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Ghosts and Trolls Project


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Inspired by one of the greatest arcade classics, which has spanned generations.
It is one of my favorite games, without a shadow of a doubt, its spin-offs, also released for other platforms such as the Playstation 2, are part of my library of favorite games.
I'd like to see to what extent the Atari 2600 could port it in an understandable and playable way.



Captura de tela_2024-05-26_19-43-25.png







Captura de tela_2024-04-28_00-47-37.png

Ghosts and Trolls Project 0.1








Captura de tela em 2024-05-03 01-05-38.png

Ghost_and_Trolls_4k.bas.bin Ghost_and_Trolls_4k_PAL.bas.bin


Edited by alfredtdk
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I added some simple movements for the character Arthur, such as crouching, jumping, going right or left.
The movements are not yet complex, with few frames of animation. The more complex animations will come in the next compilations of the source code.
For now, the throwing of daggers is restricted only vertically.

Captura de tela_2024-04-28_22-38-16.png


Edited by alfredtdk
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Posted (edited)
On 4/29/2024 at 1:51 AM, LatchKeyKid said:

Cool!   The free sprite thread somewhere here on the forum had a bunch of sprite art for G&G in case you needed more inspiration/ideas.

Yes, thank you very much for the tip. Yes, I will use it, I'm already using it in the new compilation of the code with updated sprites, check it out in the next post.
I especially want to thank  PAC-MAN-RED for the incredible sprites they make available for free. I wonder how much hard work and hours he spent to maintain fidelity in so few pixels. It's not easy to build something like this.

His post page for anyone who wants to check out his incredible work.



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Zombie in the area.
Updated Arthuro sprites.
Unfortunately I have just over 600 bytes free.
I won't be able to add much more functionality while keeping the rom at 4kb.

I think it's incredible what Activision was able to do in the past with 4kb, its best games that became classics come down to this standard originally established on the 2600 hardware.
Nowadays there are also notable examples of programmers who managed to do the same feat.

Captura de tela_2024-05-01_23-12-07.png


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I took a chance on the DPC+ format to see what the results would be like.
I don't have much knowledge in this format yet, so don't expect great things.
I'm testing this format and checking out the benefits it can bring. There are pros and cons when using this format, such as the need for special chips if a cartridge were to be built.

Here in this demonstration you are in control of the zombie, but if you want to move the knight, use control 2.
As a zombie you can travel the path underground.
The knight still has no animated movements.
Have a good time.

Captura de tela_2024-05-01_23-51-16.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-01_23-51-35.png


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Version in 4kb close to completion, maybe there will be compilations to add small things, like sound effects, I have just over 300 bytes.
In the 0.5 edition added score, I based it on the scoring system of the NES version when killing the zombie, you get 200 points for each zombie killed (?) again.
Slightly modified background scene.
Now available in NTSC/PAL versions. Have a good time.

Captura de tela_2024-05-03_03-27-40.png

Captura de tela em 2024-05-03 03-44-13.png

Ghosts_and_Trolls_Project_0.5.bas.bin Ghosts_and_Trolls_Project_0.5_PAL.bas.bin

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5 minutes ago, alfredtdk said:



Version in 4kb close to completion, maybe there will be compilations to add small things, like sound effects, I have just over 300 bytes.
In the 0.5 edition added score, I based it on the scoring system of the NES version when killing the zombie, you get 200 points for each zombie killed (?) again.
Slightly modified background scene.
Now available in NTSC/PAL versions. Have a good time.


I really like what you are making! But i have 3 tips: 1, arthur can't shoot left so when the zombie is on the left of him he can't hit it. 2, You can see the zombie when he's undergound/hiding, you can just tell the game to make that player sprite nothing and then change the sprite back to the zombie when he appears again. 3, perhaps use set kernel_options no_blank_lines. You'll use the missile you need, that's for sure, but you can use the ball sprite and make arthur shoot that. Anyways, i wish you a verry nice day!

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22 minutes ago, Blitzer1001 said:

I really like what you are making! But i have 3 tips: 1, arthur can't shoot left so when the zombie is on the left of him he can't hit it. 2, You can see the zombie when he's undergound/hiding, you can just tell the game to make that player sprite nothing and then change the sprite back to the zombie when he appears again. 3, perhaps use set kernel_options no_blank_lines. You'll use the missile you need, that's for sure, but you can use the ball sprite and make arthur shoot that. Anyways, i wish you a verry nice day!

Yes, thanks for the tips. These are corrections that I intend to make in the future.

I would also like to know how to compose something similar to the G&G track using BB.
This is an area that I definitely have little affinity for, or rather skill.
Sound effects, such as the sound of jumping or throwing daggers, would at least need to be added to the 4kb binary. Something totally mute no one likes.
I have just over 300 bytes in ROM that can be used. Perhaps a ROM optimization process would also be welcome.
Everything leads me to believe that I will have to migrate to the DPC+ format (see the demonstration in previous posts that I made available in this format), where I will be able to have many more resources available.
A good day for you too.

