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Wormhole 2000 (home brew) ATARI Jaguar


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No worries, the game will be available for purchase in the future.

Currently I am busy with delivering the games already ordered, so I had to put the orders on hold for a while.


Meanwhile I post the link to the Video of the released version of the game:

(the most notable difference is the transition sequence played between the stages)


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Just a heads up that a box manual and a new label have been developed for the game in conjunction with PhOboZ. 

I have been wondering if people will just replace the current label? Or if they will just want to replace the front? I can certainly add a new green cart if people want that included??


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4 hours ago, Gaztee said:

Just a heads up that a box manual and a new label have been developed for the game in conjunction with PhOboZ. 

I have been wondering if people will just replace the current label? Or if they will just want to replace the front? I can certainly add a new green cart if people want that included??


Very very interesting Gaz! GrEat work! Do you have a pic of the boxart and the brand new label?

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On 8/20/2020 at 4:27 PM, Gaztee said:

Just a heads up that a box manual and a new label have been developed for the game in conjunction with PhOboZ. 

I have been wondering if people will just replace the current label? Or if they will just want to replace the front? I can certainly add a new green cart if people want that included??


When can we order box and manual? 

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7 hours ago, Sapicco said:

If I want the boxed copy, should I wait or back order now?

I sell the game as a loose cartridge, @Gaztee intends to sell a kit containing: box, manual, and label for the game. So when you order from me you get the game cartridge (which is what you need to play the game). The cartridge you get has a very simple sticker on it, just for identification.

Edited by phoboz
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