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The Atari 2600+ is live for preorders!


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6 hours ago, nopaybob said:

Alot of haters and whining here but I'm still pro 2600+ 

For me I don't care if an SD will or won't work. 

I have sd carts for multiple systems but beside playing an unobtainable game when I first got them, I never use them. 

I would rather choose a cartridge out of my stack and play. For me that's where it's at the feel, the artwork, my games that is the nostalgia that's kept me owning a 2600 for 40 some odd years. I'll  take that 2600+

 It doesn't matter what kind of magic makes the cartridge slot work

I think it's a lot cooler looking than a retron or flashback plus it's got new controllers, and will play most cartridges.

I want to know since they didn't include warlords on the paddle gamepack .Are they going to release and upgrade of warlords?




In general I agree, preordered and looking really forward to it😊


For a CRT I have no space but I kept my maybe 200 cartridges and collected maybe another 40+ hombrews, so I got a Retrotink5x and was happy.

Space for another console? Not really. New consoles have to replace old ones.


The 2600 Jr is very reliable and spare systems or parts a cheap, so it is easy to keep it alive and it will stay hooked up.


On the 7800 I had to do some soldering from time to time to keep it alive and prices for spare systems and parts increased over time.

So here I look for something new, reliable and compatible and put a bet on the 2600+ with my preorder.

I get tired from repair tasks and just want to insert cartridges (feels so much different from loading a rom file) and play!


I also built arcade sticks to be compatible with the 7800 to play my games, so I am happy the 2600+ takes not only cartridges but real joysticks.

Proline controllers and 7800 pads? I kept them to show people how they looked like and why I don't use them😉


Now I hope the 2nd button for the 7800 will work and the compatibilty with 7800 games including homebrews will be good😊


And last not least living in a PAL region, I finally want to play 7800 NTSC carts ( including homebrews!).

We suffered enough😉

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2 hours ago, GoldLeader said:



Analogue,  if you're listening Please put out a 2600-like FPGA (With 7800 core compatibility)!


Sorry for being so hardware-lame, but is FPGA like new orginal hardware (with/without modern-tv output etc)?


They shouid have made an Atari Universal Retro Console reading everything from 2600-Jaguar, using whatever-needed to make it practically work and read like the original consoles (but with modern tv- and connection-capabilities.

Guess, they now need to make the PolyMega module something extra)

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1 minute ago, Dr Karnov said:

FPGA is more like hardware emulation than software emulation, so at it's best it's cycle accurate and indistinguishable from the real thing.


Much more expensive to implement than software emulation 

I have been running my own games for 7800 on my analogue pocket. The emulation works really well for the majority of games. But there is a lot of homebrewes that throw some "File type 256" error. And of course the SN cart is not emulated at all.


I did order a 2600+ just to be able to use hdmi monitors for my 7800 games. Of course I hope that both buttons work and it is a plus if it could run pokey carts and bankswitched stuff.


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6 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

I agree. But then, what does that mean for AtariAge? Will it be turned into a forum for casuals?

I see casuals...

TJ: While offline?

<shakes my head no>

TJ: While on AtariAge?

<nods yes>

TJ: Casuals like obviously totally lost and shouldn't be here?

Interacting like hardcore Atari fans.  They don't notice other casuals.  They only see what they want to see.  They don't know they are casuals.

TJ: How often do you see them?

All the time.  They're everywhere....



And some of them totally know they are casuals...

There have been casuals on AA for ages... ;-) And that's not a bad thing...  IMHO

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7 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

I agree. But then, what does that mean for AtariAge? Will it be turned into a forum for casuals?

I have it on good authority that every hardcore poster started as a filfthy casual albeit maybe decades ago.  :)    Some portion of the new casuals will morph into hardcore fans and hopefully keep homebrew going for decades to come.  As long as casuals (of which I still consider myself one) are respectful of forum rules and community traditions, I don't see it personally as an issue.

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8 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Right, nothing wrong with that. I meant, that AA would become only casual focused. 

Yeah, that I don't see...

Just like when the Flashbacks hit.  There was an increase in owners of those, and now there is a subforum for that discussion.

I see the same thing happening here if the 2600+ is successful.  An influx of users, but there will be a subforum for them, and the more casuals of the casuals will hang out there.  ;-) 

And maybe we can convert some of the casuals to being more than just casuals... ;-) 

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1 hour ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

Serious question- 


would that be a bad thing? 

Possible heresy: is there anything more casual than Atari games? The vast bulk of the library is made of easy-to-learn, pick-up-and-play arcade style games that anyone can enjoy. They’re basically mini-games compared to later electronic entertainment that has deeper strategy and sometimes have an ending. 


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On 9/16/2023 at 3:22 PM, famicommander said:

This is the most baffling attitude.

You don't know if it's good, but you're going to buy one anyway, and if it's not good you hope they make another one so you can buy it next year and hope it's good?


This is why we got horrible AtGames products for 10 years in a row.


For many people dropping a couple hundred dollars on something as unimportant as a remake of a 40 year old video game system really means nothing to their bottom line. So it's not particularly baffling to a lot of people. I'd say it's far more baffling to most people that anyone would purchase it in the first place regardless of how good it is. 


If no one bought the first Atgames product there would not be the second and so on. 

I'd guess 75% (maybe higher) of the AtGames sales were to the same people over and over. A product like this has a very narrow market. 

There is just no way Atari could release a perfect 2600 in 2023 and charge $130 and continue to sell it year after year. The market just doesn't exist. 

Hell even xbox, ps, and switch release new versions of their hardware. 

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I'm a bit of a casual myself...Is anybody more casual?   That's right I'm a hardcore casual...


So I've been thinking on what makes a good topic.


Probably gonna start one on what are the best 2600 games?  That'd be dope.  Get everybody's opinions and thoughts...Then I figure for a follow up I'd see what everybody thinks the worst games are?  I mean I really wanna know,  ya know?

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7 hours ago, Dr Karnov said:

FPGA is more like hardware emulation than software emulation, so at its best it's cycle accurate and indistinguishable from the real thing.


Much more expensive to implement than software emulation 

Most of these cores aren't cycle accurate. For instance only very recently has the Sega Genesis gotten a cycle accurate FPGA core with the release of Nuked MD for the MiSTer. Previous cores like those from Kevtris were implemented much like your typical Sega Genesis emulator rather than actually being based on replicating decapped original chips.

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