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TI Mini Expansion System


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On 1/19/2023 at 7:56 AM, Artoj said:

Hi All,

I am still sorting out my 3D printer, the heated bed has some issues, showing errors. So I have made the first draft of the STL files for the Mini Peb Box and Hard/Floppy Box. Regards Arto


Picked up a TI at a garage sale for $5.00, missing keys.  Do you have files for new keys?  I'm getting a 3D printer next week.

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13 hours ago, SkyPilot said:


Picked up a TI at a garage sale for $5.00, missing keys.  Do you have files for new keys?  I'm getting a 3D printer next week.

Great buy, the TI99/4a is one of the most underated computers. Regarding keys, I'll look into that, I have been working on duplicating the whole shell with added bonus ports etc.. I'll let you know. Regards Arto. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

As I have been working on the ternary interface, I decided to update the TMS9995 SBC and add 64 more I/O bits, making 96 in total. I have also added a small extension for the SBC board and the Expansion port board so they can plug into the Mini Expansion System. The connections are only power/ground at the moment, I have a lot of connections to integrate so it can be a portable unit, with the Mini Expansion System. So it can now be a stand alone system that only requires a RS232 terminal connection and 2 power plugs, 9VDC and 12VAC. The Lid of the box has 2 options, 1) just a lid with small slots to guide the TI99 Mini cards and 2) a complete Ternary card system under Cortex Control (TI99 at a later date) in the form of another box fitted on top.  Here are some pictures of the two boards.


Just so you know what the Ternary System looks like, here are 2 of my drafts. The first Trinarty Project Picture is the cards I will eventually integrate into the Mini Expansion unit with the TMS9995 SBC, the second picture is the Ternary system without any Binary interfaces, which will eventually be in a rack system and separate from any other computer control connections. I am still working on a Ternary ALU and a Ternary Memory unit. Regards Arto.





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Hi all,

Just adding another bit I have been working on. Here is the Draft for Joy Port V2, it has 31 inputs (possibly 62 if required in the next design or more ?) , 2 Atari Joystick Connections, Stuart Conner's IC2 port and Therry's Analogue Joystick adaptor as well, you can switch IC2 in/out and Analogue Jysk in/out . The 31 inputs was a design I did way back in the late 80's, I used it for a Music keyboard interface, I hope my memory serves me well here. For those TI programmers, Fire, Left, Right,Down,Up = R12 >0006,>0008,>000A,>000C,>000E = making bits 11111 = >1F = 31. Regards Arto. 



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Hi All,

I have been clearing out my garage and found part of the TI99 mother load of my prototype designs from the late 80's . The last scan has 3 items, I wonder if any one can identify the first cartridge? 

1) The first one is the TI99/4A RS232/Midi Interface.

2) Bottom view of Forti compatible system.

3) TI99/4A Parallel port interface.

4) Bottom view.

5) TI99/4a Forti compatible system.

6) Bottom view of RS232/Midi Interface.

7) TI99/4A TMS9901 control interface.

8 ) Bottom view.

9)TI99/4A unknown cartridge PCB 

   TI99/4A Eprom Cartridge Port.

   32K Expansion to fit behind cartridge port.

10) Bottom view
Enjoy , regards Arto.











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The TI cartridge PCB is a standard ROM/GROM game cartridge board (four GROM positions and 1 ROM position, but the chips could be stacked to give two ROMs and five GROMs--and a lot of cartridges did just that). Alpiner and Parsec both used it, and a lot of folks modified it to make it into a 4-bank supercart.


The ROM cartridge board from TISHUG is an 8K ROM-only board. Looks like it is using a 24-pin ROM, a resistor (most likely 68 Ohms) and a capacitor (most likely .1 uF or 22 pF).

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Hi All,

I am still working my way through all these designs while waiting for lots of parts and finishing a new workshop to house all the my current efforts. I have found a lot of my old work hidden in boxes, some which have got water damaged, I am currently scanning and cleaning up drawings and designs I had for lots of ideas back in the 80's. Here is the Eprommer that was designed by R. Klienschafer based on H. Martin work, I decided that it could be a complete unit that plugs into the cartridge port (with 1 extra port for the E/A cart) and a simple set of dip switches that covers 2716/2516(TI) + 2732 + 2764/27128 + 2532 + 2732A Eproms, i kept the personality plug in case that is preferred. The next few iterations will cover more Eproms, then software selected, possible Mini Card and finally cover logic chips as well. I will soon post the original articles with the addendum to what it is now.


*Note" there are 2 extra areas on the board for experimenting and additions.


Regards Arto. 


