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Two new Intellivision consoles coming from BBG Entertainment


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Official statement from me on my community page reads as follows:

I feel like I'm the type of person who can admit when he makes a mistake.


Monday's video with William about BBG Entertainment's plans for the future was clearly a mistake.


When someone I knew had some inside information that he was told he could share, I jumped at the opportunity to have him on my channel. The fact is, permission to talk or not, we clearly didn't "read the room" and we should have.


Over the past 5 years, the Intellivision brand has been through a fiasco. A part of that fiasco was information being released via interviews much like mine on small YouTube channels. Me being ignorant led to the same situation here, I'm sure resurrecting PTSD in many an Intellivision fan. To add to that fire was some incorrect information in the interview, which was posted in a pinned comment on my second video.


If nothing else, my contribution to the fiasco outed the agreement between IE and BBG, so there's that. However it also seems to have killed the project that I and others would have loved to see come to fruition.


It was my intention to leave both videos up, I own my mistakes and I accept that because of them there's definitely some deserved mockery out there about me. I don't have a problem with that. If I had a dollar for every time I was called an idiot I'd be a very rich man.


That said, I have been asked by several parties to remove my videos regarding the FPGA and clone systems from BBG (note that IE was not one of them, although I'm sure they're pissed). I know they have both been recorded and will be re-uploaded a bunch of times so it doesn't do anything to redact what was posted, but in the interest of complying with requests from some of the parties involved I will do so. They will both be marked as private immediately. In time they may come back, who knows.


The important thing that I want to keep out there is the information posted about the license agreement between these two companies, as posted by John Alverado:


"1) BBG has a limited, non-exclusive license to the Intellivision OS to publish software-emulated Intellivision classic games on modern platforms; they do not have a license to produce a hardware version of the OS (i.e., they cannot produce an Intellivision console with their current license). 2) BBG has a non-exclusive license for a subset of up to 60 games chosen from the Intellivision library of classic games (i.e., they did not license the entire library). The specific games are to be determined with Intellivision. I am grateful for Stephan Berendsen, the founder and president of BBG. Stephan has been a constant supporter of our work to publish Amico--this license deal is but one example. BBG’s classic Intellivision game packs will also appear on Amico."


and further:


"Correction to my correction: The number 60 was an estimate, not a cap. It could be more (or fewer) games. It depends on what games make commercial sense to port (in terms of popularity and feasibility of porting--considering controller/UI requirements). The list excludes games with a third-party IP license which Intellivision is unable to transfer. Coming up with the final list is a collaborative process with BBG that is ongoing."

So ya, sucks, but I never should have made the video and I should have known not to.  I'll learn from it and move on.  Review today is about a fun little homebrew for the Odyssey 2 if you want to check it out.

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It is my understanding that BBG's license to make use of original games and the OS to run under emulators doesn't include using a raspberry pi or similar to run the emulator. I believe it is limited to software running on established platforms such as the Xbox and Nintendo Switch. I apologize to BBG Entertainment for advising a flashback type device because of their license. 


As far at the FPGA core goes, it was NEVER going to be a stand alone thing. I am under NDA and not allowed to talk about it. Ironically, this gave people the impression that it was an Intellivision only console exclusively and attracted all the Amico haters/lovers who lost their minds over this project. I apologize for my mistake that I only noticed in the video after it went live that caused another meltdown. I MEANT to say 'BBG owns Astrosmash and Shark Shark and LICENSED the other original games and operating system' and regret that it wasn't caught and corrected before the video launched. I apologize to both BBG Entertainment and Intellivision Entertainment for the mistake and the drama this has caused. 


The people on YouTube who seem to be desperate for content are using this to mock me and what I was trying to do. I deny 'announcing' anything. I was simply talking about something cool that we were working on. There was no intent to 'get the word out' as there was nothing to buy and no waiting list to be put on. I will be doing no further YouTube interviews (ever) about it. 


The 'flashback' portion of the project is dead. A way to legally come out with an Intellivision FPGA core for an existing platform may still be in the cards. However, I'm stepping back. I have no desire to be attacked for something cool that I thought people would enjoy. 


Peace out. 


