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The switch lite among other nintendo systems defeated it’s own purpose


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7 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

I wish i mentioned that the gameboy micro also defeats it’s own purpose for being a compatible gameboy because you can only play gameboy advance games on it but no gameboy and gamecolor games on it and whther it’s the last gameboy handheld in the series or not,i don’t care, it just makes me wonder why they didn’t call it the gameboy advance micro???

because that’s exactly what it is,now if nintendo did came up with an emulator adaptor to play physical copies og gameboy & gameboycolor games on it,then they could,ve make up for it somewhat,but they didn’t,not mention you had to replace many gba accessoires with new once as they weren’t compatible with it,yes there was the link adaptor to link it to a regular GBA but it doesn’t work on a gameboy (advance) player,

accessoires wich were straight compatible with the gameboy micro such as the kemco mp3 player or the japanese e reader etc,,, just looked silly with it🙁

thing is the gameboy micro became pretty much obsolute whether you owned a GBA sp,a regular GBA or a nintendo DS,(yes it had the headphone jack,a smaller backlight screen to make blocky gba games look more crisper on it, but that’s it)

the only reason for what i can think off why nintendo did came up with their gameboy micro was to try to catch in on the hype and the  removvible face plate craze from those smaller nokia phones back then,i remember that commercial about the gameboy micro saying ‘make it yours’ along with a sexy lady getting shown up,it found that commercial really AWESOME,but that’s it🙁


what nintendo should,ve done was make the gameboy advance look like the gameboy micro but at a larger size with the cartride at the top and make it compatible with previous gen gameboy games and game developers should,ve released 3D games as well on day 1,because i believe that would,ve be waaay more convincing to consumers that the GBA was an huge upgrade over the gameboycolor,because the original gameboy advance felt more like a toy,eventrough i was curious back then about it’s potential capabilities but i wasn’t convinced about it for real🙁


Wharrgarbl | Oklahoma City University

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I totally understand what the options is saying. It makes sense on say, 3box 360 to drop the memory card from revised consoles, as almost nobody used them. I did, but that's another topic. It annoyed me though as this was before they did online profiles, so I lost my, well, me, when my original 360 died..but that likely didn't affect most people.


What was annoying with 3ds vs 2ds was the idea of 3ds WAS to allow 3d play. They made a half priced console with a 2d screen for a system that sold well, of course the 2d sold even better (their picking up all the poor folks who won't blow $200, but will $100) I btw did absolutely NOT get any 2ds variant. It defeated the purpose of WHY I got a 3ds. But there was such a flood of 2ds coming on the market that Nintendo (and many others) said "look, people don't want 3d, and by 2012 was regularly dropping 3d as an option from games. I've got tons, and by 13, my most common question when buying 3ds carts was " but does it do 3d" which I often got the lie of "yeah, it works fine on 3ds" uh, no, that's not the same damn thing. I never meant will it play, but will it play in 3d. By 14 I was no longer buying new 3ds games, and only seldomly buying used. Of handhelds (including switch) the 3ds has the smallest collection in my library, because "people don't want 3d" and Nintendo had 2 3d systems and not one production run fps among them? No adventure games (elder scrolls type) and even very few racers. Come on Nintendo, what the fuck?


As for switch, being able to play on tv or handheld was its selling point, true, but I quickly found I was only using it as a handheld. So I got the lite. Heck, my newish oled has never (and likely never will be) hooked to a tv. I've thought about getting a USB c extension cable and trying to play that way (no unhooking controllers and what not9 but I can't find info if that'll work, not having a one cable solution on the lite is imo a missed opportunity.

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12 hours ago, Video said:

What was annoying with 3ds vs 2ds was the idea of 3ds WAS to allow 3d play. They made a half priced console with a 2d screen for a system that sold well, of course the 2d sold even better (their picking up all the poor folks who won't blow $200, but will $100) I btw did absolutely NOT get any 2ds variant. It defeated the purpose of WHY I got a 3ds. But there was such a flood of 2ds coming on the market that Nintendo (and many others) said "look, people don't want 3d, and by 2012 was regularly dropping 3d as an option from games. I've got tons, and by 13, my most common question when buying 3ds carts was " but does it do 3d" which I often got the lie of "yeah, it works fine on 3ds" uh, no, that's not the same damn thing. I never meant will it play, but will it play in 3d. By 14 I was no longer buying new 3ds games, and only seldomly buying used. Of handhelds (including switch) the 3ds has the smallest collection in my library, because "people don't want 3d" and Nintendo had 2 3d systems and not one production run fps among them? No adventure games (elder scrolls type) and even very few racers. Come on Nintendo, what the fuck?

I completely agree with you but... I don't think I own one 3DS game that is not in 3D. And I own quite a lot of them (apparently 46 physical games). I'm not sure Nintendo dropped 3D on many games, except the Pokémon games they don't develop internally.

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9 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

I completely agree with you but... I don't think I own one 3DS game that is not in 3D. And I own quite a lot of them (apparently 46 physical games). I'm not sure Nintendo dropped 3D on many games, except the Pokémon games they don't develop internally.

You don't have Devil Survivor and Devil Survivor 2? You NEED those. Like your life is not complete unless you have those. Maybe you have them on DS, but if not, skip the DS versions and get them on 3DS before they become too expensive... and they are already expensive.

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1 hour ago, Steven Pendleton said:

You don't have Devil Survivor and Devil Survivor 2? You NEED those. Like your life is not complete unless you have those. Maybe you have them on DS, but if not, skip the DS versions and get them on 3DS before they become too expensive... and they are already expensive.

I dislike RPGs. 🙂 For the love of Elon Musk, Steven, try to understand that not everyone has the same tastes as you in video games. Actually, very few people have. 😔

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