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Do you prefer the recharged games or the original version's ?


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34 minutes ago, Wildstar said:


I'm being honest here I swear, I have never had such productive gaming discussion's as I'm having now since I've joined this site, most guys my age are COD and Fifa bros, they're knowledge of retro games are basically non existent. This thread has been great in all ways that matter, the communities engagement, the productive and often hilarious discussion's were having,the knowledge I'm gaining on these topics, everything is turning out better than I could have hoped. Contrast that with my second most viewed thread, the worst CEOs one, that one quickly devolved into a shit flinging contest, nothing productive was achieved and I wish I could delete it, I'm genuinely proud of this one 😊

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18 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

I'm being honest here I swear, I have never had such productive gaming discussion's as I'm having now since I've joined this site, most guys my age are COD and Fifa bros, they're knowledge of retro games are basically non existent. This thread has been great in all ways that matter, the communities engagement, the productive and often hilarious discussion's were having,the knowledge I'm gaining on these topics, everything is turning out better than I could have hoped. Contrast that with my second most viewed thread, the worst CEOs one, that one quickly devolved into a shit flinging context, nothing productive was achieved and I wish I could delete it, I'm genuinely proud of this one 😊

That is because gaming became popular in the mainstream at a certain point.  Before that, if you played video games you were a nerd and likely shoved in a locker by the bigger dudes.  Now Nerds make all the money and get all the chicks.  Revenge of the Nerds was a few decades in the making, but we did get our vengeance!

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1 minute ago, leech said:

That is because gaming became popular in the mainstream at a certain point.  Before that, if you played video games you were a nerd and likely shoved in a locker by the bigger dudes.  Now Nerds make all the money and get all the chicks.  Revenge of the Nerds was a few decades in the making, but we did get our vengeance!

Well having grown up during the PS2/Gameboy advance days the stigma against gamers had mostly disappeared by then but you could still notice it at small levels, can't imagine what the old guard went through during the 80s and 90s, must have been a tough experience.

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11 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

VCS with Tilt Five running VLM, could be quite interesting.

I would settle for any kind of physical media  being made available for the VCS really, maybe an external disc drive or cartridge slot, Sony is planning to do this with the PS5  so we know it can be  done (making it available for purchase in Europe would also be better than nothing).



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8 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Well having grown up during the PS2/Gameboy advance days the stigma against gamers had mostly disappeared by then but you could still notice it at small levels, can't imagine what the old guard went through during the 80s and 90s, must have been a tough experience.

Ha, I avoided most of the harassment due to growing my hair out and looking like a Stoner, which no one messed with as they were known to be very mean.  Which is kind of counterintuitive to being a stoner, you'd think...

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43 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

Rule 1 of web forums and written comments by anonymous users: EVERYTHING written is an OPINION. Nothing stated by anyone is to assumed as a matter of fact.

It is only factual if facts supports the opinion. Take a chill pill ledzep.


Again with the uninformed assumptions.  Who are you to say I'm not chill?  I'm so chill you could store beer in me.  You don't know anything about me regardless of how much you speak as though you do.  Ya, everything written is opinion, including your attempts to make people adhere to the Wildstar's Rules Of Internet Banter.  Rule 1 of web forums and written comments is make your posts legible, specifically stop using the Enter button to force line returns.  Also, stop being a dick, that's an apparent order (one of many) I read somewhere earlier.


AtariAge is a website centered around Atari games.  Is that an opinion?  Some statements written don't need facts to support them because they're well-known/self evident.  JPF997 was spitting out random thoughts like they were facts and, guess what?!?  Some of us asked him (repeatedly, since he kept changing the subject) to provide facts to support his opinions!  What?  Ya, if only you'd had the decency to read through all this from the beginning, you wouldn't have to act like you were teaching us how to behave in online forums.  We got this, keep your opinions about how we've been responding to him to yourself until you've walked through this whole thread to see that we were already doing what you're telling us to do.  Nothing you've said is new or solves anything, it was already known and being applied, to scant results.


51 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

Regardless of writing style of a forum user, they are just a user speaking their opinion as they understand it. Instead of chastising, state clearly and respectfully

(forum behavior conduct rule) that they are in error and here are facts and evidence and use it to respectfully educate.


