordshire to take action.

why are you here? you are as bad as kieren you absolutely awful human being. admin, ban this guy and his IP. 


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"I know for a fact that one of the recently closed accounts was someone else"

In order to use the word "fact", you have to first understand what it means. Many of us here remember your "facts" from the past. You're a pathological liar and have no clue what the word stands for. You are trying to derail this and ride back in when you're the same as Kieren. 5000 people out of pocket for your repeated and ever more preposterous lies and unanswered questions about your fake accounts like Nick roper, fake police reports, ringing employers etc etc.

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presumably it's the same sort of "fact" as the "fact" that you had seen £500,000+ worth on consoles on the production line that you and your employers (who you claimed were not your employers, then admitted they were when you were found out for lying) stiffed the community for? Do you remember that, Lee? Of course you fucking do. Remember, you shouted from the rooftops on at least 3 separate occasions that you yourself had been tasked with overseeing production, had seen the consoles on the production line and that you could 100% confirm they'd be with buyers very soon. On each occasion, you neglected to acknowledge that you'd done the same exact thing months/years before, and no-one had anything, nor would they ultimately get anything.


Get out of here you insufferable worm !

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5 hours ago, Mr.T said:

Not sure where this was written, but I, as the person in charge of the events organisation he claimed in his utter bullshit 'expose' to actually be the creator of, can confirm unreservedly that I've repeatedly made it clear he would never again be welcome at Revival. In fact even though old rivalries exist elsewhere, he is in fact the ONLY person to ever be barred from our events.


I should introduce myself at this point and say that I am Craig Turner, joint founder of Revival Retro Events along with Chris Wilkins. Since Chris departed after just our second major event in 2014, I alone have single handedly been running virtually every aspect of these non-profit events, with the assistance of a small group of collectors and enthusiasts who simply volunteer their personal collections and their free time to help make Revival the biggest dedicated retro gaming event in the UK. I should also let you know that I'm in process of preparing my own document with ACTUAL evidence proving every single one of the points he dared to raise against me and the Revival team are complete lies, as well as the full reason he was told he was no longer welcome and the sustained attack he has been maintaining since early 2017 when I told him where to go, and in fact for a long time before that, which led me to take the action I did. It's going to take a while as tons has surfaced now former victims of his psychopathy have begun talking, I've been granted apologies and I've been given access to conversations he had confirming what we always suspected. For now though this is just a summary rebuttal to document my main problems with him.


Whilst this cretin used to loosely be part of this team (brought in by Chris as another helping hand, before I even knew who he was), he was NOT a founder, the events or name are NOT based on anything he claims to have done prior, and he was NOT involved in ANY part of the organisation beyond providing a few consoles in the early days. He did NOT create the name, the entire concept of the event was conceived from Chris doing two minor events in 2004 and 2008, and myself carrying forward some opinions being relayed to me as a former helper to other events that pure retro gamers weren't happy with those events going more commercial and comic-con focused, asking us to instead create an event that kept the attractions purely retro-related. I came up with the name, created the logo and all associated branding, scouted and found all of the initial venues, sourced equipment and collaborators, ran all of the advertising, set up the YouTube channel and funded the initial event, along with money from Chris, to make the first event happen. Prior to the first Revival in 2013, I met him a total of 2 times - once at an early meeting when some of us were discussing contributions from the museums and other early collaborators (at which his contribution was zero) and once more when he accompanied Chris to the first venue, long after it had been secured and most of the details bashed out. He had zero input whatsoever, had no access to our social media or website control, and was not involved in any of the planning or advertising. There's dozens of podcasts, video segments, radio appearances and other interviews from me, Chris or both of us together, and we remained fully liable if the event bombed.


