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Two new Intellivision consoles coming from BBG Entertainment


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1 hour ago, Flojomojo said:

I got Amicade! I like it and was at a price I couldn't refuse.

57 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Man those screen shots reminded me how much the art direction for this game SUCKS. The background and foreground are completely disconnected stylistically- it’s like 2 different games.

I actually don't hate it. I think Jr Beefy would like it. He liked me playing Shark Park, so I see no reason he wouldn't also enjoy Shark Shark.

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38 minutes ago, wolfy62 said:

I hereby request a response and statement from Tommy Tallarico himself regarding this situation and the Amico fiasco as well!

You gotta phrase it in the form of uncritical praise. “Hey Tommy, in your EPIC 30 years of kicking ass in the video game industry, who is the coolest celebrity you met? Also, what’s up with the AWESOME Amico project?”

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47 minutes ago, MGG said:

The project was greenlit and in the beginning stages of being worked on, so it wasn't wishful. Seems like there was a misunderstanding between these two companies on what their licensing agreement entailed and it also seems like IE flipped out. Something may still happen but obviously BBG and IE need to talk more if that's to happen.


Remember, same thing happened when BBG put Astrosmash and Shark Shark on their page as games they owned. IE flipped out and they were taken down so that IE could get off their butts and actually communicate to their audience.


Either way, lesson learned and I won't cover it anymore until something is out should that happen.

To be fair to you, I think IE flips out over semantics when they should be focused on actually delivering their product. That isn't your fault, that's theirs.


That's my issue with John's statement on your video. He made a statement to clear something up that didn't need to clear up.


When it is stated that BBG has the license to all the old games, I took it as old games that IE control. John's knickers got in a bunch and he cleared that up by saying the exact same thing that was said. Obviously, IE doesn't have rights to like Intv's Popeye game and can't license it out!


I think it comes down to IE is impotent and don't like it when things happen that make it apparent. I mean Tommy couldn't even admit to misspelling "Peek" on official videos. He had to make up some lie that it was intended as a penis joke or something else stupid.


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Hey y'all, Sweet & Tender Hooligan here...


Just wanted to point out that William is at fault here, not the people who were outspoken after his announcement was made.


Is he really trying to deny he made an announcement in that interview?? That's like Tommy Tallarico saying the things he promised during interviews "were not official" because they weren't made by the company directly. William, you were speaking on behalf of BBG as a consultant. Before reading your post here, I totally had empathy for you. You're acting like a jerk by referencing physical violence and social media.


Incase anyone missed them, here are the videos in question. Mike said in his community post that they could be re-posted on other channels.


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8 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

You gotta phrase it in the form of uncritical praise. “Hey Tommy, in your EPIC 30 years of kicking ass in the video game industry, who is the coolest celebrity you met? Also, what’s up with the AWESOME Amico project?”



Well you know, I'm cousin to Steven Tyler and I'm the reason for Guitar Hero 2 being a thing. And uh Amico is going great! You know covid has been really tough on supply issues. We are in our 4th stage of formal production, and uh are your parents still alive? Can you imagine playing video games with your mom like you did back in the day right? Isn't that what this is all about right?


What's your favorite game? We've been in talks with getting that game. I mean I can't like promise you right now, but, I mean you know, we've been in talks, wouldn't that be cool to play it 4 players?


Just don't listen to all those negative people who hate us because they don't believe in what we are doing. They are just hardcore gamers and don't understand we are looking at 3.2 billion casual gamers, right? There are just 5 people with multiple confirmed fake alt accounts who are upset they were banned for not following rules. They've sent me death threats and called my wife a whore. All over a video game console!


Their narcissistic mental trauma can't allow them to let go, and they are watching because they know what we are doing will succeed. They don't have the self awareness to know thar they are just out to DESTROY us, and our employees jobs!


Pretty pathetic right? But that's okay because their hatred fuels me to be even better, because we are the underdogs. We are like Rocky slowly climbing up that rope and we are going to get all Rocky Balboa up in this bitch. I have assembled the greatest team, with over 600 years of industry experience. So we know what we are doing. We have the data and know we are going to be successful.


I never lose. And how pathetic are you to call it a fiasco. We know you are a phoney...the jig is up. And that's okay I've had haters like you saying I can't do stuff all my life. I never lose!





That good enough for you?

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4 hours ago, wolfy62 said:

That's why they say never say never.  Tommy clearly lost!

Nah man you are spreading MISINFORMATION. Selling off your game IPs, and licensing your games out to be used on other platforms because you are incapable of doing it yourself is a total win!

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17 hours ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

 "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." Mike Tyson





Um… are you threatening people? I gotta say man you might wanna re think posting this. I haven’t seen anyone disrespect you or Mike, but the internet tough guy act isn’t going to bring much support to be honest. I think you both got thrown under the bus by IE and John Alvarado, so maybe flex in their direction instead?

