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If you had three games…


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Major Havoc - Ahead of its time.  An updated version with more emphasis on maze elements and expanded capabilities, like a weapon or a wall jump for the on-foot stages, or power-ups and bosses during the shooting stages, could be an awesome small-ish indie-style game with the right look.  


Adventure - I'm imagining a roguelike with more items and creatures than the first two, with a more fleshed out combat system where certain weapons/items are only effective against particular creatures/hazards.  For instance, a dagger can kill a troll, but not a skeleton, which would have to be dispatched with a club.  Armor may protect you from ogres, but you will be too slow to escape a flying dragon.  Depending on where each item and creature ends up on the map, your strategy will have to change: sometimes relying on combat, sometimes stealth or magic, or using environmental traps.  Graphics should be done in the style of Weird Tales magazine covers.


Star Raiders - I'm imagining an update similar to the one I described for Adventure.  Certain levels will have different alien ships with different capabilities.  For instance, I would like to see a race with cloaking capabilities, where you have to fight the baseship only relying on long range scanners and targeting computer a la "The Balance of Terror" from the old Star Trek, or perhaps one with the ability to board your starship.  Strategic elements should expand as you gain rank, being able to use starbases to send orders to different attack wings, for example.  Also, the ability to customize/upgrade your loadout from one mission to the next.  Graphics should be hi-res versions of a late-70s/early-80s sci-fi picture.  Enemy ships should look like built models, and things like the targeting computer should appear as fuzzy CRT monitors with primitive computer animation.

Edited by MrTrust
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1 hour ago, MrTrust said:

Major Havoc - Ahead of its time.  An updated version with more emphasis on maze elements and expanded capabilities, like a weapon or a wall jump for the on-foot stages, or power-ups and bosses during the shooting stages, could be an awesome small-ish indie-style game with the right look.  


Adventure - I'm imagining a roguelike with more items and creatures than the first two, with a more fleshed out combat system where certain weapons/items are only effective against particular creatures/hazards.  For instance, a dagger can kill a troll, but not a skeleton, which would have to be dispatched with a club.  Armor may protect you from ogres, but you will be too slow to escape a flying dragon.  Depending on where each item and creature ends up on the map, your strategy will have to change: sometimes relying on combat, sometimes stealth or magic, or using environmental traps.  Graphics should be done in the style of Weird Tales magazine covers.


Star Raiders - I'm imagining an update similar to the one I described for Adventure.  Certain levels will have different alien ships with different capabilities.  For instance, I would like to see a race with cloaking capabilities, where you have to fight the baseship only relying on long range scanners and targeting computer a la "The Balance of Terror" from the old Star Trek, or perhaps one with the ability to board your starship.  Strategic elements should expand as you gain rank, being able to use starbases to send orders to different attack wings, for example.  Also, the ability to customize/upgrade your loadout from one mission to the next.  Graphics should be hi-res versions of a late-70s/early-80s sci-fi picture.  Enemy ships should look like built models, and things like the targeting computer should appear as fuzzy CRT monitors with primitive computer animation.

I love that Star Raiders idea.  I would buy the hell outta that.  :)

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