After Chris left I rebuilt the events into something much bigger and he remained on the team, but his welcome was already wearing thin. On more than one occasion we received complaints about his behaviour with members of the public at the events, including an incident where he snubbed a request for help by the leader of an autistic youth group who I'd made special provision to attend our 2015 event, where he quite literally walked away from her face to face remarking he was "too busy to help", witnessed by other staff members who stepped in to rectify the situation, as well as some stunned onlookers. He was asked to admit people at a busy first event and was promptly removed from reception after failing to check numbers on a ticket against an excel spreadsheet. He came to reception repeatedly during busy admission time to complain loudly that his name lanyard was spelt wrong, and declare that he just wouldn't wear it unless a new one was issued immediately - in earshot of paying visitors. He would repeatedly berate others in our internal staff chat, rubbishing feature and exhibit ideas, scoff at private chat and announcements where we might otherwise be patting each other on the back, and generally be unproductive. He didn't join us on post-event meals and generally segregated himself. He would film the events for his channel's benefit, and speak of them as though he was an outsider, but as you see all over his numerous fluff pieces and profiles, when there is credit to be taken he exaggerates his input and significance  to further inflate his ego and forgets the royal 'we', instead portraying himself as solely creditable for anything that is going well. You'll recognise this as identical to what he did to Chris and his book contributions, where if he writes something and gets into a publication, he is the reason it did so well. If it doesn't and it does well, he goes out of his way to destroy it out of sheer jealousy, as he did sharing free versions of those books online and doing his shitty 'reviews'. He even rubbished and reviewed publications he DID appear in.... exactly what he did with Revival.


With increasing pressure with each event, I required more help to deal with some of the admin. With me and every member of the team having full time jobs, finding someone to do things wasn't easy as most folks were far too busy. With a rocky 2016 jump to a larger event we had to go bigger, and so I had to spend more time seeking minor sponsorship, promoting and seeking new help every hour outside of my normal day - if we didn't break even it was on my head and I couldn't afford to fund shortfalls. The simplest thing I could delegate was to have someone handle the detailed and structured announcement schedule, prep images and ensure all announcements were properly shared throughout groups, primarily Facebook where most of our demographic reside. In mid 2016 he stuck his hand up to volunteer which I knew was risky, but I had no one else to do it. He wasn't given access to the website, Youtube or Twitter though thankfully, as besides one way-too-long 'promo video' (basically a flipbook of console images about 10 minutes long) that he uploaded to HIS channel, (even though I wanted to approve it first and upload to our Youtube), his contact within the group was low, and after that all he did was post updated videos of his '50 xxx console games' videos with a Revival banner tacked on, upload them to his channel and then post them on the Revival page, not actually promoting the event and whenever I intervened to share a post, he would immediately follow it with his own videos, as if to shadow our announcements and to promote himself more.


He said very early on he would likely 'be out' of the next event because of his upcoming wedding but flitted back and forth with interest. I largely ignored his comments in the group chat at this point because he had started so many arguments with different members of the team I was quietly relieved he wouldn't be involved, and out of politeness (read: out of a suspicion he would become hostile) I thanked him for what he'd done and then we just cracked on with plans and left his access in place. Every so often after that though he would continue starting arguments with the team outside of the group, and most of them spoke to me individually about how they felt they could no longer work with him. I let it ride and tried several times to keep the peace but he just kept at it every so often. After publicly posting on the Revival page several times using his personal profile about how shit he thought some of the guests were, over-analysing a light-hearted announcement and how terrible he thought our ideas were. I finally pulled him up on this and he didn't even reply to my messages. Things continued and it came to a head in March 2017, when after starting yet another argument with several team members privately, he decided to put up a public post on his own wall, tagging us all and the event page by name, which said something to the effect of "Cant believe the amount of abuse and bullying I'm receiving from x, x and x, Craig Turner it's lovely company you keep over there at Revival", intentionally tagging us all so everyone would see it, harming our reputation and dragging me and my events into an argument that was nothing to do with either. All this despite just a few months prior, my reputation and the names of Revival and others were thrown into the firing line again when I openly defended him when he was being accused of being a thief and misappropriating the funds of a different small event he claimed leadership of. 