William Moeller


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2 hours ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

It is my understanding that BBG's license to make use of original games and the OS to run under emulators doesn't include using a raspberry pi or similar to run the emulator. I believe it is limited to software running on established platforms such as the Xbox and Nintendo Switch. I apologize to BBG Entertainment for advising a flashback type device because of their license. 


As far at the FPGA core goes, it was NEVER going to be a stand alone thing. I am under NDA and not allowed to talk about it. Ironically, this gave people the impression that it was an Intellivision only console exclusively and attracted all the Amico haters/lovers who lost their minds over this project. I apologize for my mistake that I only noticed in the video after it went live that caused another meltdown. I MEANT to say 'BBG owns Astrosmash and Shark Shark and LICENSED the other original games and operating system' and regret that it wasn't caught and corrected before the video launched. I apologize to both BBG Entertainment and Intellivision Entertainment for the mistake and the drama this has caused. 


The people on YouTube who seem to be desperate for content are using this to mock me and what I was trying to do. I deny 'announcing' anything. I was simply talking about something cool that we were working on. There was no intent to 'get the word out' as there was nothing to buy and no waiting list to be put on. I will be doing no further YouTube interviews (ever) about it. 


The 'flashback' portion of the project is dead. A way to legally come out with an Intellivision FPGA core for an existing platform may still be in the cards. However, I'm stepping back. I have no desire to be attacked for something cool that I thought people would enjoy. 


Peace out. 


William Moeller


That about sums up what Tommy has done to the legacy of the great Intellivision name that Keith built up.   You cant even bring an Intv console out. 

Even I wont buy a new Intv console unless it is in a retail store.

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8 hours ago, MGG said:

Official statement from me on my community page reads as follows:

I feel like I'm the type of person who can admit when he makes a mistake.


Monday's video with William about BBG Entertainment's plans for the future was clearly a mistake.


 I feel you and I don't have any personal issues with you or your channel.

 Having said that, I just felt with what has happened with Amico/INTV these past 5 yrs it was quite questionable that someone would announce (Yes I consider what was said an announcement) not 1, but 2 new INTV related console projects during a time when the Amico fiasco is still happening. It simply felt out of touch with what has been going on, even though you guys did acknowledge it in your video. 

I think any company looking to do something related to Intellivison IP should at least wait until the Amico stink wears out, because as you saw first hand people are not happy hearing about new projects related to INTV at this time. It is a sore subject and for good reason. You can thank Tommy Tallarico and Phil Adam for that. 

You did the right thing and acknowledged the interview was a mistake.  I do wish you luck on your youtube channel going forward.  

Edited by SegaSnatcher
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You know, there is also the ACC that I developed. I'm not interested in manufacturing them, but the design is both frozen and open for anyone else to. And it's documented and even comes with a sample program. It's not an Intellivision III but it does give the Inty many of the Inty III's graphics capabilities. And it comes with a coprocessor that's emulated in software. The only caveat is that if you use an Inty I with it, you need to implement the System Changer mod to really take advantage of it (it will work without the mod but the overlaid graphics will be rather dim because of the heavy resistor the Inty I puts inline with overlay video).

Edited by JohnPCAE
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2 hours ago, SegaSnatcher said:

 I feel you and I don't have any personal issues with you or your channel.

 Having said that, I just felt with what has happened with Amico/INTV these past 5 yrs it was quite questionable that someone would announce (Yes I consider what was said an announcement) not 1, but 2 new INTV related console projects during a time when the Amico fiasco is still happening. It simply felt out of touch with what has been going on, even though you guys did acknowledge it in your video. 

I think any company looking to do something related to Intellivison IP should at least wait until the Amico stink wears out, because as you saw first hand people are not happy hearing about new projects related to INTV at this time. It is a sore subject and for good reason. You can thank Tommy Tallarico and Phil Adam for that. 

You did the right thing and acknowledged the interview was a mistake.  I do wish you luck on your youtube channel going forward.  

I'm going to disagree with you on this. There was nothing wrong with him doing the interview.


IMO it was the person making the erroneous announcement who is more at fault. Denying that it was an announcement is some Tallarico level of honesty too. Two projects were mentioned. If they weren't announced in some fashion Mike wouldn't have needed to make a second video, nor would this thread be here.


