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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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7 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

It's almost as if you don't remember that the definition of these words will magically change based upon the need to counter-argue points.

What's the argument?  We agree it would be a huge mistake to produce the 2600 founders editions without fcc certification. Nobody is saying the 2600 founders editions are being manufactured.  Nobody is saying they have fcc certification.

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10 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Yay they can keep their trademarks active! They can do easy print on demand items! Great success! Disruptor in the industry! 

Actually no. Due to the way this works you can't just apply a mark from one class of goods on a whim to a different class.

But status of marks does tell you something about what they are thinking or decisions they may have made.

Ex. They abandoned the Intellivision Prism trademark. This is also reflected in text by removal of the tm when the lighting system is referred to.

Nick's talk (the interview) also states this is an area where he feels cuts should be made and mentions it isn't used for much anyway.

Partially backing this up further is the engineer's comments in the "past" tense about Atmosphere (the application).


Putting all the above together you could conclude that -if- there is a current prototype, the unique lighting aspect has changed or even been eliminated. At the very least it surely is not on anyone's "todo" or "priority" list atm.



Edited by number6
Added reference to Atmosphere for clarity
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5 hours ago, number6 said:

Actually no. Due to the way this works you can't just apply a mark from one class of goods on a whim to a different class.

But status of marks does tell you something about what they are thinking or decisions they may have made.

Ex. They abandoned the Intellivision Prism trademark. This is also reflected in text by removal of the tm when the lighting system is referred to.

Nick's talk (the interview) also states this is an area where he feels cuts should be made and mentions it isn't used for much anyway.

Partially backing this up further is the engineer's comments in the "past" tense about Atmosphere (the application).


Putting all the above together you could conclude that -if- there is a current prototype, the unique lighting aspect has changed or even been eliminated. At the very least it surely is not on anyone's "todo" or "priority" list atm.



I know the TM and PoD shirts are separate.


I was just making fun of them because that is like the bare minimum of what they can accomplish.


Well other than as their controller designer put it, "running the company into the ground." They have done a fantastic job with that!

11 hours ago, phoenixdownita said:

forfuxxsake IT DID NOT get certified, stop it stop it, I don't care if .... wait a minute .... why am I typing in yellow on orange background?

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9 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

I know the TM and PoD shirts are separate.


I was just making fun of them because that is like the bare minimum of what they can accomplish.


Well other than as their controller designer put it, "running the company into the ground." They have done a fantastic job with that!

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The quote you posted contained the word "they" (they ran the company into the ground), which makes it sound more like a joint effort, rather than one individual's failure.

It's rather diplomatically stated with no further detail, right?



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6 hours ago, mr_me said:

Nobody is saying the 2600 founders editions are being manufactured.

Intellivision strongly implied that was their intent in their announcement a full year ago.


August 2021: "In spite of these supply hurdles hampering our ability to fill all orders, we are focused and determined to deliver pre-ordered units by the end of the year."


Tommy reiterated this months later to Scarrs.


October 2021: "We sit here in October, you know, middle of October, we're still trying to potentially get some of the founders editions, we're going to try our hardest to try to get those by Christmas."


Phil was proud of the staff tasked with "the production side -- the VP of production" of Amico as of February 2022.


All of these remarks and you don't think they felt FCC clearance was a worthwhile effort to check that off their list of hurdles as part of the production and manufacturing?

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40 minutes ago, number6 said:

The quote you posted contained the word "they" (they ran the company into the ground), which makes it sound more like a joint effort, rather than one individual's failure.

It's rather diplomatically stated with no further detail, right?



I think that driving the Amico bus off the cliff was a team effort, regardless of who the loudest voices were. A leader is only as good as the people following him or her. With  “600 years of experience” this team should have been able to steer around the many rookie mistakes they made, pandemic or not. 

For example, some have suggested that they were waiting for component prices to come down, so they wouldn’t lose money when manufacturing. Yes the supply chain issues of the pandemic screwed them over, but so did their lack of planning, their failure to course correct, and their lack of confidence in their product’s performance. 