What do you think I've been doing?  Ah yes, you wouldn't know because you think 9 (at the time) pages of this thread would take weeks to read (it takes an hour, maybe two).  Chastising came later, after (in this case) JPF997 kept doubling down on his "romantic interpretations" being statements of fact and using new baseless misinterpretations of reality to support his previous baseless statements.  We tried "respectfully educate" pages ago, didn't take, another thing you would have known had you read through from the beginning instead of having the flippant "I will skip a lot of banter. It's noise." attitude.  Very judgy.  If you're going to skip it, don't later act like you know what was being said or how it was stated, you don't.  Because you skipped it.  Patience is a virtue, try it sometime.


55 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

People get things wrong even people who

lived during the times but were not attentive to the facts of some things because it was not their area of interest at the time. They missed the details. Now, I'm

reminding you to behave some. The forum admin would appreciate forum users not cyberbullying (needless excessive chastising can fall into that category).


Oh shit, you're reminding me?  Well well well.  I'm behaving fine, thank you, as are the rest who walked into this thread not knowing the avalanche of "romantic interpretations" that awaited them.  Good thing I'm not cyberbullying because nothing I've been writing with regards to JPF997 is needless nor excessive in terms of trying to get an explanation for what he was talking about.  At least he finally admitted that what he was saying was "romantic interpretations", didn't make anything he said make any more sense but at least he gave up on the idea that his claims were accurate for anyone beyond him and maybe his zoomer friends.


I remind you, don't pretend to speak about what other members have posted or how they've acted until you read through everything first to get a sense of what transpired lo these many pages.


1 hour ago, Wildstar said:


dictate writing style or form of another forum user. Suggestion is fine but tone it in a manner that is friendlier. Unless you carry a role as forum moderator (and it

should be clearly identified next to your profile on the left side of your comments like it shows Admin for Al.


Hahaaha, read what you just wrote again.  You are the one dictating writing style or form, you didn't say "I suggest", only made declarative rulings on how others are posting here, fellow non-Admin.  And your tone isn't friendly, it's arrogant and talking down.


I wasn't dictating writing style or form, I was explaining to JPF997 that all his claims were worded as statements of fact and, therefore, would need some evidence to back them up since nobody was accepting them as fact (with good reason).  Eventually he admitted they weren't factual statements, simply his romantic interpretations, which was absolutely not evident in the style and form that he was wording them which necessitated the demand for him to reword his "statements" into a style or form that would indicate that they were interpretations, get it?  You would know that if you'd bothered to read through from the beginning and witness the various hard left turns he was generating with his "interpretations" play-acting as facts.  Do everyone the courtesy of that next time before telling us to do things we've already been doing.


1 hour ago, Wildstar said:

I already addressed to him that deeper research is needed to understand a subject matter. Merely making a google search and what you get from it is not research.

This is basic stuff they teach in middle school and high school and even elementary school these days. Now that they teach how to use the internet to search things

for research. Search engines are still intellectually dumb. Remember to use your brain and discern through the mountain of bullshit for the facts there are. The 

internet is flooded with opinions and bullshit that 99% of the content is not credible. You need to background check (not police background check) the source and 

their credibility. Most magazines and articles of the time period are of better quality on various subjects. They conduct actual interviews. It's their revenue. Having

quality and facts is essential or they'll lose subscribers. You want facts about Atari, there were a lot of magazines that gave a lot of insight. There are interviews

even youtube interviews with people who worked for Atari in the various periods of the various "Atari" companies.


No shit, that's incredible!  What you "already addressed" is no different from what some of us said to him pages ago and he ignored.  Don't roll in here late and act like you're going to fix everything as if we need your sage guidance when the rest of us already had a handle on it (even without studying and committing to memory the latest edition of your banter rules), the problem wasn't us or what we were saying, it was him resisting the reality that what he was saying was his "romantic interpretation" and not actually the facts about Atari, synthwave, space, culture, the future, etc.  It's like herding cats trying to keep up with his cascade of new revelations that don't match what actual happened.  Took him like 9 pages but he finally got there (mostly, he went and stepped on his own dick again with that "...breakout, it literally inspired the creation of the most successful video game in history Tetris"), I think he honestly can't help it, he has to say random unsupported shit like it's true, I assume that's how he and his friends talk about everything, they make some random association between 2 coincidentally related things they like and leap to the conclusion that they must be totally connected you guys and now they know everything about it.  Enthusiasm != knowledge.


