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The Atari 2600+ is live for preorders!


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5 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

I never meant to come over like this.

Well then, it's forgotten.  I wasn't trying to imply that Plaion should drop what they're doing and make Compumate work.  I was just curious about special cartridges like the Supercharger and Compumate.  Things like Pitfall II are far more important.

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On 9/18/2023 at 5:44 PM, LatchKeyKid said:

I have it on good authority that every hardcore poster started as a filfthy casual albeit maybe decades ago.  :)    Some portion of the new casuals will morph into hardcore fans and hopefully keep homebrew going for decades to come.  As long as casuals (of which I still consider myself one) are respectful of forum rules and community traditions, I don't see it personally as an issue.


I think I am a casual, who just created an account here because of Atari 2600+. I just found this forum and the website a fantastic resource of info on Atari and hopefully some homebrew games (I am looking at you Bentley Bear’s Crystal Quest, Boulder Dash and E.X.O) for my future Atari 2600+. 
Seeing how vivid community is here I am considering myself if not to write a homebrew game myself. 🙂 I wrote 25 years ago a racing game in basic on a handheld computer my friend got at work. Sadly his boss asked him to erase it. ;) 

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20 minutes ago, splendidnut said:

With the Supercharger, the dumper would have to wait for the game to completely load from tape (or other audio device) before it could dump the data.  It would be interesting to see that supported.

Yesterday...Ben walks into the Atari Age forum


Today...."I think I've made a huge mistake"




Jokes aside, it would be cool to test this, I can't see it working tbh but I would give it a try. Maybe the compumate has a better chance of being compatible.

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8 minutes ago, Ben from Plaion said:

Yesterday...Ben walks into the Atari Age forum


Today...."I think I've made a huge mistake"




Jokes aside, it would be cool to test this, I can't see it working tbh but I would give it a try. Maybe the compumate has a better chance of being compatible.

You are going be like this guy in this old Atari commercial  :)


"I'm going to test everything!"





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1 hour ago, Ben from Plaion said:

Yesterday...Ben walks into the Atari Age forum


Today...."I think I've made a huge mistake"

@Ben from Plaion

I hope the AA-crowd aren’t too hard on you.

As a gamer thats been using this forum/site since 2019 (actually before that, without account), I’ve found it both an invaluable technical resource and gaming-guide, as well as socially stimulating.

I see how really indepth the coders (games, emulation). homebrewers and hackers go … it feels they have answers to everything after they’ve been doing Atari for many decades.


And as a gamer among the gamer/user/buyer-crowd, it may sound like we want and expect everything… for less than 99$s, £s or €s.

Thats because we tend to do!

Because we don’t think too deeply about production-costs all the time.


Yet, I hope the questions can bring issues to the surface, which - even though they sound like endless demands -, can actually help this become as good a product as possible (and true-to-form: play as many 2600 and 7800-titles as possible😁)


I hope this will become a very solid retro-game system, and I do hope it will be successful and make gamers happy.


And, hey, I will throw in this: I really appreciate that producers/manufacturers show up to interact directly with us here (even though many of, including me at least, can be a bit of a whiner whishing all-&-everything and what-not).


Nice to see the interaction going on, and my hopes a synergy will help create a good product and help future-production through Atari-to-AA-communication!

Edited by Giles N
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On 9/22/2023 at 1:17 AM, Ben from Plaion said:

Hello All, My name is Ben Jones and I work for Plaion. I'm responsible for the manufacture and production of the Atari 2600+ and am here to answer any relevant questions on the machine.


First off in response to Thomas, indeed the compatibilty list has not been updated since the announce. I expect it to be updated in about 2 weeks. 

Hi Ben, nice to see you.
Don't have a question but want to say I'm happy to see new Atari games in store and I hope you might decide to do more 2600 games or even some old 7800 games or new games for the 7800. It would be cool if for next year had the 2600+ in the jr shell or the Darth Vader shell. Keep up the good work.

