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Atari ST newbie with questions Netusbee UltraSatan etc.


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Just purchased an Atari STFM.  Going to hook a Gotek drive and Wimodem32 to it so I can get on some BBSes.  Wondering which would be best to get next, a Netusbee or UltraSatan?

Can the usb port on the Netusbee be used with a thumbdrive as a hard disk to run programs from or is it only for copying stuff over something like the UltraSatan?

Is there a tcp/ip stack for the st that I can use to access the internet with the Netusbee?


Also, is there anyone in the states that sells the SD4ST+?  I see the Brewing Academy sells both the Netusbee and UltraSatan.


Thanks for any info.  Never used an ST of any kind before.


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Would be great to see you on the BBSes.




As for the rest of it, I'm not really sure the NetUSBee is going to be fast enough to use as a hard drive, but if you have the UltraSatan you've kinda got that covered.  Not really sure what you'd do with the SD4ST+ and UltraSatan together.


Unless you want to use the NetUSBee for other things (other than thumb drives and such) I'd probably suggest going with the UltraSatan and see how complete your life feels after that. ;)


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9 minutes ago, tlgrooms said:

Can the usb port on the Netusbee be used with a thumbdrive as a hard disk to run programs from or is it only for copying stuff over something like the UltraSatan?

Yes it can, you can mount the partitions as drives, you cannot boot from them though, you need to boot from floppy or hard disk

with the drivers for NETUSBEE, the drivers have to be put in the AUTO folder in the correct order to work.


I currently have a "real" hard drive to boot from and 2 USB sticks in the NETUSBEE mapped as further hard drives,

so an UltraSatan could be useful if your planning to get one.


The network on NETUSBEE works with a program called UIP which allows you to open a browser window on a PC/MAC

you can then copy files to/from the ST.


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5 minutes ago, Tillek said:

Unless you want to use the NetUSBee for other things

I use the thumb drives as a backup for the hard drive, loading files from a thumb drive is relatively quick.


Should say also, if I don't have the hard drive attached and boot from floppy, it mounts the thumb

drives as hard disks and I can run the system that way (recently had a hard disk failure, this was a lifesaver).

Edited by TGB1718
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6 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

I use the thumb drives as a backup for the hard drive, loading files from a thumb drive is relatively quick.


Should say also, if I don't have the hard drive attached and boot from floppy, it mounts the thumb

drives as hard disks and I can run the system that way (recently had a hard disk failure, this was a lifesaver).

Well, true... but if you already have an UltraSatan, there are 2 SD card slots.  So all I'm really saying is that if you are going to get an UltraSatan, getting a NetUSBee JUST for the thumb drive is probably not going to wow anyone... Though if you aren't going to get the UltraSatan... that's a different story.


But that's just my 2 cents on it.... YMMV.


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Have to admit, I kinda don't get this either... :)


I mean, I've got 2 internal Ultrasatan's, one in my Mega STe and one in

my STacy. Both have 2 card slots. Backing up is as simple as sticking another

SD card in and copying the entire contents of your primary drive(s) onto the

2nd card.


I do have a NetUSBee attached to my Mega STe but I've never even once tried

the USB part of it. No need for me. I use the NetUSBee for UIP-Tool and transferring

files across my LAN or even wirelessly with the PicoWiFi setup. It's great!


EDIT: Oh, okay - It finally sunk in - in your last post you're saying that the NetUSBee

would be a good backup device for anyone with an actual hard drive (spinning platters

and all!). Gotcha.  :)


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  • 1 year later...

To use UIP I copy the executable to the root of drive C

then you need a file called UIP.CFG in this format

first parameter is ST address, then sub mask,then the router address




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For the USB drive, I created several partitions each 1GB using FAT when formatting.

On the ST put the files :-





Into the AUTO folder of your boot drive, the files must be put in the AUTO folder in that order.

I found I needed to put BIGDOS.PRG in the AUTO folder also before I could MAP/Access the drives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi TGB1718,


doesn't the UIP program create the config file when first run?


I've created a uip.cfg file as shown, but I get the following error message(see image).



I did get this to work some time ago by connecting the STe to an old router and connecting wirelessly to my laptop, but nothing appears to be working anymore.


I've tried plugging the ethernet cable straight from the netusbee into the laptop, but again not working.