This acting like everyone's guide thing you're doing is wearing thin.  I don't think anybody was asking for someone to referee this thread or how to post.  I mean, didn't you just advise JPF997 to "Stop posting. Listen/Read and research and learn about topics from credible sources."?  You should have followed your own advice with this thread, read it through first to learn about what had been going on before you arrived.  Would have saved you a lot of writing.

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27 minutes ago, ledzep said:


Again with the uninformed assumptions.  Who are you to say I'm not chill?  I'm so chill you could store beer in me.  You don't know anything about me regardless of how much you speak as though you do.  Ya, everything written is opinion, including your attempts to make people adhere to the Wildstar's Rules Of Internet Banter.  Rule 1 of web forums and written comments is make your posts legible, specifically stop using the Enter button to force line returns.  Also, stop being a dick, that's an apparent order (one of many) I read somewhere earlier.


AtariAge is a website centered around Atari games.  Is that an opinion?  Some statements written don't need facts to support them because they're well-known/self evident.  JPF997 was spitting out random thoughts like they were facts and, guess what?!?  Some of us asked him (repeatedly, since he kept changing the subject) to provide facts to support his opinions!  What?  Ya, if only you'd had the decency to read through all this from the beginning, you wouldn't have to act like you were teaching us how to behave in online forums.  We got this, keep your opinions about how we've been responding to him to yourself until you've walked through this whole thread to see that we were already doing what you're telling us to do.  Nothing you've said is new or solves anything, it was already known and being applied, to scant results.



What do you think I've been doing?  Ah yes, you wouldn't know because you think 9 (at the time) pages of this thread would take weeks to read (it takes an hour, maybe two).  Chastising came later, after (in this case) JPF997 kept doubling down on his "romantic interpretations" being statements of fact and using new baseless misinterpretations of reality to support his previous baseless statements.  We tried "respectfully educate" pages ago, didn't take, another thing you would have known had you read through from the beginning instead of having the flippant "I will skip a lot of banter. It's noise." attitude.  Very judgy.  If you're going to skip it, don't later act like you know what was being said or how it was stated, you don't.  Because you skipped it.  Patience is a virtue, try it sometime.



Oh shit, you're reminding me?  Well well well.  I'm behaving fine, thank you, as are the rest who walked into this thread not knowing the avalanche of "romantic interpretations" that awaited them.  Good thing I'm not cyberbullying because nothing I've been writing with regards to JPF997 is needless nor excessive in terms of trying to get an explanation for what he was talking about.  At least he finally admitted that what he was saying was "romantic interpretations", didn't make anything he said make any more sense but at least he gave up on the idea that his claims were accurate for anyone beyond him and maybe his zoomer friends.


I remind you, don't pretend to speak about what other members have posted or how they've acted until you read through everything first to get a sense of what transpired lo these many pages.



Hahaaha, read what you just wrote again.  You are the one dictating writing style or form, you didn't say "I suggest", only made declarative rulings on how others are posting here, fellow non-Admin.  And your tone isn't friendly, it's arrogant and talking down.


I wasn't dictating writing style or form, I was explaining to JPF997 that all his claims were worded as statements of fact and, therefore, would need some evidence to back them up since nobody was accepting them as fact (with good reason).  Eventually he admitted they weren't factual statements, simply his romantic interpretations, which was absolutely not evident in the style and form that he was wording them which necessitated the demand for him to reword his "statements" into a style or form that would indicate that they were interpretations, get it?  You would know that if you'd bothered to read through from the beginning and witness the various hard left turns he was generating with his "interpretations" play-acting as facts.  Do everyone the courtesy of that next time before telling us to do things we've already been doing.



No shit, that's incredible!  What you "already addressed" is no different from what some of us said to him pages ago and he ignored.  Don't roll in here late and act like you're going to fix everything as if we need your sage guidance when the rest of us already had a handle on it (even without studying and committing to memory the latest edition of your banter rules), the problem wasn't us or what we were saying, it was him resisting the reality that what he was saying was his "romantic interpretation" and not actually the facts about Atari, synthwave, space, culture, the future, etc.  It's like herding cats trying to keep up with his cascade of new revelations that don't match what actual happened.  Took him like 9 pages but he finally got there (mostly, he went and stepped on his own dick again with that "...breakout, it literally inspired the creation of the most successful video game in history Tetris"), I think he honestly can't help it, he has to say random unsupported shit like it's true, I assume that's how he and his friends talk about everything, they make some random association between 2 coincidentally related things they like and leap to the conclusion that they must be totally connected you guys and now they know everything about it.  Enthusiasm != knowledge.