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1 hour ago, alfredtdk said:

Yes, thanks for the tips. These are corrections that I intend to make in the future.

I would also like to know how to compose something similar to the G&G track using BB.
This is an area that I definitely have little affinity for, or rather skill.
Sound effects, such as the sound of jumping or throwing daggers, would at least need to be added to the 4kb binary. Something totally mute no one likes.
I have just over 300 bytes in ROM that can be used. Perhaps a ROM optimization process would also be welcome.
Everything leads me to believe that I will have to migrate to the DPC+ format (see the demonstration in previous posts that I made available in this format), where I will be able to have many more resources available.
A good day for you too.

I am not sure  you can add music with 300 bytes left. But i can tell you how to add a simple music loop to a future project. Making a simple loop for music isn't that hard. First i use tia tracker to see if it would sound good with a simple sound channel with no limitations. I don't use triplet notes since those are hard to program. Then i goto bb and make a music timer variable and a music counter. The music timer keeps track of when to add 1 quarter note to the music timer. I then fiddle with the number when the timer resets and ads 1 to the counter. I make the number bigger or smaller until i get a temp0 that's around the same speed that i wanted. Then the program checks to change the note if a certain value on the music counter is met. I provided an example of the code i used in my game gunfight.
I hope this gave you a better insight on how to implement music


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That's a lot of progress!   I'm glad the suggestion helped as there are in general alot of great sprites there but the G&G ones are a standout for sure.   As for DPC+, I think the biggest benefit that I see (admittedly as a non-programmer so add salt as needed) is the ability to use extra sprites using the automated flicker programming as compared with the standard two in the basic kernel without having to use ASM.   Personally, I prefer the more square two-line kernel pixels for most sprites as well as generally prefere asthetically more solid colors instead of gradients for the playfield/background for 2600 titles.

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23 hours ago, Blitzer1001 said:

 3, perhaps use set kernel_options no_blank_lines.

I try to avoid using no_blank_lines, player0colors, player1colors as much as possible... precisely because you lose precious things, such as the loss of missiles, which could have other uses, to use an effect on the environment, such as rays, projectiles or even as a life bar.
In this demo I left it with the purest standard kernel.

Captura de tela_2024-05-04_03-03-06.png


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1 hour ago, LatchKeyKid said:

I obviously only speak to myself but my favorite version asthetically so far was the one where you had multicolor player sprites but there is the tradeoff as you said of losing the missiles in return. 

If I had to choose, I would also prefer the multicolored sprites to maintain the visual fidelity of the Arcade characters.
Hypothetically speaking, if the multicolored sprites were chosen, some enemies, such as carnivorous plants, also throw projectiles (poison) in Arthur's direction.
How would I resolve this issue if I only have the ball as an available resource?
That's because I didn't mention that flying macabre goblin that shoots spears or some bosses that breathe fire. And a double-edged sword. In the multisprite kernel there would have to be sacrifices to maintain the Arcade visual standard.
Therefore, I either have to opt for the standard Kernel or DPC+.

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Posted (edited)

I polished the look of the default kernel.
It is possible to maintain an appearance very close to what is seen in the Arcade, with the difference that everything is more square and the characters maintain a single color. A good example are the incredible games made by vhzc, I noticed that he doesn't use multicolored sprites. 
This reminds me of features of Popeye that Parker Bros ported to the 2600 and also the typical look of games ported to the MSX.

Captura de tela_2024-05-04_13-26-52.png



Captura de tela em 2024-05-04 13-53-57.png


Edited by alfredtdk
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I'm going to close the 4k version, I only have 64 bytes of ROM space left.
A version with all the bugs fixed in the near future is not ruled out, because the game has many corrections to be made.
This will only be possible with a version with optimized code and removing many unnecessary subroutines that take up useful space.

What's new about this finished 4k version? Well, to tell the truth, almost nothing like what has been seen before.
What sets it apart are the sound effects and a small soundtrack in the game.
The soundtrack will remain active until you take the first shot at the zombie that is coming towards you, after that only the sound effects.
If you want to reactivate the soundtrack, you must press the Reset key.
Good fun

Captura de tela_2024-05-05_18-11-57.png

Ghost_and_Trolls_4k.bas.bin Ghost_and_Trolls_4k_PAL.bas.bin

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After completing the 4kb version, for fun and to test some resources, I also made an 8kb version, adding the crow and the carnivorous plant, as opponents in addition to the zombie.
They don't have animated movements like the zombie. And just curious to see these creatures on screen too.
 It is likely that I will test one of the bosses, probably from the first stage, to get a sense of the magnitude of these creatures that prevent Arthur from moving forward in rescuing his beloved princess.

After that I will concentrate my efforts on the DPC+ version, which I believe is the most recommended format for this type of game.

Captura de tela_2024-05-05_23-37-45.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-05_23-21-36.png


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Posted (edited)



8k version with bosses. The best known is the Unicorn boss of the first and second stages.

The serpent dragon boss only appears around the third stage, but here we have a small preview of what his appearance will be like in version 2600.