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Hi All,

I found a TI99/4A PEB card among my assorted cards, it is unpopulated and has "SOLID STATE FLOPPY DRIVE" written on it, does anyone recognise it at all? I vaguely remember buying the card and never got around to using it. I would love to get it going, two resistors have broke and are left dangling, a circuit diagram would really help, otherwise I will have to figure it out myself. Regards Arto.




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I've not seen that specific card, but it looks suspiciously like a clone of the early Horizon Ramdisk boards--without a battery backup. Although, looking further there, the two resistors at the top may have connected to a battery pack, as I see that all of the necessary isolation diodes are there and the resistors are connected to the pos and neg rails. The RAM chips would be 8Kx8 Static RAMs (96K + 8K DSR, without stacking and using the EXJ wires), U2 would be a 74LS154, U21-23 would be a pair of 74LS244s and a 74LS245, and the switch would be there to set your CRU address.


Actually, I just validated the fact that it is an HRD clone by looking at a picture of one of the early boards. The layout is almost identical, as is the component placement.


It is NOT the most likely Australian clone of the HRD (the Quest 200), as I just pulled out one to compare it to, before I pulled up the early HRD photo.


I attached the documentation for the board version yours appears to represent, along with the available modifications to it. The schematic is in the reference manual.



1531686621_HorizonRamdiskReferenceManual.pdf HRD 256K Expansion .pdf HRD 256K Expansion Project.pdf

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On 3/14/2023 at 4:56 AM, Ksarul said:

I've not seen that specific card, but it looks suspiciously like a clone of the early Horizon Ramdisk boards--without a battery backup. Although, looking further there, the two resistors at the top may have connected to a battery pack, as I see that all of the necessary isolation diodes are there and the resistors are connected to the pos and neg rails. The RAM chips would be 8Kx8 Static RAMs (96K + 8K DSR, without stacking and using the EXJ wires), U2 would be a 74LS154, U21-23 would be a pair of 74LS244s and a 74LS245, and the switch would be there to set your CRU address.


Actually, I just validated the fact that it is an HRD clone by looking at a picture of one of the early boards. The layout is almost identical, as is the component placement.


It is NOT the most likely Australian clone of the HRD (the Quest 200), as I just pulled out one to compare it to, before I pulled up the early HRD photo.


I attached the documentation for the board version yours appears to represent, along with the available modifications to it. The schematic is in the reference manual.


Thank you Ksarul, I have now listed the parts. I have started the ordering process, I have ordered some 6264LP-15 from Bulgaria, I hope they are not rubbish. Regards Arto.


Parts List:

3    U1,U19,U20         74LS138
1    U2                      74LS154
1    U9                      74LS259
1    U10                    74LS02
1    U18                    74LS156
2    U21,U22             74LS244
1    U23                    74LS245
6    U3-U8                 6264LP15
7    U11-17               6264LP15
3    B1,B2,B3            AAA Batteries (NiMH - EBL 1100 mAh - 1200 chgs - 75% after 3 yrs)
1    Battery Holder (3D printed 3 bat holder)
1    Q2                     7805
1    R1                     33  ohm 1/4W
1    R9                     330 ohm 1/4W
3    C2,C3,C4           10 uF 25v
3    C1,C4,C37         0.1 uF
22    C11-C32          0.1 uF
1    R2                     270 ohm   red vil brn
3    R3,R4,R6           2.7 K        red vil red
1    R5                    10  K        blk brn org
3    R7,R8,R10         2.7 K        red vil red
1    Q1                    2N2222
2    CR4,CR5           1N34A
3    CR6,CR7           1N34A`                
3    CR3,CR9,CR10  1N914
1    CR8                 1N4001
1    LED1               Red LED 5mm
1    LED2               Yellow LED 5mm
13    28 pin          Sockets
1    24 pin            Socket
3    20 pin            Socket
5    16 pin            Socket
1    14 pin            Socket
1    Dip Switch     16 Pin


Board Pins in use, "x" = not used

1    +5             2    +5
3    GND           x        
5    GND           x
7    GND           x
x_                    x
11    RDBENA_  x
x                     x
x                     x
x                     x
19    D7           x
21    D5           22    D6
23    D3           24    D4
25    D1           26    D2
x                     28    D0
29    A14         30    A15
31    A12         32    A13
33    A10         34    A11
35    A8           36    A9
37    A6           38    A7
39    A4           40    A5
41    A2           42    A3
43    A0           44    A1
x                    x
x                    x
x                    x
51    CRUCLK  52    DBIN
x                    54    WE_
x                    56    MEMEN_
x                    x
x                    x

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Hi All,

So much water damage, my heart breaks but after drying cleaning and partly sorting about 400 pages of old work, I found about 30 GEMs that might be interesting to the many TI enthusiasts. 