On a side note Alvarado's remarks were unnecessary and at the level of saying the sky is blue. I think anyone with a functioning brain cell didn't think BBG had license to every original Intv game made, but license to all the ones IE owned.


Mike isn't the one that should be apologizing. I also think BBG should move forward with their projects. Once something has been tallaricoed you can't untallarico it. It isn't BBG's fault Intellivision are idiots who can't get a basic android box out the door after spending millions.


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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

I'm going to disagree with you on this. There was nothing wrong with him doing the interview.

Not wrong per say, just bad timing.  I still feel it is a mistake to give anyone with no track record in hardware a platform at this time to announce any new INTV console.   Just my honest opinion. 

Edited by SegaSnatcher
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5 hours ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

 "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." Mike Tyson

Please deliver that message to John Alvarado of Intellivision. He continues to insult everyone’s intelligence and deflect from their ongoing failures and dishonesty. 


His half-assed explanation, along with “and that’s all I’m going to talk about,” is from the same playbook that brought us “statements of fact” in response to an unflattering but factual article in Ars Technica last year.


i agree that neither William nor Michael did anything wrong but I suppose everyone needs to check for permission when dealing with a highly sensitive IP holder like Intellivision. 

Edited by Flojomojo
Typo fixed
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4 hours ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Not wrong per se, just bad timing.  I still feel it is a mistake to give anyone with no track record in hardware a platform at this time to announce any new INTV console.   Just my honest opinion. 

Seemed less like bragging and more like excited loose lips. It was a microscopic fraction of what @Tommy Tallarico used to do around here, making “announcements” under the cover of “I’m just a fan, like you! And I’m also the CEO!”

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17 hours ago, MGG said:

If nothing else, my contribution to the fiasco outed the agreement between IE and BBG, so there's that. However it also seems to have killed the project that I and others would have loved to see come to fruition.

I admit I wasn't paying too much attention to this thread, nor the drama that ensued, so I may have missed something here; but could you clarify what you meant by that sentence?


Did your premature announcement cause the project to be killed, or did it merely cause yours and everyone else's dreamy wishful project to be revealed as non-existent?


My interpretation of the comments on licensing is that what some were thinking was a done deal and in progress was not really accurate.

Could you clarify?



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6 hours ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

 "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." Mike Tyson

Billy Crystal Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


38 minutes ago, DZ-Jay said:

I admit I wasn't paying too much attention to this thread, nor the drama that ensued, so I may have missed something here; but could you clarify what you meant by that sentence?


Did your premature announcement cause the project to be killed, or did it merely cause yours and everyone else's dreamy wishful project to be revealed as non-existent?


My interpretation of the comments on licensing is that what some were thinking was a done deal and in progress was not really accurate.

Could you clarify?



Whoa whoa he didn't announce anything! @Rev is just really really bad at naming threads. 😅


In the now private video it came across as a "done deal" and that there are two projects. On possibly emulation based and one FPGA with games even included.


Either way it sounds like BBG could possibly be the next publisher of an Intv Lives-like compilation. Which would be nice since it has been a time it feels since one of those were released.

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8 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Either way it sounds like BBG could possibly be the next publisher of an Intv Lives-like compilation. Which would be nice since it has been a time it feels since one of those were released.

Almost 20 years, as the last round of Intellivision Lives! was on PlayStation 2 original Xbox, GameCube, and original DS. With the aging fanbase and the need for special controls on many games, I personally think we’re past the point of diminishing returns for a commercial collection. It could be neat if Digital Eclipse  made another museum pack though. Throw in Colecovision and Vectrex for a real 1980s throwback!

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On 8/3/2023 at 4:46 AM, Sinjinhawke said:

Mike and William are fine in my book.  Keep doing what your doing.

Yeah I don’t think either of them did anything wrong. I watched the initial video and saw an enthusiastic guy who was talking about what may be possible down the road with BBG. I think that IE once again showed how slimy they are when Alvarado, who has been silent for MONTHS (along with the rest of IE) immediately jumped in to piss out the fire and then crawl back into whatever abscessed wound he lives in. I hope BBG reconsiders their support of IE because y’all were all thrown under the bus by that fascist piece of trash. 