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6 hours ago, mr_me said:


Sure but it's not what their investors signed up for nor is it what their customers were expecting. 

It has to be said that they didn't sign up for getting ghosted after several years of failure either.


A significantly scoped-back product would probably have gone down a heck of a lot better than nothing at all.

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22 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Um… are you threatening people? I gotta say man you might wanna re think posting this. I haven’t seen anyone disrespect you or Mike, but the internet tough guy act isn’t going to bring much support to be honest. I think you both got thrown under the bus by IE and John Alvarado, so maybe flex in their direction instead?

This reminds me of one of Tommy's downfalls. Tommy seems to forget that it isn't the 90s and that the lies he spread would be easily accessible and fact checked so to speak. He tried to blame others for paying attention and calling out his inconsistencies.


He would often say, if I say something they will use it against me! Which translates as you should allow him to lie and say whatever he wants.


And I might have to disagree with you. Threatening people and calling them haters and gaming racists worked really well.

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13 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

Please deliver that message to John Alvarado of Intellivision. He continues to insult everyone’s intelligence and deflect from their ongoing failures and dishonesty. 


His half-assed explanation, along with “and that’s all I’m going to talk about,” is from the same playbook that brought us “statements of fact” in response to an unflattering but factual article in Ars Technica last year.


i agree that neither William nor Michael did anything wrong but I suppose everyone needs to check for permission when dealing with a highly sensitive IP holder like Intellivision. 

Pure speculation on my part, but maybe BBG didnt fully understand the contract or was misled by Intv Ent during negotiations?

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What would the market even have been for this?  Is IE trying to stop perceived competition?  Pretty sure it wouldn't have made a dent in TT's 3-billion prospective Amico buyers.  IE were responsible for halting Keith from working with AtGames on the Inty Flashback 2, they were indirectly responsible for Ed at Opcode stopping his Intellivision III/IntelliXpander project and now this.  Allowing the small retrogaming market to continue enjoying the brand Keith worked so hard to maintain would have no impact on the larger casual gaming market IE claimed to be after.

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25 minutes ago, Special Teams said:

What would the market even have been for this?  Is IE trying to stop perceived competition?  Pretty sure it wouldn't have made a dent in TT's 3-billion prospective Amico buyers.  IE were responsible for halting Keith from working with AtGames on the Inty Flashback 2, they were indirectly responsible for Ed at Opcode stopping his Intellivision III/IntelliXpander project and now this.  Allowing the small retrogaming market to continue enjoying the brand Keith worked so hard to maintain would have no impact on the larger casual gaming market IE claimed to be after.

Heck,Tommy even made people stop selling Intellivision Virtual Expo shirts because that was an Infringement. 

Probably stopped the major distribution of 30+ shirts amongst Intellivision hobbyists.

What a complete spoilsport and non team player he turned out to be.

The Intellivision Grinch!

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5 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Um… are you threatening people? I gotta say man you might wanna re think posting this. I haven’t seen anyone disrespect you or Mike, but the internet tough guy act isn’t going to bring much support to be honest. I think you both got thrown under the bus by IE and John Alvarado, so maybe flex in their direction instead?

That's not a threat, simply a statement of fact. People play fast and loose when it comes to attaching names/fault/labels to others online because they have no fear of ever having to say it to their faces. Pointing this out is not some kind of "internet tough guy act".


As far as William not being disrespected, I think MrBeefy stating, "IMO it was the person making the erroneous announcement who is more at fault. Denying that it was an announcement is some Tallarico level of honesty too" is a pretty clear cheap shot to throw at anyone. If Beefy wants to disagree about whether that interview constitutes an announcement, that's fine, but comparing Willy to Tallarico and the amount of shady activities he brought to bear in the Amico disaster was way out of line. William came here, posted his side of the events and apologized for his mistake. People can have a different take on things but blatantly calling him a liar was uncalled for.

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3 hours ago, wolfy62 said:

Heck,Tommy even made people stop selling Intellivision Virtual Expo shirts because that was an Infringement. 

Probably stopped the major distribution of 30+ shirts amongst Intellivision hobbyists.

What a complete spoilsport and non team player he turned out to be.

The Intellivision Grinch!

then explained it away with "don't blame me, it was the lawyers!" 

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9 hours ago, the1hatman said:

That's not a threat, simply a statement of fact. People play fast and loose when it comes to attaching names/fault/labels to others online because they have no fear of ever having to say it to their faces. Pointing this out is not some kind of "internet tough guy act".


