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Team Pixelboy News Bulletin - December 25th 2023


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20 hours ago, NIAD said:

Until something is worked out with the manuals, Space Shuttle is a port of the MSX version, so the MSX manual should be a big help and you can see a picture of the overlay on Tram Pixelboy’s website.


Never thought of that and just found the MSX SS manual. It answered a few of my questions. Thanks for the suggestion Jim.

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On 1/2/2024 at 7:34 AM, Pixelboy said:

Alright, so I can see lots of people want to be able to play Space Shuttle but require the manual, which is quite understandable.  :)


Full disclosure: I sent a PM to Kamshaft recently to see if he could host the manuals for Space Shuttle and Utopia on cvaddict.com, and I'm still waiting to hear back from him. Stay tuned.


All the files Luc sent me are up.  Enjoy!





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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Kamshaft said:

All the files Luc sent me are up.  Enjoy!

Looks good, but what about the 4 sub-manuals for Space Shuttle? They're kind of important.  :)


EDIT: Also, you may want to post the 128K version of the Space Shuttle ROM which I posted earlier in this thread. It was not beta-tested like the 64K version was, but it should work better for some people on their AtariMax Ultimate SD cartridge.


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On 1/5/2024 at 12:00 PM, Pixelboy said:

Just want to mention that bennybingo never got back to me about the above, and his PM inbox is disabled so I cannot contact him via AtariAge. I tried sending him an e-mail using an e-mail address I had in my records, and I got no response, so I'm not sure if he got it.


Hi. I noticed only one SS manual was posted to CVaddict. Is that all of them in one, Or are the other ones not available yet? Thanks. Kev

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9 hours ago, Pixelboy said:

Looks good, but what about the 4 sub-manuals for Space Shuttle? They're kind of important.  :)


EDIT: Also, you may want to post the 128K version of the Space Shuttle ROM which I posted earlier in this thread. It was not beta-tested like the 64K version was, but it should work better for some people on their AtariMax Ultimate SD cartridge.


Thanks for helping get these manuals to up. The sub manuals are   very important because it covers using the trans and rotational engines and docking with the satellite.

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On 1/2/2024 at 1:34 AM, jblenkle said:

Any hints on how to start this game? I noticed on the scroll across the bottom of the screen it says to PRESS # to Begin, but then it says DEMO and I can't seem to do much other than turn a few switches on and off.

Press the left fire button and choose STS-101. Then press #, And get ready for a countdown. Press 1 to start main engines at about 8 seconds. (It take a few seconds to start the countdown) Once it gets to 5 seconds, Thrust by pressing the left fire button and hold it down.(follow the red line as it moves to the right). Steer the ship up down left and right. But watch your altitude, If you get too high, It will abort. You have to stop at 210k feet. NOTE: That's as far as i got because we need the 4 sub manuals or its impossible to play any farther.

Edited by klasko54
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The sub pages have been added!  Took me like an hour to organize those pages.


As for the 128K rom, my site was designed in such a way the it's one ROM per game.  Would you guys rather see the 128K rom instead of the 64K one?

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5 minutes ago, Kamshaft said:

As for the 128K rom, my site was designed in such a way the it's one ROM per game.  Would you guys rather see the 128K rom instead of the 64K one?

From what I've read, the original game was developed and tested as a 64K "Activision-style" PCB game. That's how it loads up in the better emulators (I play on my own ColecoDS of course!). It feels like the 128K version plays on hardware that can't handle the original design but I don't know if that would be a good enough reason to not use the original as it was designed. Adjusting the rom to suit less-compatible hardware feels off... and if this was a classic game, I'd say we should absolutely not change the original rom - but as this is modern homebrew... it probably isn't a big deal even for purists.

Having said all that... I'd vote for the 128K version.

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1 hour ago, Kamshaft said:

The sub pages have been added!  Took me like an hour to organize those pages.

The link to the manual on your web site doesn't work.


EDIT: Also, the screenshots are missing for some reason?

Edited by Pixelboy
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13 minutes ago, Pixelboy said:

The link to the manual on your web site doesn't work.


EDIT: Also, the screenshots are missing for some reason?

Works, it was all tested before hand.

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Yeah, CV website all working fine here.


And to jump on the Space Shuttle bandwagon, I threw together a simple overlay for ColecoDS (9.0a) in case anyone plays it via my emulator.  Had to abbreviate some of the text for the 256x192 touch screen but it gets the job done. Just go into Game Config and select your overlay as 'Space Shuttle' - works fine for either version of the ROM (64K or 128K).



Edit: converted the overlay for Utopia as well...


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I just tried with a different browser altogether, one I never actually use (namely Microsoft Edge) and I still get the 404.


A 404 error is a server response, which means it's not necessarily a cache problem on the browser's end. Could it be a file access permission problem instead?


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22 minutes ago, Pixelboy said:

I just tried with a different browser altogether, one I never actually use (namely Microsoft Edge) and I still get the 404.


A 404 error is a server response, which means it's not necessarily a cache problem on the browser's end. Could it be a file access permission problem instead?


I know that, but at this point I don't know what's causing it.  Did you try another game and try downloading the manual?

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