This scan was of a faded FAX copy of the first draft of my original MIDI99 design, it had one Midi in , one Midi out, a sound digitiser in/out and one megabyte of RAM. It also had a DSR and a inbuilt control program, all with configurable dip switches. Most of the my own TI software written for the hardware was lost during a lightning storm which fried so much of my best work. Not long after I decided to pursue other interests and left the TI community, it was one of my many hobbies at the time.


I have included my redraw of some of Peter Schubert's work I found among the water damaged rubble as well. I will be redrawing many of the other damaged artwork I found very soon. Regards Arto.






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Hi All,

Here is another card draft done! Mixed in with my old papers, I found my original Midi99 card design, based on a AY-3-1015D, it has no DSR and its input and output are simply two memory locations. CALL PEEK(-31103,IN) and CALL LOAD(-31105,OUT). There is a push toggle switch which changes the port from Midi In to Midi Out. I have all the components in stock, I will improve it later and eliminate the switch.


This was one of my projects back in 1990, I based it on the AEM 4511 Midi kit, which was a parallel port version. I have not tested any of these cards yet, this will be done when my workshop is finished, which I have now a 8 channel digital analyser which will help a lot, 2 channel oscilloscope and still to get a precision power supply and a few more tools and I should be set. 


I am also still working on the cartridge STL files for the TI EPROMMER. Regards Arto.




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Hi All,

I am trying to put together at least one TI99/4a, I have 2 motherboards which are pretty grotty, and a power supply that's suspicious. One thing I can't find is a 32K memory unit to test the ports etc., so I decided to make a slim side port 32K card that has a single slot to fit the Mini PE cards. I will be making a STL file to house it as well. This is version 1.0, I had a design ready, but  found Jedimatt42 was the best choice for a compact size , thanks for his good work, it saved me a lot of extra work. :thumbsup:


Now I will be able test the cards, with just a console + 32K. Added to this I have been working on a card that fits into the console, one that will give you a V9938 internally without anything else attached, I am very close to solving the problems involved. I will keep you posted when I have at least a good draft designed. Regards Arto. 


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18 hours ago, GDMike said:

Would that be better than the f-18A?

F-18A is a superb piece of hardware and I will buy one at one point, it is not where I see my work is going. I am in a process of design and the TI99 is a means to an end, along the way it will help me design and articulate a Ternary computer, complete and working with designed interfaces to basic binary ports, be it graphic, keyboard, memory and numerous other interfaces not yet designed. I hope to build a kit version so others can start to explore this field. Getting to create new Ternary logic elements for design by developing the tools and simplification of this vast unknown territory of computer science is a primary concern, the creative prospects appeal to me as new discoveries are now open to everyone to explore. Refer to one of my previous posts about this subject. Regards Arto.      

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Hi All,


As all the new boards get built, I need to test them in a orderly fashion, without wasting time making fruitless guesses, beside the logic analyser and the Oscilloscope, I have a base board where I can check all the data and address ports on the 44 way connector without plugging it into the TI99, So... I designed the TI99 Port Analyser. I based it on F.G. Kaal's version that he designed for PEB cards, it has saved me a lot extra effort. it can be used on any other hardware that plugs into the side port as well. Regards Arto.



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Hi All,
I have updated the TI99 Joy Port to version 3.2, it now has a Light Pen Port (with a pen holder) and with the new additional version(4) it will have a complete RS232 to allow a serial mouse to be used. I have also included the pins so you can power it from the Video port just like the original Joytalk. 


During the redesign I have decided to rewrite the Joytalk routines to accommodate the new design. So in the interim here is a new circuit, still to be tested. I will eventually redesign all of the circuits so they fit the profile of the TI99 with a STL file, so you can have your TI just 75mm wider with all these new usable ports. The software will come along later, all the modules need to be unified and made transparent. I am having so much joy giving back to the TI community, Regards Arto


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3 hours ago, Artoj said:

Hi All,
I have updated the TI99 Joy Port to version 3.2, it now has a Light Pen Port (with a pen holder) and with the new additional version(4) it will have a complete RS232 to allow a serial mouse to be used. I have also included the pins so you can power it from the Video port just like the original Joytalk. 