This was the final straw and so I messaged him directly to tell him he was bang out of order, ask what his problem was and remind him that I had always defended him. He replied by steadfastly denying I'd done so, suggesting me and Chris had somehow wronged him in the setting up of Revival, and that he had never been 'thanked' for his contributions, so he had a right to be pissed off. This was all very shocking and so I reminded him of how outrageous this all sounded, and suggested he was having some kind of mental delusions. I'd already had a conversation years ago where he was losing his head over a minor argument and when I suggested he was seriously overreacting I suggested he should seek help professionally, and that was when he was a 'friend'. Now I told him outright he sounded simply insane to the point of being destructive. He repeated over and over again he was never 'thanked', despite him being publicly thanked several time more so than more productive members of the team, in team photos and had his room costs covered despite being claimed to be higher than that of other members of the team staying in the same hotel. He had a stroppy sulk after 2016's event where we were all going for a curry afterwards sitting away from everyone but within range in the bar, and when 50 of us were going out for food several of us kept going over to ask if he was coming with us and he'd just reply with a sulking "I have no money" remark. It's a phrase he's repeated so many times since to other people, and I finally got to understand it - he wanted paying for his contributions, no matter how insignificant, whether they were wanted, or whether there was any agreement to be paid or not. These are the same gripes he has had with Chris, Retro Gamer and everyone; he believes his mere presence is so awesome it warrants reward.


At the end of all of this I told him in very plain words I was sick of lies lies and deviance, and told him in no uncertain terms he wasn't welcome, never to darken our door again and blocked him from any access to me or Revival directly. He then blocked most members of the team but it didn't stop. For years now, he had been spreading vile rumours to anyone who would listen about us, post public lies about things we had supposedly done or said, and interchangeably rubbishing me, Chris an Revival in any conversation he had about any of us. This, it now turns out went to an incredibly sociopathic level, as he accused me an Chris of saying some horrid things about youtubers and prominent members of the scene, created sockpuppets to start hate campaigns against his new found allies and enemies alike, then professing to them the sockpuppets belonged to me, Chris and members of the Revival team. He doubled down by going after individual members even after retaliation was inevitable, and even when one or two members told him it would get physical, he continued his barrage. 


The good news now is I have screencaps of all of these incidents, the sockpuppetry, and all the private conversations I had the foresight to capture over all this time. In anticipation of his 15-page monologue of self-aggrandisation those of us wronged got our heads together and now have the evidence exchanged to show the truth. It's so immense its taking me weeks to go through it and pick out all the relevant parts and organise it, and it's already distracted me from my last minute event plans as it is. Needless to say it's concrete and it's damning. Some even seen before, but much of it not. It will come out and I won't pull my punches or hide behind aliases. I will only be defending myself though to get the truth out online - anyone trying to use this to springboard themselves to more popularity or score a reputation of the back of because they've already buried themselves is on their own. Anyone still sitting on the fence is a coward, and anyone not sharing evidence or trying to go through me or others needs to grow some balls and speak for themselves.


Whilst I'm on it, I tried to register for this forum under my main online ID of 'Turnarcades'.... and found out it's somehow TAKEN. Given that it's my old business name, why would anyone else be using it? I can think of a reason..... If there's any admins reading this I'd like you to look into where and when that account was registered - it's not me and if someone is using my old company name I want it shutting down.


The bottom line is that any negatives said about me by him are utter bullshit, any negatives you've heard in passing rumours is created by him with the sole purpose of trying to spoil our events and the team's reputation, and he is a parasite of the utmost level of obsessive hate towards anyone and everything that is good or successful. People are not friends, they are commodities - and once he is bored with you he will begin the mental gymnastics and edit wars to support whatever narrative he wants to convey to the next fool. He is utterly beyond redemption and knowingly mentally unstable living in a small pocket of enablers, and will never allow the cycle to be broken so will twist the world around him to fit his narcissistic self image and infallibility. Quite simply the most reprehensible person I've ever had the misfortune to meet. If you try to be indifferent, you're an enabler. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and the community should rightly banish you by association too. I don't have time for it - this fool has been ruining my hobby for years.

Just to keep this at the forefront after that short digression

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6 hours ago, Mr.T said:

Quite simply the most reprehensible person I've ever had the misfortune to meet. If you try to be indifferent, you're an enabler. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and the community should rightly banish you by association too. I don't have time for it - this fool has been ruining my hobby for years.

This entire quote here sums it all up brilliantly and succinctly. At one time I thought I was alone in having had one person ruin a hobby for me. I don't want to say I'm glad I'm not the only person, though...but it's nice not feeling like I'm alone in that regard anymore. Anyone still covering for him, or still "on the fence" because he hasn't specifically wronged them, needs to suffer the same fate of banishment from this hobby.



