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Sega-16 Dead?


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1 minute ago, Kanon said:

From Faxebook: The Sega-16 forums are down temporarily. We're moving the site so they should hopefully be up tonight.



Ah, I don't have Facebook. Glad to see it's not permanent. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed many of the Sega 16 forums were very stagnant this past year, with several sub forums not getting any new topics or replies for months at a time.  I guess all that's needed to be said about the 32x and Sega CD has been said at this point, I know there's still Sega fans and collectors of old Sega stuff, but with the lack of conversations, it doesn't feel like the community still exists in the way it did 5-10-15 years ago. 

Edited by sirlynxalot
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On 6/12/2023 at 1:29 PM, Cafeman said:

I get a security warning when I try to click the forum link from the main page. Not clicking that again. 

Correct, the forums are not using HTTPS so Chrome will now come up with a warning when you try and access the forums. I just went ahead and clicked my advanced option at the bottom to go ahead and browse to the site anyway.

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  • 3 months later...

I stopped visiting Sega-16 as there were members actively hostile to anything besides C and assembly.  To the point that even linked demonstration videos of my genesis homebrew would immediately get dislikes.  My early homebrew were weird and unpolished for sure.  But, the dislikes only came after posting there.


Maybe I'll try again.



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On 6/12/2023 at 2:09 PM, sirlynxalot said:

I noticed many of the Sega 16 forums were very stagnant this past year, with several sub forums not getting any new topics or replies for months at a time.  I guess all that's needed to be said about the 32x and Sega CD has been said at this point, I know there's still Sega fans and collectors of old Sega stuff, but with the lack of conversations, it doesn't feel like the community still exists in the way it did 5-10-15 years ago. 

The couple active moderators they had were very childish and petty and chased away a number of the most active members. There was a tint of religiousness and right wing nuts that were part of the mod crew and their friends so that helped kill the forum further.
As a matter of fact, I just visited that forum yesterday for the first time in ages, and one of the recent posts from one of the few active members there ended with "Let's go brandon!" That's the level of intellect over there, as has been for awhile.

Edited by Koa Zo
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2 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

Maybe there are other places to talk about Genesis and Megadrive?

I'm wondering about that. I only check the homebrew section of SpritesMind every morning for my retrogaming website and, while there are tons of Genesis homebrew these days, that section is almost dead, like one post every other month. 😔

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There's lots of Genesis / Mega Drive action spread around, here are some places I can think of at the top of my head:

For doing homebrew and gamedev
, the Awesome Genesis Github has links to various community spots:

For general communities and hot spots for a mix of casual
, hardcore, fans, developers, and content creators, and (mostly) news & comments:


Twitter: There are many people posting content and having discussions on the Genesis / Sega CD / 32x here, but it's so many, lol.
Twitter Users that somehow find and retweet the good stuff from homebrewer WIPs to interviews to trivia:
(don't wanna post the links directly because it'll auto embed a giant wall of tweets)



plus a whole lot more but I can only remember these for now

Twitter hashtags:

search without the hashtag too



A bountiful sea of retro content creators, here is a mix with significant Genesis stuff, some are more "mainstream", others more "underground":






















??? (I'm sure there's some crossover with Youtube guys)


https://discord.gg/THeNJVDW (sega 16 server)

and retro forums out there, including Atari Age, that may have a section for Genesis:

There's a ton more for each category, this list surely is missing some gold mines. I really want to, though I don't think I have it in me to maintain a compendium 😅

This is only Genesis, who knows whats out there for PCE, Master System, MSX, N64, etc...... 🙀

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Yeah, there are so many forms of communication online nowadays that scenes like these have become a bit splintered. Some of us don't have the energy to keep track of all the forums, discord servers, reddit communities, YouTube channels and twitter personalities. The reality is that there is a lot of stuff happening, but it's spread all over and unless you're in-tune with it all, it's not going to feel like it.

Edited by Austin
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I'm here, a bit less at VGS as they're sorta morphing back into NA in some ways, and then it's some locked groups, and a few spaces on reddit.  When the mood strikes for live chat there's one large catch all with Classic Gaming, but also Planet Virtual Boy, Game Boy is another, AmberELEC if you use Anbernic devices.  I never did find one (or look that hard) for Famicom, Nintendo, SNES type stuff.  I barely keep up with the ones I use as I'll ignore discord easily for a week, and reddit if I didn't get some daily reminder fishing for reads auto-mail off them I'd forget it existed. ;)

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I'm a little worried by how much video game developers in general (not only in the homebrew realm) favor Twitter, given how the platform is doing right now... If they all start to create account on various alternatives, that will be a pita to follow. Also, but it's probably just me, I hate how most people now publish their videos directly on Twitter rather than on YouTube (or Vimeo, Dailymotion, I don't care), because Twitter doesn't embed as well in WordPress, so it makes my work more complicated.