During the redesign I have decided to rewrite the Joytalk routines to accommodate the new design. So in the interim here is a new circuit, still to be tested. I will eventually redesign all of the circuits so they fit the profile of the TI99 with a STL file, so you can have your TI just 75mm wider with all these new usable ports. The software will come along later, all the modules need to be unified and made transparent. I am having so much joy giving back to the TI community, Regards Arto


Id like to see this project with a mouse driver and pen input assy files in action. How cool

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Hi All,


Still working on the mouse routines, I have added another card the "TI99 64/64 I/O CARD", giving you 64 input and 64 output lines. This was an old design by Ross Mudie back in 1992, he had 96/32 I/O lines, great idea of using a memory map system without using CRU or having a DSR. I have started a preliminary XB program as my TI is not working yet. I hope to make this card a work horse for my many designs. Regards Arto



100 ! *************************
101 ! *  TI99 64/64 I/O CARD  *
102 ! *************************
112 DIM T(64)
114 DIM N(64)
116 FOR Z=1 TO 64 :: T(Z)=0 : N(Z)=0 :: NEXT Z
170 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF K<49 OR K>51 THEN 170 ELSE K=K-48
180 ON K GOTO 200,1400   
185 !
210 DISPLAY AT(6,1):"1 KEYS 0-9 A-V(1-32)"
220 DISPLAY AT(8,1):"2 KEYS 0-9 A-V(33-64)"
240 DISPLAY AT(12,1):"4 CYCLE 0-255 IN BLOCK 1"
250 DISPLAY AT(14,1):"5 CYCLE 0-255 IN BLOCK 2"
260 DISPLAY AT(16,1):"6 CYCLE 0-255 IN BLOCK 3"
270 DISPLAY AT(18,1):"7 CYCLE 0-255 IN BLOCK 4"
280 DISPLAY AT(20,1):"8 CYCLE 0-255 ALL BLOCKS"
300 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF K<49 OR K>56 THEN 170 ELSE K=K-48
310 ON K GOTO 350,450,580,680,780,880,980,1080 
320 !
340 ! CONTROL LED 1-32
350 DISPLAY AT(6,1):"1 >>>> 0-9 A-V (1-32)"
352 CALL KEY(3,K,3)):: IF K=15 THEN 120 
353 IF K<48 OR K>86 THEN 352 
354 IF K>57 AND K<65 THEN 352
355 K=K-48 :: IF K>9 THEN K=K-7
356 IF T(K)=1 THEN T(K)=0 ELSE T(K)=0
357 FOR X= 1 TO 32
358 DISPLAY AT(1,X):T(X)    
362 NEXT X 
364 CALL BINY(0,V)
366 CALL LOAD(-31104,255-V)
370 CALL BINY(8,V)
372 CALL LOAD(-31103,255-V)
376 CALL BINY(16,V)
378 CALL LOAD(-31102,255-V)
382 CALL BINY(24,V)
384 CALL LOAD(-31101,255-V)
446 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF S<>0 THE 446
448 GOTO 352
449 !
450 ! CONTROL LED 33-64
451 DISPLAY AT(8,1):"2 >>>> 0-9 A-V (33-64)"
452 CALL KEY(3,K,3)):: IF K=15 THEN 120 
453 IF K<48 OR K>86 THEN 452 
454 IF K>57 AND K<65 THEN 452
455 K=K-48 : IF K>9 THEN K=K-7
456 IF T(K)=1 THEN T(K)=0 ELSE T(K)=0
457 FOR X= 33 TO 64
458 DISPLAY AT(2,X-32):T(X)    
462 NEXT X 
464 CALL BINY(0,V)
466 CALL LOAD(-31100,255-V)
470 CALL BINY(8,V)
472 CALL LOAD(-31099,255-V)
476 CALL BINY(16,V)
478 CALL LOAD(-31098,255-V)
482 CALL BINY(24,V)
484 CALL LOAD(-31097,255-V)
546 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF S<>0 THE 546
548 GOTO 452
580 !
584 DISPLAY AT(10,1):"3 >>>>> LEDS 1 TO 64"
586 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF K=15 THEN 120
588 FOR D=1 TO 64 :: T(D)=0 :: NEXT D
590 FOR D=1 TO 64 :: T(D)=1
592 CALL BINY(0,V)
602 CALL LOAD(-31104,255-V)
612 CALL BINY(8,V)
614 CALL LOAD(-31103,255-V)
618 CALL BINY(16,V)
620 CALL LOAD(-31102,255-V)
622 CALL BINY(24,V)
602 CALL LOAD(-31101,255-V)
612 CALL BINY(32,V)
614 CALL LOAD(-31100,255-V)
618 CALL BINY(40,V)
620 CALL LOAD(-31099,255-V)
622 CALL BINY(48,V)
624 CALL LOAD(-31098,255-V)
626 CALL BINY(56,V)
628 CALL LOAD(-31097,255-V)
632 T(D)=0
634 NEXT D
636 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF S<>0 THE 636
638 GOTO 586
679 !
680 ! BLOCK 1
684 DISPLAY AT(12,1):"4 >>>>> 0-255 IN BLOCK 1"
690 FOR V=255 TO 0 STEP -1
692 CALL LOAD(-31104,V)
694 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF K=15 THEN 120
696 NEXT V 
698 FOR V=255 TO 0 STEP -1
700 CALL LOAD(-31103,V)
702 CALL KEY(3,K,S):: IF K=15 THEN 120
704 NEXT V 
706 GOTO 130