OK 1 question, are you able to achieve a 5.51 in Dragster. 😄



Anyway on the eb games website it now shows that Bezerk is out of stock. The paddle bundle sold out really quick but I wasn't sure how people would take to buying carts so this means sales are pretty good 😄. I really don't know what reaction someone who hasn't played atari for 30 years would have seeing newly programmed games for Atari.

Really if you buy the all the games and the system thats 16 good games, a pretty nice bundle I think.


Surprised to find Hero is now $50, I own it because I brought a box of junk back in the day for $5 because I mainly wanted the boxed copy of columns for Sega Megadrive and it just happened to have some extra stuff including Polaris and Hero. I had noticed that Atari stuff had been getting cheaper since about 2007 which is why it was surprising. Possibly the best Willyvania on the system


As for not working with Pitall 2 etc, the developers were upfront in the video saying that this is for someone who has 10 old games and no way to play them anymore and it will do that. This should be enough to decide if this is for you, for certain people this is perfect.


A fortnight player having fun with the gamestation, yes I think they will. I have personally never known anyone owns these 100 in 1 systesms or keeps it near their tv for long, I always thought they get played for a couple of months after christmas then get thrown out. I don't think there will be anyone in 5 years still playing their gamestation. I mean there are lot of good games on the old 100 in 1 systems but they are now all broken or old or have some other reason not to use them. I can certainly see people still using the 2600+ in 5 or 10 years.


Edited by turbo graphics 220
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1 hour ago, Ben from Plaion said:

Oh Lord, that's gold. 


It even has a compumate on it!!!!!

That's actually the "Graduate" computer add-on that Atari was going to make.  It was never released.  Compumate was a 3rd party add-on made by Spectravideo.  The Graduate would have been a much better device!!!

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7 hours ago, TailChao said:

If you're going with ProSystem 1.3, I recommend checking out of the forks by Tachi and what's currently used in Libretro. These have improved compatibility, and in particular support Rikki & Vikki's custom hardware.


BupSystem, the emulator used for Rikki & Vikki's development and distribution, is also available for commercial licensing. This wouldn't be free, but the cost would go towards new features and improving compatibility. As of writing its accuracy is higher than ProSystem, but it'd take a little effort to catch up with a7800. It also runs fairly quick and is a good fit for low end targets.

Prosystem Libreto is part of my retropie installation and it works very well for me. Hope I see it on my 2600+ when it arrives🤙

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3 hours ago, MarcinJ said:


I think I am a casual, who just created an account here because of Atari 2600+. I just found this forum and the website a fantastic resource of info on Atari and hopefully some homebrew games (I am looking at you Bentley Bear’s Crystal Quest, Boulder Dash and E.X.O) for my future Atari 2600+. 
Seeing how vivid community is here I am considering myself if not to write a homebrew game myself. 🙂 I wrote 25 years ago a racing game in basic on a handheld computer my friend got at work. Sadly his boss asked him to erase it. ;) 

I say go for it regarding the homebrew.  And obviously welcome!  When I discovered this forum after watching some youtube videos about later 2600 games (like Solaris and Kung Fu) that blew my mind and were way better than the pong style games I remembered, I lurked for a bit and then decided to make a less ambitious hack since I hadn't coded anything since high school sophomore year in the early 90s.  When I got here, I saw the homebrews made in the decades since and was even more impressed.

Edited by LatchKeyKid
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3 hours ago, desiv said:

Something to remember is that there are lots of different communication styles and there are members from all over the world.

So might be best to step back from assuming intent and tone in messages...

Perhaps it's just communication style differences...


Just a thought...

Tom also has a tendency to be short/snarky with people. Especially when he feels he possesses superior knowledge.


Which is kinda why this place needs a lot more "casual" audience he seems worried about. Just because you made a few homebrews back in the day doesn't mean you're the board's main character.

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