This acting like everyone's guide thing you're doing is wearing thin.  I don't think anybody was asking for someone to referee this thread or how to post.  I mean, didn't you just advise JPF997 to "Stop posting. Listen/Read and research and learn about topics from credible sources."?  You should have followed your own advice with this thread, read it through first to learn about what had been going on before you arrived.  Would have saved you a lot of writing.

Hey now I'm finally providing sources just like  you wanted, have you looked at the game informer article about breakout or the one about the PS5 external drive  that I've posted?

You also ignored my questions about why other people have also made the same associations that I have, if synthwave and Atari have nothing in common with each other then why did modern Atari game developer's use this artstyle and type of music when making the recharged series, they could have used any other artsyle and music genre when creating these remake's but instead they went with synthwave/cyberpunk aesthetics,  maybe I'm not so ignorant after all 😏

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2 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Anyone play AKKA ARR? thoughts? I’ve been pondering that one.

I don't understand it and it didn't hook me enough to learn. I need to set aside some time to figure it out, but there's so many other things to play. I can see why it didn't test well as an arcade game. 

35 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Oh I just remembered I haven't showned anyone here my full Atari collection yet, here are all the Atari and Atari related games I currently own on my PS5 if anyone is curious:








LOL I think you have the full collection, even Pong Quest. There was another version of Missile Command Recharged but I don't think it made it to PS5. If they had an Atari game subscription, you'd be the first to sign up. 


If you like old games, I think you'd also enjoy Donut Dodo, Galactic, and Murtop. Not sure if they're on PS5 though, but they're on Switch and Steam. 

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4 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:


LOL I think you have the full collection, even Pong Quest. There was another version of Missile Command Recharged but I don't think it made it to PS5. If they had an Atari game subscription, you'd be the first to sign up. 



Not to worry friend, I have the original Missile Comand recharged version from 2020 downloaded on my phone to play whenever I want 😎

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17 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Hey now I'm finally providing sources just like  you wanted, have you looked at the game informer article about breakout or the one about the PS5 external drive  that I've posted?


Just like I wanted?  Like about how Breakout literally inspired Tetris?  What I was asking for was for you to provide any evidence for the many many statements you made before.  Ok, that point is moot now because you fell back on the excuse of you weren't making factual statements, just "romantic interpretations".  That's a sloppy way to get out of backing up the unbackupable but considering that there was never any such evidence, the only possible move.  You will notice that I'm no longer asking for or expecting such evidence.  It doesn't exist.


As for the more recent stuff, good on you.  That's more or less the way to approach such statements, either include a link or some other form of substantiating data to support your statements of facts (obviously there's no need to do that for romantic interpretations other than labelling them as such, "WARNING: Baseless daydream ahead" to avoid pages of needless misunderstood arguing) or provide the link later if/when someone asks.


21 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

You also ignored my questions about why other people have also made the same associations that I have, if synthwave and Atari have nothing in common with each other then why did modern Atari game developer's use this artstyle and type of music when making the recharged series, they could have used any other artsyle and music genre when creating these remake's but instead they went with synthwave/cyberpunk aesthetics,  maybe I'm not so ignorant after all 😏


Your guess isn't evidence.  Yes, Atari (or the programmers who actually made those recharged games) went with synthwave.  How am I supposed to answer how other people make associations, about Atari or synthwave or anything else?  That would be a guess, maybe an informed opinion if I knew a lot of people who liked both things (I know nobody who likes synthwave) and had talked to them about why.  Yes, they could have any other artstyle or music genre.  So now I ask


Would you have been singing the praises of Thrash Metal if that was the type of music that had been included in the recharged games instead of synthwave?


I'm going to bet 'No'.  You love synthwave and Atari and, look at that, they were combined in these games, lucky you.  I wouldn't go overboard on the imagined far-reaching implications of that choice.  Corporations making decisions to (hopefully) maximize profits isn't important to society, they'd do whatever they think works to make money.  And banish any ideas that failed.  You just so happened to have benefitted from them going with synthwave this go around.