This 8k version is also finished on my part, for anyone who wants to  modify, optimize, add different sounds or even improve the source code, feel free. The game is full of bugs that need to be fixed.
Below I provide the source code for both the 4k and 8k versions.
Good fun

Captura de tela_2024-05-06_21-53-24.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-06_15-15-49.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-06_21-55-18.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-06_21-54-00.png

Ghosts_and_Trolls_8K_BOSS.bas Ghost_and_Trolls_4k.bas Ghosts_and_Trolls_8K_BOSS.bas.bin Ghosts_and_Trolls_8K_BOSS_PAL.bas.bin


No Background Noise

I added a version without background noise, with a slightly different soundtrack and sound effects.




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On 5/5/2024 at 10:39 PM, alfredtdk said:

After completing the 4kb version, for fun and to test some resources, I also made an 8kb version, adding the crow and the carnivorous plant, as opponents in addition to the zombie.
They don't have animated movements like the zombie. And just curious to see these creatures on screen too.
 It is likely that I will test one of the bosses, probably from the first stage, to get a sense of the magnitude of these creatures that prevent Arthur from moving forward in rescuing his beloved princess.

After that I will concentrate my efforts on the DPC+ version, which I believe is the most recommended format for this type of game.

Captura de tela_2024-05-05_23-37-45.png

Captura de tela_2024-05-05_23-21-36.png

Ghosts_and_Trolls_8K.bas.bin 8 kB · 5 downloads

Nice!   Yeah, I think for bB that DPC+ might be the best way forward with bB due to the variety of options that open up with the added sprites in particular.  And, yes, I also consider VHZC's games to be the gold standard in this genre of 2600 games (with the Xanthiom 2600 being a close 2nd!).   Ideally, if you knew how to program in ASM, that would be the better way to go as you could avoid the restrictions of the basic kernel where needed but that's obviously an advanced technique (and one I'm certainly not capable of).  It's just a matter of CPU cycles and not an inherent incompatibility between the options/tradeoffs.  


If you were to use the basic kernel in the end for greater compatibility (like with the 2600+), I'd say go for no blank lines and single color sprites.  You can use the ball and missile for both player and enemy projectiles to still get the gameplay you want at the cost of it looking like an early 2600 title with a limited color set.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a look at the 8k version and it looks nice!   Do you know what is taking up the most space in the 8k and if you're using any of the supercharger upgrade options?   I see it's using the SC8k option in Stella.  Even the 4k version that you said is close to running out seems to only have the one screen/playfield from my quick play so I'm surprised it's pushing the limits of the 4k.   I might finally take the plunge in bB and was curious if I'll fill up the original 4k with just the main player sprites.

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On 5/15/2024 at 9:20 PM, LatchKeyKid said:

I took a look at the 8k version and it looks nice!   Do you know what is taking up the most space in the 8k and if you're using any of the supercharger upgrade options?   I see it's using the SC8k option in Stella.  Even the 4k version that you said is close to running out seems to only have the one screen/playfield from my quick play so I'm surprised it's pushing the limits of the 4k.   I might finally take the plunge in bB and was curious if I'll fill up the original 4k with just the main player sprites.

I think what takes up a lot of space in the rom are the animation frames. It has many unnecessary subroutines too. I think optimizing the code would free up a lot of space in the 4kb rom, but I haven't had time for that yet, so I've released the codes for anyone who wants to make the necessary optimizations and corrections, making the code cleaner, there's a lot of trash in the code and that's it. It must be weighing you down, making it swollen. A good cleaning of the code should solve the problem, making room for the addition of other things, such as new playfields.


I used 8ksc for different pfheights of playfields to be written to the extra RAM, but I'm finding that this is not really necessary.

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If you don't mind me asking, how many animations are you making for the main character vs the NPCs?   I don't know if it's remotely realistic but I always think back to my pitfall hack that you helped with to see what's potentially possible in 4k (though admittedly a purpose built ASM program will be much more efficient than a generally compiled one so I obviously would never reach that amoutn in the same 4k).   I've been designing my levels' looks specifically to fit in with what is possible with pfheights so there is a good amount of variety and possibilities as long as you have one or two BIG spaces where you can such up extra lines to make the others much smaller.

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45 minutes ago, LatchKeyKid said:

If you don't mind me asking, how many animations are you making for the main character vs the NPCs?   I don't know if it's remotely realistic but I always think back to my pitfall hack that you helped with to see what's potentially possible in 4k (though admittedly a purpose built ASM program will be much more efficient than a generally compiled one so I obviously would never reach that amoutn in the same 4k).   I've been designing my levels' looks specifically to fit in with what is possible with pfheights so there is a good amount of variety and possibilities as long as you have one or two BIG spaces where you can such up extra lines to make the others much smaller.

There are 10 animation frames, hero and villain.
Arthur's ended up being unnecessary, as 9 frames are repeated in a static way. I ended up forgetting to remove them before posting the source code. In Arcade Arthur is a static character when standing still, not requiring extra animations.

Removing these 9 animation frames would free up a good amount of space in the rom.


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