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My JagGD is Firmware V1.10 Menu V1.07 ASIC V1.07 Stub V1.03

This time I plugged in the GD, windows searches for drivers and finds them so windows thinks the device is installed and working. Jaggd.exe -r returns with "Jaguar Gamedrive not connected). Here is what is installed...



when I run zadig, I get this...zadig_jaggd.PNG.2676610631af0881f72319d503abb27b.PNG

If I list all devices in options, then I can select 'Interface 1' and it is already installed but not with WCID (odd..).

I tried to install this as well. After a long wait it is seconds from aborting and says 'successfully installed driver' but it shows "Driver (NONE)". Tried a reboot but makes no difference.

All I get is 'Jaguar Gamedrive not connected" from jaggd.exe.

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On 11/18/2022 at 5:57 PM, SainT said:

I've used Tera Term in the past, but any terminal will do. The JagGD just presents itself as a USB serial port.

working fine, i added nice strings printing on my PC , coming from GD, for debug purpose.

a debugger would be the final master piece of this great product !

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, cubanismo said:

Glad it's working. I'll take a look at the patches. OT, but curious if you've tried my Mac Skunkboard/JCP installer package on your M1. They're built with ARM support, but I've no way to test it.

Not yet, but now that I know I will.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having some trouble testing the '-e' option, and '-uxr'. I had assumed usage like this would allow me to run T2K with an EEPROM where I'd previously saved game data:


jaggd -rd -e "Tempest 2000.e2p" -uxr "Tempest 2000.j64"


but the above always just reboots to a red screen of death. "Tempest 2000.e2p" is a file in the root directory of the SD card, and "Tempest 2000.j64" is a local file on my computer. If I break it out like this:


jaggd -rd
jaggd -e "Tempest 2000.e2p"
jaggd -uxr "Tempest 2000.j64"


Or this:


jaggd -rd
jaggd -u "Tempest 2000.j64"
jaggd -e "Tempest 2000.e2p"
jaggd -xr


The game usually starts (Not always, still red screens quite often), but I don't see my EEPROM data (No high scores, no "keys" to start from). The same .e2p file works fine if I launch from the GD's menu. Am I misunderstanding how the EEPROM option works?


In general, running multi-part commands like:


jaggd -rd -uxr <romname>


fails very frequently, as in more often than it works. The upload appears to succeed, but it just launches to a red screen of death. This is similar to the experience I had with my work-around "reboot" ROM posted earlier. Is there some instability in the file transfers or a race somewhere between finishing a transfer and executing the next command or something? I see a "Sleep(1500)" was added in the main program after a reset-to-stub operation, and a "Sleep(500)" after an upload command, but things still seem generally unstable unless I manually space commands out, and even that doesn't always help, so I'm concerned there's a general issue with the transfer robustness, some buffer being unflushed, or something of that nature lurking somewhere deeper, like in the firmware. As-is, the "execute via reboot" functionality isn't usable for me, and I can't figure out how the EEPROM stuff is supposed to work.


Note launching ROMs from the SD card using the menu works 100% of the time, so the card in general seems reliable. The issues seem specific to the command line tools/USB path, which unfortunately is my main use case for the GD (rapid iterations while developing).

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I know CJ has had some issues with red screening -- this will be due to some data corruption somewhere on the upload. And, yes, you are right there is some instability somewhere which I've not been able to sort yet. I think there is still some issues with eeprom as well.


This is an area I need to look at again once the 7800GD is finished. It will be nice to have a break and get back to this. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, cubanismo said:

I still experience the stability issues, but in the meantime I've finished porting the new functionality in the RetroHQ jaggd.exe v1.0.1 release to Open JagGD and released an equivalent v1.0.1 for Linux and MacOS users (@42bs mostly):



Thank you!  I may actually start using my GD over my skunkboard now.

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  • 1 year later...

@SainT, since you're deep in the Jaguar lately, wanted to remind you of the feature request for serial reads from the Jaguar side (as @42bs suggested, something like GD_DebugRead() to complement GD_DebugString()). Having anything of that sort in the jaggd lib enabling two-way communication between the PC and Jag over USB should be sufficient to allow myself (or someone with more time) to go off and implement or port various debuggers on their own.

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  • 1 month later...

just wondering if there's any chance for the she source for the png2mrq marquee creator program?


been trying for a while to make a windows based program that can change images with others using vb.net (mainly for my own learning, but i have not worked out how to convert the PNG files to jaguar colour formatting yet, just wondering how it was achieved in png2mrq

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