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Why do I suck at Shanghai?


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It ìs possible.


The game requires some strategy in removing tiles, don't remove tiles only because at a first glance you can, try first to free es much tiles possible for the next move, keep count how many tiles of each kind are still trapped, estimate for each possible move the probability to get stuck at a later point, and your score will improve.

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It also depends on the layout of the tiles, you will probably find it help to try and remove them roughly one layer at at time otherwise you can find the tile you want is either surrounded by other/partially under other tiles and so cannot be removed because it is not on a top level and therefore is blocked in.

Memory is a little fuzzy as it has been a while since I played but I think that to be removable a tile must have at least one free edge and no tile directly/partially on top of it, so as @Nop90 said, if you have more that two of the same tiles of the same type that you can remove, think careful about which pairs you remove and when so as to free up as many new tiles for removal as possible. 

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3 hours ago, LordKraken said:

Yeah it's a bit more strategic that it seems at first glance. I haven't looked at the math yet but there are probably some initial configurations that can't be beaten (but it must be relatively rare). 

Well, if 3 same tiles  are topped, basically you can't win. I hope the distribution algorithm is made in order to avoid this :D

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Here's a strategy I use, maybe it will help.


1.  Realize that most layouts are solvable, it just depends on how you pull tiles. AS @Fadest says, there is a random possibility that three of the same will be on top of one another, but my experience is that is lower than you might think.


2. Realize that there are FOUR of every tile.  There are 4 seasons, 4 flowers, etc.  So even though those might look different, they still count as a group of four.  Always, always, always, look for the ability to pull groups of four off.


3.  Have a definite game plan: try to free up more tiles with your moves.  So, if you have a choice between an edge piece that will only open 1-2 and a "pile" piece that will open three or four, go for the pile.  Always start with pulling pieces off of the pile.  Always.  Always. Always.  If necessary, look for ways to pull pile pieces by searching for a path to do so (i.e., "Okay, so I need a season match to pull the top one off, there's an Autumn near the edge here, let me see if I can 4-pull towards that"


4.  The trickiest thing to do is when you see a three pull.  Leave those until you are absolutely certain the 4th one is not hiding underneath one of those three.


This may all seem obvious, so YMMV.  It has served me well.  So much so that my friends will not play head-to-head with me as I pull tiles off too quickly. ;-)




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