If the Amico were as world-changing as a certain person claimed it would be, why wouldn’t they take a little haircut on the first run and let word of mouth speak for itself? Build up some buzz and anticipation? It worked for Panic (Playdate) and Analogue (Pocket), which weren’t all that different. 

I mean actual, independent word of mouth from people like Sam Machkovech, not astroturfed friends and family under controlled circumstances. 

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50 minutes ago, MattPilz said:


All of these remarks and you don't think they felt FCC clearance was a worthwhile effort to check that off their list of hurdles as part of the production and manufacturing?

We were talking about the discussion on Atariage.  Nobody here thinks they are manufacturing the 2600 founders editions.

7 hours ago, mr_me said:

What's the argument?  We agree it would be a huge mistake to produce the 2600 founders editions without fcc certification. Nobody is saying the 2600 founders editions are being manufactured.  Nobody is saying they have fcc certification.


Edited by mr_me
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3 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

I think that driving the Amico bus off the cliff was a team effort, regardless of who the loudest voices were. A leader is only as good as the people following him or her. With  “600 years of experience” this team should have been able to steer around the many rookie mistakes they made, pandemic or not. 

For example, some have suggested that they were waiting for component prices to come down, so they wouldn’t lose money when manufacturing. Yes the supply chain issues of the pandemic screwed them over, but so did their lack of planning, their failure to course correct, and their lack of confidence in their product’s performance. 


If the Amico were as world-changing as a certain person claimed it would be, why wouldn’t they take a little haircut on the first run and let word of mouth speak for itself? Build up some buzz and anticipation? It worked for Panic (Playdate) and Analogue (Pocket), which weren’t all that different. 

I mean actual, independent word of mouth from people like Sam Machkovech, not astroturfed friends and family under controlled circumstances. 

Yeah the first CEO should have been outed a long time before he was. That involves other people digging that hole and allowing him to continue to steer that bus for the cliff. They just waited too long to do it and even though they got a new driver the momentum is still going to take them over the edge.

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25 minutes ago, mr_me said:

We were talking about the discussion on Atariage.  Nobody here thinks they are manufacturing the 2600 founders editions.


Ok. I was basing my assessment on what Intellivision itself conveyed to its backers across their newsletters and interviews. If they were sincere in their claims of producing some or all of the pre-order units by the end of last year and legitimately working toward that goal, it defies any logic why they still would not had resubmitted for FCC certification at that time.

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31 minutes ago, mr_me said:

We were talking about the discussion on Atariage.  Nobody here thinks they are manufacturing the 2600 founders editions.


Did you ask everyone here this?   I was never asked. Why make these wild assumptions out of thin air…..Par for the course. 

Ill tell you anyway. I do think they will/are making at least 2600 FE consoles.   Just an opinion/observation. 

Edited by Rev
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2 hours ago, number6 said:

The quote you posted contained the word "they" (they ran the company into the ground), which makes it sound more like a joint effort, rather than one individual's failure.

It's rather diplomatically stated with no further detail, right?



Or maybe... Tommy was not only vegan but also non-binary!!


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39 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

It's been frozen in the air for a bit. Just waiting on gravity.


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Look it already passed internal gravity testing, okay? Just passing gravity certification is a total formality so we can already treat it as gravity-certified.



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2 hours ago, Rev said:

Did you ask everyone here this?   I was never asked. Why make these wild assumptions out of thin air…..Par for the course. 

Ill tell you anyway. I do think they will/are making at least 2600 FE consoles.   Just an opinion/observation. 

Do you think they are making them now?  If they aren't making them now then they wouldn't necessarily get fcc certification yet.


Last we heard they are making a few test units, possibly to share with investors, partners, media, etc.  That's what should be expected next.


2 hours ago, MattPilz said:

Ok. I was basing my assessment on what Intellivision itself conveyed to its backers across their newsletters and interviews. If they were sincere in their claims of producing some or all of the pre-order units by the end of last year and legitimately working toward that goal, it defies any logic why they still would not had resubmitted for FCC certification at that time.

Well we know they didn't manufacture them and didn't do fcc certification either.

Edited by mr_me
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