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ABBUC software competition 2020


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I have played them all to record a video on the website channel. It is a solid contest for sure with very different games. Some simpler than others, but there is no lack of creativity for sure!


I think Last Squadron is the best. Oxygen is also very good, but with some gameplay flaws (maybe I am just bad at it). The Lady is a simple fun game, and gets extra points for the graphics - they are gorgeous!


I found the Tree simulator entertaining and Disc o' Pop is the one I played the most - something with the physics and how the discs break that kept me hooked!


Agent B.R.D looks great but my zero knowledge of German doesn't help me to enjoy the game. I've played a little pausing the emulator to translate things, but as you can imagine, that is not the best way to enjoy a game.







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9 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Hmm - I have not received my latest magazine/disk yet.  Not sure if slow mail or I am behind on payment.

Your subscription expiry date is printed on the label of your magazine along with your membership number. Look at the date on the last issue you got. I've had mine in midwest usa for a week or more.


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4 minutes ago, Mr Robot said:

Has anyone seen anything from @skr or @holgibo recently? I've was working on something with them but I haven't seen them for weeks now, by the time we get back to it, I'll have forgotten what we've already done!


I'm here. Sorry, the last weeks had a lot of work in it...

after rhe JHV I have more time for our project.



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1 hour ago, Mr Robot said:

Your subscription expiry date is printed on the label of your magazine along with your membership number. Look at the date on the last issue you got. I've had mine in midwest usa for a week or more.


There-in lies the problem.  I do not have any of my envelopes, just have the magazines stored on my shelf.  I'll try logging into the ABBUC site.

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1 hour ago, gorgh said:

Hi there,
I have a problem with voting system, I try to enter my ABBUC member password, but it doesn't work, it worked alright last year, what am I doing wrong?

Hi gorgh,


Pease look on the voting paper you received together with the magazine, there you find the password.



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1 hour ago, pedgarcia said:

I've found instructions for the password "somewhere" in the ABBUC website, but that never worked for me. In my case, I joined ABBUC only recently so that could be the case...

Did you get the actual special magazine 52 with the voting paper?

Edited by holgibo
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ABBUC Software Contest 2020 results were announced some minutes ago:


1. Last Squadron

2. Disc o' Pop

3. Agent B.R.D.

4. Oxygen Be

5. Dr. Sparkz

6. Detonationix

7. Go Lucky

8. The Lady

9. Persistent

10. There are many

11. Flamingos

12. Tree Simulator 4K

13. Twiddles


Thanks to the winners and to all people involved, including ABBUC people for the hard work done.

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Hello everybody,


here are the final standings of this year's contest:




All participants will get their prize money via bank transfer.

Thanks to everybody, who was part of this great contest. The Atari community has a lot of new

good programs and best of all:  We have 2020 and Atari 8bit is still well alive ?


Best regards, Holger

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Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the programmers and the ABBUC officers who organized it and made the superb contest booklet. I tried to play all the games at least once and there are many great ideas and designs. I have to admit I must have played about 5 hours of "just one more game" of Disc O' Pop. The Last Squadron is absolutely commercial grade quality and would have put a lot of 80's shooters to shame. I'd need a "super easy" option to get far...


Dr. Sparkz and Detonationix would be even better with a bit less twitchier controls. I think a short delay after every move would make them a lot more playable.


I loved the absolutely "Flagging Flamingos" and "The Lady" graphics although there could be more gameplay there. Go Lucky looks great as well, but I'm not much of a Monopoly fan.



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