As far as William not being disrespected, I think MrBeefy stating, "IMO it was the person making the erroneous announcement who is more at fault. Denying that it was an announcement is some Tallarico level of honesty too" is a pretty clear cheap shot to throw at anyone. If Beefy wants to disagree about whether that interview constitutes an announcement, that's fine, but comparing Willy to Tallarico and the amount of shady activities he brought to bear in the Amico disaster was way out of line. William came here, posted his side of the events and apologized for his mistake. People can have a different take on things but blatantly calling him a liar was uncalled for.

Who made the announcement? Was he forced to make an announcement? When making said announcement did he give out all correct information? That interview was his choice and from everything I can tell was in complete control of the words that came out of his mouth.


After said interview he went to act like others are at fault. So much so that Mike seems to feel at fault and he shouldn't. He also asked No Swear Gamer to take down his video acting like it could be a reason to get the second project ended.


Which isn't true. It is playing a victim and blaming others for shooting his wad way before he should have. That's the reality of the situation, and the way others like Tallarico acted. Which let me remind everyone that the only reason NSG made a video is because he talked about the BBG deal. All roads to this situation lead back to him making the choice to go on social media and talk about it.


If BBG gave him bad information that sucks, and I feel for him. BUT that isn't mine or anyone else's fault for pointing it out. That lies with him and BBG. He even identified himself as a consultant for BBG.



I will leave a quote too!!!


"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."
- Mark Twain


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9 hours ago, the1hatman said:

That's not a threat, simply a statement of fact. People play fast and loose when it comes to attaching names/fault/labels to others online because they have no fear of ever having to say it to their faces. Pointing this out is not some kind of "internet tough guy act".


As far as William not being disrespected, I think MrBeefy stating, "IMO it was the person making the erroneous announcement who is more at fault. Denying that it was an announcement is some Tallarico level of honesty too" is a pretty clear cheap shot to throw at anyone. If Beefy wants to disagree about whether that interview constitutes an announcement, that's fine, but comparing Willy to Tallarico and the amount of shady activities he brought to bear in the Amico disaster was way out of line. William came here, posted his side of the events and apologized for his mistake. People can have a different take on things but blatantly calling him a liar was uncalled for.

Okay. But the implication is that if they said it to his face he would punch them. I.E using violence to settle a score based on words. I think in this day and she that’s not the kind of vibe I’d put out there but if he stands by it, fine.

I still think y’all are misplacing the blame quite a bit here. William should direct his anger/disappointment at BGG and IE (mostly IE, those carney fucks). Those guys set William up to look stupid in the internet, not the random internet community.  

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13 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Okay. But the implication is that if they said it to his face he would punch them. I.E using violence to settle a score based on words. I think in this day and she that’s not the kind of vibe I’d put out there but if he stands by it, fine.

I still think y’all are misplacing the blame quite a bit here. William should direct his anger/disappointment at BGG and IE (mostly IE, those carney fucks). Those guys set William up to look stupid in the internet, not the random internet community.  



Which is why I will stand by my Tallarico comment. Tommy would say things and blame others for when it was shown to be stupid, wrong, etc.


Assuming he passed on good information, then those to blame would be BBG and/or IE. If he passed along bad information and talked about something he had no clue about it all rests on him.


Did you force him to say those things? I know I didn't.

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5 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Who made the announcement? Was he forced to make an announcement? When making said announcement did he give out all correct information? That interview was his choice and from everything I can tell was in complete control of the words that came out of his mouth.


After said interview he went to act like others are at fault. So much so that Mike seems to feel at fault and he shouldn't. He also asked No Swear Gamer to take down his video acting like it could be a reason to get the second project ended.


Which isn't true. It is playing a victim and blaming others for shooting his wad way before he should have. That's the reality of the situation, and the way others like Tallarico acted. Which let me remind everyone that the only reason NSG made a video is because he talked about the BBG deal. All roads to this situation lead back to him making the choice to go on social media and talk about it.

I am not sure why they didn't quietly work on the projects, get them near completion, and THEN announce.  Especially after what happened with the amico.  Design the thing, get prototypes made, program it, debug it.   After that point, it would be good to make an announcement showing it running, and saying it's coming soon.  Since all the hard work has been done, it shouldn't be a massive hurdle then to get it over the finish line and into production.


The other problem though is is there an actual market for these things?  A market size of a few hundred is a given, but I am not sure if there's much past that.  Those early 2000's Intellivision plug and plays were a thing;  I know of three different ones that were released.  Amusingly they were based on NES on a chip hardware though, with every game on them being an NES port of intv games.  We know this since all three of them have been dumped now and emulated.  This was probably done to get the cost way down, to sell at that < $20 price point.  I am not sure if you could faithfully emulate intv games for that "under $20" price point any other way, even today.


It's also very surprising that they didn't have all their licensing ducks in a row before announcing this, too.  Maybe they thought they did, and IE whined about it?  We'll never know but can speculate. 

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