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29 minutes ago, blacka013 said:

doesn't the UIP program create the config file when first run?

Yes it does, I forgot :)

Sorry can't help with that, my NetUSBEE no longer works with ethernet, only the USB works,

I had troubles when I bought it, sent it back, but they said nothing wrong, it worked for a few

 months, then dead on Ether :(


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UIP needs no drivers or config files to be created.


Just run UIP on its own on the Atari and it will interface directly with the netusbee, use the IP it displays on the Atari screen on your PC and point your web browser at that IP.


Now you will be able to transfer files back and forth.

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13 hours ago, blacka013 said:

I have noticed with the STe switch on, I have both the green and orange LEDs on. I'm not sure that is correct.

That's what mine does, on solid, can't remember which one (probably green), but one should be flickering showing network activity.


Also, now when I run UIP I don't see the initializing screen.


In another thread, someone said some NETUSBEE's are very sensitive to the +5V supply and may not work correctly

with the correct or slightly high voltage.


I know when I first tried mine the 5V supply was 4.85, still in tolerance but I adjusted it up to 5V

when doing a 68000 chip replacement, didn't check the NETUSBEE at this time).


I fitted a low power 68000 chip and the machine became unstable with it fitted and

this turned out to be because the supply voltage was 5V, when I lowered it back to 4.85V, it was

stable again, I decided to put the old 68000 chip back in and adjust the 5V supply to 5V.


I've not opened her back up to try reducing the 5V again as the case is very fragile and at the moment I

don't need the ethernet, I can get by using other means.

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Thanks for the info TGB1718.


Can you remember how you adjusted the 5V supply from the PSU? I'll check what the 5V is.


This could be the cause of another problem I've been having. I'm running Neodesk 4, and when trying to read/write to a floppy, I get an error about disk may be damaged. If I remove the hard drive and just use the inbuilt desktop, reading/writing is no problem with the same disk.


I may need you to help me with detailed instructions on how to prepare a usb drive so I can transfer files between my PC and ST.


My old Windows XP PC has died a death.



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7 hours ago, blacka013 said:

Can you remember how you adjusted the 5V supply from the PSU? I'll check what the 5V is.

Yes, there's a trimmer, depending on which model of PSU it's VR201 or VR301 somewhere near the middle of the PSU,

be careful, lot's of nasty voltages in there ☠️


Adjust very carefully making sure you don't go outside limits. 5VDC +/- 0.25V

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Hi TGB1718,


so checked the voltages at the power supply, 5V = 5.03V, 12V =11.94. So I think the PSU is ok.


I think I will need to reseat everything on the motherboard and check voltages out at some of the chips.


Still getting the strange problem of disk errors when using a different desktop. Most peculiar.



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On 2/9/2023 at 10:28 AM, tlgrooms said:

Just purchased an Atari STFM.  Going to hook a Gotek drive and Wimodem32 to it so I can get on some BBSes.  Wondering which would be best to get next, a Netusbee or UltraSatan?

Can the usb port on the Netusbee be used with a thumbdrive as a hard disk to run programs from or is it only for copying stuff over something like the UltraSatan?

Is there a tcp/ip stack for the st that I can use to access the internet with the Netusbee?


Also, is there anyone in the states that sells the SD4ST+?  I see the Brewing Academy sells both the Netusbee and UltraSatan.


Thanks for any info.  Never used an ST of any kind before.



I have built an alternate version of the asci2stm.  These work really well too.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The Netusbee arrived on saturday, a nice shiny unit with a black PCB. 


I can now transfer files from my laptop to my STe, and the unit now recognises wireless keyboard and mouse.


A great result.


Thanks Jakub at Retrolemon for an excellent service.



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29 minutes ago, blacka013 said:

The Netusbee arrived on saturday, a nice shiny unit with a black PCB. 

I might see if they can repair mine, unfortunately it's out of warranty, but you never know as it's never really been right.

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20 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

might see if they can repair mine, unfortunately it's out of warranty, but you never know as it's never really been right.


Jakub from Retro Lemon got Lotharek involved, and after I told them both lights were on whether the adsl cable was plugged in or not, they asked me to send it back for repair/replacement.


See if they'll replace it if you've sent it back before. Worth a try.



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  • 4 weeks later...

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