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1 hour ago, Flojomojo said:

Almost 20 years, as the last round of Intellivision Lives! was on PlayStation 2 original Xbox, GameCube, and original DS. With the aging fanbase and the need for special controls on many games, I personally think we’re past the point of diminishing returns for a commercial collection. It could be neat if Digital Eclipse  made another museum pack though. Throw in Colecovision and Vectrex for a real 1980s throwback!

A project like Atari 50 would be cool for all of those.


Either way the games are there and someone should do something with them. That's why I think BBG should do whatever they had planned.

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1 minute ago, MrBeefy said:

A project like Atari 50 would be cool for all of those.


Either way the games are there and someone should do something with them. That's why I think BBG should do whatever they had planned.




and in the meantime




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8 hours ago, MrBeefy said:


On a side note Alvarado's remarks were unnecessary and at the level of saying the sky is blue. I think anyone with a functioning brain cell didn't think BBG had license to every original Intv game made, but license to all the ones IE owned.


IE owns way over sixty Intellivision games.  Even if you don't count the ones with third party licences it's well over sixty.  So the license is only for a subset of the Intellivision library they own, which ones are to be determined.


1 hour ago, Flojomojo said:

Almost 20 years, as the last round of Intellivision Lives! was on PlayStation 2 original Xbox, GameCube, and original DS. With the aging fanbase and the need for special controls on many games, I personally think we’re past the point of diminishing returns for a commercial collection. It could be neat if Digital Eclipse  made another museum pack though. Throw in Colecovision and Vectrex for a real 1980s throwback!

A lot of the fan base is more than ten years from retirement age.  So the best years are yet to come.  The guys at Digital Eclipse have mentioned the Intellivision Lives CD from 1998 being an inspiration.  I think a modernised update of Intellivision Lives is a better way to go than just an emulated collection of games.  


If someone actually wants to make a plugnplay with proper controllers, I don't see why IE wouldn't jump on it.  It's the better way to play these games.

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39 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Man those screen shots reminded me how much the art direction for this game SUCKS. The background and foreground are completely disconnected stylistically- it’s like 2 different games.

Could you do any better with assets from the Unity store, grant money from the Bavarian government, and a bunch of student developers? 


8 minutes ago, mr_me said:

A lot of the fan base is more than ten years from retirement age.  So the best years are yet to come.  The guys at Digital Eclipse have mentioned the Intellivision Lives CD from 1998 being an inspiration.  I think a modernised update of Intellivision Lives is a better way to go than just an emulated collection of games.  


If someone actually wants to make a plugnplay with proper controllers, I don't see why IE wouldn't jump on it.  It's the better way to play these games.

I agree. Rumor has it that the first iteration of Intellivision Entertainment killed off a followup to the Intellivision Flashback. It wouldn't have been exciting enough for a crowdfunding campaign like Amico, but it would have been a lot simpler to pull off. There were some fixable small flaws in the 2014 Flashback and presumably they could have added more games and HDMI output. Tallarico's dreams of reaching "3 billion users" was always absurd on its face. 

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4 hours ago, DZ-Jay said:

I admit I wasn't paying too much attention to this thread, nor the drama that ensued, so I may have missed something here; but could you clarify what you meant by that sentence?


Did your premature announcement cause the project to be killed, or did it merely cause yours and everyone else's dreamy wishful project to be revealed as non-existent?


My interpretation of the comments on licensing is that what some were thinking was a done deal and in progress was not really accurate.

Could you clarify?



The project was greenlit and in the beginning stages of being worked on, so it wasn't wishful. Seems like there was a misunderstanding between these two companies on what their licensing agreement entailed and it also seems like IE flipped out. Something may still happen but obviously BBG and IE need to talk more if that's to happen.


Remember, same thing happened when BBG put Astrosmash and Shark Shark on their page as games they owned. IE flipped out and they were taken down so that IE could get off their butts and actually communicate to their audience.


Either way, lesson learned and I won't cover it anymore until something is out should that happen.

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