779 !
780 ! BLOCK 2

879 !
880 ! BLOCK 3

979 !
980 ! BLOCK 4

1079 !

1399 !

1400 ! INPUTS

1999 ! 
2860 FOR S=1 T0 32
2862 DISPLAY AT(1,S):T(S) 
2854 DISPLAY AT(2,S):T(S+32)
2868 NEXT S
2888 !
2999 !
3000 SUB BINY(H,V)
3002 V=0 
3004 FOR Y=0 TO 7
3006 IF T(Y+1+H)=1 THEN V=V+(2^Y)
3008 NEXT Y


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If you remember a Weather Station uses RXB CALL IO command to talk to the IO port of the TI99/4A RS232 ports.

This uses the GPL command IO that controls the CRU chip.



I think this would faster then using normal XB as it gives direct access to both any port on TI but also faster graphically displays with all of lower 8K use.


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On 4/8/2023 at 5:07 AM, RXB said:

If you remember a Weather Station uses RXB CALL IO command to talk to the IO port of the TI99/4A RS232 ports.

This uses the GPL command IO that controls the CRU chip.


I think this would faster then using normal XB as it gives direct access to both any port on TI but also faster graphically displays with all of lower 8K use.


Thanks RXB,

When I get my TI99 working again, I will be using all the great new tools that programmers like yourself have written. Thanks for the sample files, it will help when I work on testing programmes for all the hardware I have been working on. I was going to use TMS9901's to get 64/64 I/O lines but the board real-estate was not big enough to incorporate all that I needed for my ternary project. The simplicity of using ten 74LS chips is a good choice as I can now design each board to incorporate different sets of 64/64 I/O addresses, making a small link change on each board, where I can add 4 cards in my MINI PEB, giving me 256/256 by only using 64 bytes of memory. What I needed was a minimum of 243 I/O control lines (3x3x3x3x3) to complete the hardware configuration to make a complete Ternary Computer controlled by the TI99, slow but adequate for my needs.

It looks like those commands in the RXB will be useful when I want to store and run/write/print TI programmes through the Ternary Computer, making the TI a robust micro-controller. Regards Arto  

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Hi All,

I have now added a set of 8 pins to make jumpers so each card has a unique set of addresses. 8 bytes in 8 bytes out. With 4 cards it is a total of = 8x8x8 = 256IN +256OUT  

IN     >8680 = -31104
OUT  >8688 = -31096
IN     >8690 = -31088
OUT  >8698 = -31080
IN     >86A0 = -31072
OUT  >86A8 = -31064
IN     >86B0 = -31056
OUT  >86B8 = -31048

Regards Arto.


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6 minutes ago, FarmerPotato said:

Hi @Artoj


I've been following your project, and I really admire the layout, and the sheer scope of what you are doing!  You must have put a tremendous amount of work into these!


Thanks FarmerPotato, it is a labour of love, I was educated by Texas Instruments Radio shack books back in the mid 70's, then I got a TI99/4A and the whole new vista was born. I moved into esoteric mathematical pursuits for many years only to realise that I was subconsciously designing a Ternary Computer. As I cannot make IC's, I opted for Optical relays and made a Unary element that I could use on all the Ternary logic. The TI99 re-connection was an accident, I decided to use it as micro-controller so I could configure the vast amount of possibilities that the Ternary logic has offered me. My current Ternary design is called the "Unary Modifier" which is in-between a 2 input gate and 2 Unary gates, the Output of one Unary gate Modifies another Unary Gate which now gives a set of 9 outputs where 3 are just buffers and 6 are unique logic, also there are 27 Unary gates so it is now a vast number of possibilities. This UM gates will simplify address and data handling logic without going full 2 input logic that require 8 Unary gates. I hope to demonstrate a complete working Ternary system, I am creating simple Ternary ROM, a Ternary Keyboard Interface and Ternary RAM but in the meantime the TI99 can do these tasks through the I/O card. Regards Arto.     

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