Carl's Jr. went balls-deep for a while on combining hot models/actresses (not including Paris Lazy Eye Hilton) with their burgers, fantastic commercials that I loved (same with those Old Milwaukee Swedish Bikini Team commercials, hilarious).  Until perceived backlash about that and now?  Just commercials about their burgers + trying to be funny (occasionally succeeding), just like every other fast food franchise.  So I lose out but others who didn't like the hot girls commercials are happy.  It's marketing and maximizing profits, nothing more, no grander message.

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1 hour ago, ledzep said:

Oh shit, you're reminding me?  Well well well.  I'm behaving fine, thank you, as are the rest who walked into this thread not knowing the avalanche of "romantic interpretations" that awaited them.  Good thing I'm not cyberbullying because nothing I've been writing with regards to JPF997 is needless nor excessive in terms of trying to get an explanation for what he was talking about.  At least he finally admitted that what he was saying was "romantic interpretations", didn't make anything he said make any more sense but at least he gave up on the idea that his claims were accurate for anyone beyond him and maybe his zoomer friends.


I remind you, don't pretend to speak about what other members have posted or how they've acted until you read through everything first to get a sense of what transpired lo these many pages.

I been on forums and BBSs that would have not warned you. They just ban you right then and there with just your very first 2-3 of your replies to JPF997. Arguing or bickering at all with other forum members are not tolerated on some forum. NO EXCEPTION. I went through and skimmed about 80% of the posts. A moderator in most forums don't even bother reading everything that transpired. You're bickering over someone else. Enough of it already. You control yourself. Netiquettes would imply ignoring a person using the ignore feature that a forum like this has. Agree to disagree. You said it once... get over it. He'll over time adjust but at his age, it's nearly impossible biologically for a human brain to rewire itself overnight in how it operates and psychologic framework built on his past couple decades of life. If you simply cut to the chase and even underline or put in bold in the quotes what you were having issues with. It's 14 pages now.... so I kindly ask you to drop it and I'll do so as well and move on to more contributing forms of communication. I'm sure you have much to contribute over than bicker over this. Be a grown-up now. If you haven't noticed, he's been learning some at least because I approached it differently and others further contributed by reframing how they were communicating. You may have valid points to be made but your communication was failing because you were a little too harsh (surely more gentle than some of which I have seen and been through) which cognitively put him in the defensive and unwilling to listen because he felt attacked and you failed to delver your across credibility.  


Here's something you said: "Pick your shots, Gen-Zers!"  --- was that necessary. (rhetorical question... do not need a screed to explain yourself) Did you know the OP is in the age group of maybe Gen Z or Gen Alpha or whatever they are called for those just after Gen Z. At first, a forum moderator may overlook that. Why did you need to say this, "Some of these recharged games are really ADHD"? Okay, perhaps understandable as in context of an opinion but not necessarily appropriate. You need not answer to me about why and really, I don't care to read an angry screed on why. 

When he wrote this: "Everyone is of course entitled to they're opinion but I must say not a single thing you've stated comes even remotely close to the truth. The recharged games are the perfect evolution/modernization of these classic's, the way I would describe it is that the old version's are the equivalent of an 80s classic song while the recharged version's are the synthwave remix, the perfect evolution ." A reasonable person knew it's an opinion. The very use of the words in bold implies speaking subjectively. Facts are not subjective. If it is subjective statement, it is not fact and an opinion. He stated his opinion. 


Then you started to go apeshit. Key operative word is "started".


"How can it not be remotely close to the truth when I've seen actual "recharged" games with all those stupid additions?  Not all the games because, obviously, I'm not in the mood to play them so maybe a few don't all have all the extra unnecessary bullshit additions, maybe just one or two, but that's too much already.


Fuck synthwave, that's elevator music.  I want people to actually play instruments in my music.  And yes, many of them still do, even many current bands!


I have nothing against a modernized '80s game if that game was boring/flawed to start out with.  Imagine for example if the 2600 version of Pac-Man was the arcade version, then Ms. Pac-Man would be a welcomed and needed improvement.  I would consider Space Duel a modernization of Asteroids and I love it.  But additions that don't add to gameplay are a waste of code and a distraction.  Tilting the camera around to make things seems "faster" or more dramatic doesn't help, it's annoying.  When you play a game where the playing field isn't slipping around do you suck at the game and wish that the view would keep changing?  I don't.  If there's no shitty music blaring does that actually change how the game plays?  No, you can add your own favorite shitty music from your stereo, the controls are unaffected.  If you're not good enough to clear a level without 3 power-ups wasting everything that moves and a 4th that shields you, stop playing video games..."


