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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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17 hours ago, 1980gamer said:

I am much less worried about that now, I have the Ultimate Intellivision Flashback.  So, nice video out and a few sets of AtGames controllers.  With the hope of 4 new...2 left / 2 right controllers in development now.


Have a link with some info on those controllers in development?  The sole reason I've never been an Intellivision fan was my dislike for the controllers, so I'm always interested in something new, shiny, and (hopefully) improved.

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5 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

Have a link with some info on those controllers in development?  The sole reason I've never been an Intellivision fan was my dislike for the controllers, so I'm always interested in something new, shiny, and (hopefully) improved.



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24 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

Have a link with some info on those controllers in development?  The sole reason I've never been an Intellivision fan was my dislike for the controllers, so I'm always interested in something new, shiny, and (hopefully) improved.

@mr_me was faster.  And I posted in the wrong place to boot.



And thanks to @intvdave and @Rev for making some new roms available:  https://intellivision.us/roms.php 


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1 hour ago, mr_me said:

Why?  This is in comparison to the RetroVGS which didn't even have a prototype for developers to port games to.  They've shown dozens of games running on Amico hardware.  People have played more than a dozen at events.  The company funds most development work, so new development depends on the company being funded which we know had stalled this year.  Their launch games have already gone through alpha and beta testing, if any of those games need fixing I would expect developers to do it.

So past tense. When you stated they are making games, that gives the impression they are working on games right now.


And now you've done it again, with "the company funds most development work". I'm guessing that's past tense, based on the next part of the sentence, but it would have been more accurate to say that "in the past, the company funded most development work".

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I think games they've funded whose development has been paused would be funded by the company when they resume.  Saying the company funds most development work applies to past present and future whether or not there is any development going on at the moment or even in the future as it's not saying there is currently any development or any development in the future, but if there is most would be expected to be funded by the company, at least for the short term after system release.  As far as the present, it doesn't exclude any minor issues being addressed in games expected to be available around system release.

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3 hours ago, mr_me said:

The only thing we've heard is that they are making a few test units to share with partners and media.

I wonder how comprehensive those test units will be. Based on Phil's email they should represent the whole works from a software, hardware and packaging perspective. So far the ones loaned to external parties and the one sent to Hans were preloaded with apps but with no indication that the other announced functionality including content server, RFID and NFT capabilities were functional.

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I wouldn't be surprised if NFT is not implemented, it's not really beneficial in the short term after release anyway. People at events said they've seen games downloaded from the online store.  They say the RFID game cards have been working for a while, so we'll see.  What external parties have been loaned an Amico?

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15 minutes ago, mr_me said:

I wouldn't be surprised if NFT is not implemented, it's not really beneficial in the short term after release anyway.

But NFT was touted as a special feature already integrated in October 2021, in their boxed edition promotional video (starting at 1:26). "This is tracked in the blockchain. This specific individual card. So we can register it through the Amico and who is the owner becomes registered in the blockchain. And the cool thing about that is you can transfer ownership as well from one Amico to another."



20 minutes ago, mr_me said:

What external parties have been loaned an Amico?

I remember a media outlet or several that were given access to one to test drive for a certain allocation of time. Mostly in Europe.

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8 minutes ago, mr_me said:

I wouldn't be surprised if NFT is not implemented, it's not really beneficial in the short term after release anyway. People at events said they've seen games downloaded from the online store.  They say the RFID game cards have been working for a while, so we'll see.  What external parties have been loaned an Amico?

External parties would be 3rd party developers.


Also, for some of the people saying they only communicate to a few youtubers...  I only know of 2..  Both of them invested.  So, it is not communication to a youtube personality, it is an investor.


So, if you must get this access...  I think you can invest as little as $1000.   ;)


My $100 + 8 games?  $170? I think?    $270  does not get you the direct line of communication.  But an investor,  they have to have regular updates.

I don't know about IE.  But I get to vote on company benefits, next board member, dividend payouts etc. for every stock I own.

It is actually painful at times, how much info I need to go over.  I have sold a bunch of my smaller holdings, just to make life easier!  


Covid gave me time to find new investment opportunities.  That was great, Now I don't have that time.  Like my collection, pairing it down!  LOL


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4 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

I don't know about IE.  But I get to vote on company benefits, next board member, dividend payouts etc. for every stock I own.

It is actually painful at times, how much info I need to go over.  I have sold a bunch of my smaller holdings, just to make life easier!  


The IE prospectus for investors appointed IE as their proxy for voting their shares of stock. 

Investors essentially have zero voting rights since they agreed IE could vote those shares as IE wished.


Since TT owned 2/3 of the shares, investors basically had to put up with whatever TT wanted to do with the company. 