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Ok this was such a long time ago that I honestly can not remember what happen but regardless of what email that was used, I and I suspect Darren did not have any access to this PAYPAL account, the download if I remember was also sent via you KH when you has a purchase email, again this is all very vague but the main issue is I had not control over that PAYPAL account and so we never really knew how many was sold and any money you gave me paid for the web hosting which was about £20 if I remember correctly, either way it was peanuts to the so called 200 and the rest that got sold.




You mentioned we are stealing peoples IP, well firstly both ourselves and the coder of this game did not think anyone would own the Horace name rights now, seeing how old the game character was and is, that was foolish maybe but innocent in anycase. Soon after we announced the game we had an email from Paul at the same time others had Horace issues, these issues were clearly started by some individual telling the IP owner Paul, now some may or may not like Paul for what happened but the guy allowed us to continue to publish the game if we donate any profits to the UK MS Charity which we have done.


I hope that puts you right about a few things.



Edited by zapiy
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Seeing as I have been quoted in ‘The Statement’ (a private DM screenshot no less) I thought best to add by two pennies.


I had seen sock puppet accounts rise during the ZX Vega + debacle, but as the fall out of that died down I kept seeing one or two targeting certain retro gamers and youtubers, particularly female ones.


Their tweets were pretty uncomfortable reading - very personal and normally derogatory - making me wonder what sort of middle age person sits behind a computer to do tweet that sort of hurtful stuff?


So I set up this twitter account to see if I could draw some light on it. That’s how I ended up talking to Kieren on and off. I had seen him pop on various forums and usually get banned or leave due to come argument or such but I was curious as to why he was being targeted amongst others. 


I spoke with him him a few times - not initially because I suspected he was behind the sock puppet accounts but because I thought he might give me some clues.


He claimed to know who the Dave Jatt/AtariFan account was but wasn’t at liberty to tell me who he was and Kieren claimed he wan’t too bothered about that account because they mostly left him alone, even stuck up for him.


i must admit before this thread exposed so much I did feel a little sorry for him, especially when he explained mental health problems, suicide etc... I urged him to seek help and support. I guess he didn’t take that advice.


Anyway, while it’s the general consensus that he was behind a number of these accounts, especially as so many have gone quiet/deactivated recently, I suspect one or two aren’t his and they’ve just used the timing to make it seem so. 


Its pretty galling to read read all the experiences of various people on here and other places and to see the actions caused by one common denominator. The hurt and upset caused over so many years is staggering and he obviously needs help.


‘The Statement’ was a truly car crash moment which he won’t recover from and it sounds as though there is more ire coming his way.


Anyway, my two pennies on the matter and I do appreciate the irony of a ‘fake’ account looking into other ‘fake’ accounts but a few people on twitter know who I am and they will call me out if I inadvertently become a nuisance. 


At least the troll accounts have died down now, which was the aim, but we’ll see what happens going forward.


Cheers for listening to my ramblings

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1 hour ago, Retrobob said:

 There's that and JattDave - any more?


2 hours ago, Landstalker said:

Well we're keeping him on his toes if nothing else.
That's another twitter alias gone.

I think AtariFan has just locked their account. I thought they had wiped all their tweets but maybe not. They seem to flip flop a lot...

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Nope, gone I think. It's almost as if certain posts in the last 48 hours have him panicking that there's incriminating stuff to be found in this account history..... I certainly have screengrabs and private conversations he doesn't think I will have from various places on social media, and it's too late to try and hide them now. Keep shrinking and go away....


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While going through the morass of snaps i have here, this caught my eye.


A few years ago there was a free christmas draw on here, this is kierens view...


Now given that it was a free draw, kieren wasn't involved in the prizes and the winners were allocated through a third party random draw site - where no reboot people won, and in fact they had donated some prizes. I'll go out on a limb here and say "bowlux".




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To read between the lines there:

1. You had to try and attack someone you thought wronged you for a bad review

2. You admit you were trying to exploit the group, so please join your new group as i jump before I'm pushed from this one

3. Even though you didn't agree with statement issued by Kieren you took 2 weeks to abandon him because you were so outraged by it, but thought you could benefit.


It's all very mini-ME ME ME.


I would say the penny finally dropped, but given your history of collision detection in games it wouldn't have been caught.

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