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11 hours ago, Austin said:

Yeah, there are so many forms of communication online nowadays that scenes like these have become a bit splintered. Some of us don't have the energy to keep track of all the forums, discord servers, reddit communities, YouTube channels and twitter personalities. The reality is that there is a lot of stuff happening, but it's spread all over and unless you're in-tune with it all, it's not going to feel like it.

Here’s the thing: the Genesis is 35 years old and there just isn’t that much news or discussion (just like with Atari etc), so I think the most valuable aspects of these sites are wikis and other encyclopedic articles 


I quit following 16-bit Facebook and Reddit groups because so much of it was “here are my pickups from the swap meet” with photos of common old cartridges. Not interesting to me at all. 

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31 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

Here’s the thing: the Genesis is 35 years old and there just isn’t that much news or discussion (just like with Atari etc), so I think the most valuable aspects of these sites are wikis and other encyclopedic articles 


I quit following 16-bit Facebook and Reddit groups because so much of it was “here are my pickups from the swap meet” with photos of common old cartridges. Not interesting to me at all. 

See, that's a thing I enjoy about these larger forums and repositories, like Sega-16 or AtariAge--the various different sections allow different angles of this hobby to co-exist comfortably in one location. I.e., you've got sections where it's OK to post your pickups/wares, other sections to just talk about games or a particular platform, but then you've got other sections dedicated to, say, homebrew development (what my post was more so referring to).


I'm personally off most Facebook groups because they tend to be more collector focused, something that no longer interests me.

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Yeah I'm seeing a lot of that too, a few things I found do cover the materials and isn't largely centered around look what I found, look what I paid, but more and more is that and I'm so over that bs.  Here you can post things and share that if you want, but it has its corner, but there are lots of corners here you can dip into or not, or only when necessary on the topic and that's what works great.  It's not just that, but also the fact people here don't act half their age, entitled, stupid, political (banned yay!), and the rest looking to trigger something too.  It's the anti-social social media.

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7 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

there just isn’t that much news or discussion

There are quite a lot of homebrew games on Genesis these days, actually. Maybe less than on NES and definitely less than on Atari 2600, but almost all of them are released on cartridges. So it's definitely weird that a forum about the Genesis homebrew scene is a lot less active than a NES or Atari one.

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  • 4 months later...
On 10/11/2023 at 12:42 PM, Gemintronic said:

I stopped visiting Sega-16 as there were members actively hostile to anything besides C and assembly.  To the point that even linked demonstration videos of my genesis homebrew would immediately get dislikes.  My early homebrew were weird and unpolished for sure.  But, the dislikes only came after posting there.


Maybe I'll try again.



"hostile", ya got that right. i had a feeling an passive thoughts myself about the atmosphere there almost a year ago just before this thread was made when i was enjoying the site an then i got attacked with bullshit and then some arbitrary nonsense lie as an excuse was given to temporarily ban me. so seems over the past few years sega-16 has become a groupthink gang of immature karens. headquarters at SEGA ought be concerned when websites misuse its name by treating people like shit. 



ticks me off the way you were treated for just showing what brew you been working on. i'v been critical of hacks & mods when something like 'changed another games title-screen font color again' that floods a site list of modified games to browse through and i might not necessarily care much for someones game but no reason to be a dick when someone just shows others their progress of a game they been developing. 




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On 10/12/2023 at 9:03 AM, Koa Zo said:

The couple active moderators they had were very childish and petty and chased away a number of the most active members. There was a tint of religiousness and right wing nuts that were part of the mod crew and their friends so that helped kill the forum further.
As a matter of fact, I just visited that forum yesterday for the first time in ages, and one of the recent posts from one of the few active members there ended with "Let's go brandon!" That's the level of intellect over there, as has been for awhile.

thats interesting. my bad experience seemed to be from the other side of coin. 

sad sega-16 turned unpleasant. what reason would i want to return after being mistreated myself? i should have joined this forum earlier. i may have long ago and forgotten my account but i didnt check AtariAge often for news, conversation an such, so ima moreso now with this account an see how it goes.

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