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From the information shared including a document from early 2020 to the risk disclosure this year, Tommy Tallarico although the largest shareholder was a minority shareholder with about 30%.  (The proxy voting would have applied to Startengine investors but that was cancelled.)


1 hour ago, 1980gamer said:


Also, for some of the people saying they only communicate to a few youtubers...  I only know of 2..  Both of them invested.  So, it is not communication to a youtube personality, it is an investor.


If they choose to leak information through youtubers, magazine writers, or any media, that's their business.  I don't see what the problem is.

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5 minutes ago, mr_me said:

From the information shared including a document from early 2020 to the risk disclosure this year, Tommy Tallarico although the largest shareholder was a minority shareholder with about 30%.


If they choose to leak information through youtubers, magazine writers, or any media, that's their business.  I don't see what the problem is.

It’s just sloppy. When you only communicate through Youtubers, and some of those YouTubers start spouting off homophonic, racist content and threatening violence, it kind of makes your company look problematic.

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10 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

It’s just sloppy. When you only communicate through Youtubers, and some of those YouTubers start spouting off homophonic, racist content and threatening violence, it kind of makes your company look problematic.

I'm not familiar with those youtubers, which ones are they?   


From what I've seen, I haven't heard anything meaningful leaked to youtubers unless someone from the company was on the video saying it directly.

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1 minute ago, mr_me said:

I'm not familiar with those youtubers, which ones are they?   


From what I've seen, I haven't heard anything meaningful leaked to youtubers unless someone from the company was on the video saying it directly.

Ataricreep posted homophobic content about Amico sceptics (outing people as gay and making fun of “butt pumpers”… charming). Turbo Joe threatened violence and to beat people up and brought people to the Crayola event who, he claimed, would fight in his side if Amico skeptics showed up. Great way to promote a kids console. They were both part of TT’s Youtube support army and we’re given inside information to spread. There are more examples. If the company uses these people to spread its message then it has to be accountable for how they choose to do it. 

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The “problem” with CEO level people stating info on forums, leaking to youtubers, it is technically not official.   People can make outrageous claims through these channels and Intellivision is not be held to it.  

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18 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Ataricreep posted homophobic content about Amico sceptics (outing people as gay and making fun of “butt pumpers”… charming). Turbo Joe threatened violence and to beat people up and brought people to the Crayola event who, he claimed, would fight in his side if Amico skeptics showed up. Great way to promote a kids console. They were both part of TT’s Youtube support army and we’re given inside information to spread. There are more examples. If the company uses these people to spread its message then it has to be accountable for how they choose to do it. 


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18 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Ataricreep posted homophobic content about Amico sceptics (outing people as gay and making fun of “butt pumpers”… charming). Turbo Joe threatened violence and to beat people up and brought people to the Crayola event who, he claimed, would fight in his side if Amico skeptics showed up. Great way to promote a kids console. They were both part of TT’s Youtube support army and we’re given inside information to spread. There are more examples. If the company uses these people to spread its message then it has to be accountable for how they choose to do it. 

As you know, the former CEO has appeared on lots of different youtuber videos.  They're all independent people and of course act independently.  Like I said I haven't heard anything meaningful leaked to a YouTuber.  I wouldn't recommend Turbo Joe for accurate information.


3 minutes ago, Rev said:

The “problem” with CEO level people stating info on forums, leaking to youtubers, it technically not official.   People can make outrageous claims through these channels and not be held to it.  

They are still responsible for what they say.  I don't understand why people complain when a system still under development, discussed in public, changes.  If they say they are working on this or that and it ends up different, that's the way it is.  I'd rather hear about the process than not hear anything at all.

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20 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Ataricreep posted homophobic content about Amico sceptics (outing people as gay and making fun of “butt pumpers”… charming). Turbo Joe threatened violence and to beat people up and brought people to the Crayola event who, he claimed, would fight in his side if Amico skeptics showed up. Great way to promote a kids console. They were both part of TT’s Youtube support army and we’re given inside information to spread. There are more examples. If the company uses these people to spread its message then it has to be accountable for how they choose to do it. 

Ataricreep is certainly unfiltered and I do not watch his content, outside of the Boston event, because I was there and didn't record anything... found him from that. 

I don't know Turbo Joe?


I mostly watch Papa Pete and DJC's Amico Forever.


If you want to suggest other stuff...   I do a lot of off hour maintenance work from home and just listen to random stuff in the background.

At work, If I can listen to something, it is usually health related / food related.   Dr. Ekberg, Dr. Ben Bickman, Dr. Lustig etc.   Mostly "real food", unprocessed and low sugar.  Boring for most.  But it keeps me on track!  LOL


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