No shit, this is where a moderator in some forums would have banned you. Others may be with less aggressive approach. You knew it was an opinion. You could have simply agreed to disagree. You couldn't accept the difference of opinion. Your ego got bruised and you started to get pissy. This doesn't mean everything you said here was in total apeshit mode but your temper started to flare up here. 

On page 2, jerseystyle band wagoned with you slightly with quoting jpf995 and posting a meme hinting a little sarcasm.


Between you getting a little bent out of shape over jpf995's opinion of the recharged games as "perfect" and Synthwave especially saying "recharged version's are the synthwave remix, the perfect evolution". Don't you think maybe you have a little anger management problem getting a little pissy about someone's personal opinion on music. Get over yourself. You are free to have your difference of opinion. Be mindful that I am not saying anything against guitar or playing the guitar since you have a thing for music with good guitar playing. I'm for good music regardless of the instruments used. 


At this point, the sheer verbosity of your replies have been well... difficult to read in huge volume in rapid succession. There's a famous Mies van der Rohe saying.... "less is more". "Less is more" is just the right thing for effective communication.


There I covered a couple pages involving your comments. I don't need to torture myself with inhumane treatment to read through 4-7 more pages or other remaining pages. Seriously. The conversation was all over the place. 




I'm not quoting the Forum rules but there are some rules we have been a little lax about and on occasion not followed. 

Edited by Wildstar
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1 hour ago, ledzep said:

What do you think I've been doing?  Ah yes, you wouldn't know because you think 9 (at the time) pages of this thread would take weeks to read (it takes an hour, maybe two).  Chastising came later, after (in this case) JPF997 kept doubling down on his "romantic interpretations" being statements of fact and using new baseless misinterpretations of reality to support his previous baseless statements. 

Yes but you should have already yet it go on page 2. You started getting pissy on page 2 and got worse later. Agreed to disagree and shut up was what you should have done. A forum user since 2010 and over 5000 posts under your belt should know right from the Forum Guidelines and rules that you should have refrained from the discussion given the subject matter and statements of another forum user was bothering you. Your responses triggered the OP to double down on his "romantic interpretations" as you say. You aren't innocent from this any more than JPF995. If you follow your own rule to me, you should have read the posts since your reply. You stir up the issues just as it was about the settle down.  Hmmm.....


Edited by Wildstar
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2 hours ago, ledzep said:

AtariAge is a website centered around Atari games.  Is that an opinion?  Some statements written don't need facts to support them because they're well-known/self evident.  JPF997 was spitting out random thoughts like they were facts and, guess what?!?  Some of us asked him (repeatedly, since he kept changing the subject) to provide facts to support his opinions!  What?  Ya, if only you'd had the decency to read through all this from the beginning, you wouldn't have to act like you were teaching us how to behave in online forums.  We got this, keep your opinions about how we've been responding to him to yourself until you've walked through this whole thread to see that we were already doing what you're telling us to do.  Nothing you've said is new or solves anything, it was already known and being applied, to scant results.

Fair point on something so self-evident. However, that wasn't the case regarding the matters on page 1. Scant results because you failed basic persuasion. You put JPF995 on the defensive and not willing to listen because it became a form of personal attacking and you know it. You and others but you a significant part. Here's the thing, you wanted facts to support his opinion. Don't do that. Sheesh. If he wants to not know better, his choice in life. You knew it was an opinion. Oh my God the world is fucking dandy perfect. That's an opinion. Why the hell should I give proof that's a fact? Right. Synthwave is perfect. An opinion. Polite people don't demand proof of fact on stuff like that. 


If you want me to give disclaimer that I am about to give my opinion, then I have one for you:




Disclaimer this!

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3 hours ago, GoldLeader said:


BTW, (I'm sure most everyone got this),  I was just being funny...Like that one clueless guy who chimes in even though he's way off base and doesn't even know what the topic is.




(And then explaining it,  like I'm doing right here...Is probably even more annoying, but today,...ummmm, I'm tired as  shit...and here we are!)

You're out of your element, Donny!

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