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Originally posted by jahfish:

would there be a possibility to extend the sets to 125? for all the label creators?



Nope. It's set to 100, and that's all there will ever be. Also, I don't plan to have a different label on each. The winning label (or slight modification) will be used on all. The others will probably be included on the CD accompanying the special edition, unless there are objections from the label owners, in which case those particular labels will NOT be included.




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Originally posted by cristiana:


Originally posted by Cybergoth:

[qb]I answered your wish, here is a 'cute dead qb'


This is the funniest thing I've seen all day, thanks!! Do you still have the picture of the Etch-a-Sketch version? I'd like to save these away for later (after the contest is over, I'd like to post them to that page).



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Originally posted by Albert:

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day, thanks!! Do you still have the picture of the Etch-a-Sketch version? I'd like to save these away for later (after the contest is over, I'd like to post them to that page).



Thanks for the compliments , and, yes, I still have the etch a sketch pictures. My server was down for most of the the 11th, so you weren't able to access it. Anyway, I still have the original, so it didnt disappear.

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Hey! It's 2:30 in the morning, I've just gotten home from clubbing, and what's the first thing I do? Get online to check to see if Albert posted my submissions for the Qb cartridge label contest! Nooooo! They're not up yet! Damn! Three new designs for Andrew's discretion -- a bit more minimalist than the other submissions, I must admit, but hey, where are they? Some of us out here LIVE for this shit... to see our Atari 2600 cartridge label designs on-line! Hee, hee...


Intoxiated ramblings here... anyway, I hope to see all the new submissions soon -- I'm figuring there will be a lot of 11th hour submissions to this here contest. My faves so far are courtesy of David Exton (who seems to be going for a 'Xype' house design look -- not a bad thing) and Cristiana Yambo's (whose indie t-shirt design sensibility factors into a fantastic retro cartridge design with modern sensibilities). Hope my humble minimalist designs can compete. I'm a designer, not an illustrator.


You all rock... so happy to be part of this cute little community... blah blah blah, it's 2:40 in the morning now, time to go, before I start ranting about how I LOVE YOU ALL!

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I don't think I'll send in anything more for the contest - my scanner doesn't work, so I would have to make everything out of pictures from the net or what's already on the harddisk. Or make something in Paint. I sent in one I made in Paint, but I'm not sure if it actually got sent, as there was some problems with my internet connection. I'm just going to wait now... playing Pitfall 2... ERM Qb I mean heh heh... heh...

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I jumped out of bed early this morning (early for a Saturday) so I could put up the latest Qb Label Submissions. Here are the latest labels:


Luiz Scocca - Submission #1

Tom Arnesveen - Submission #2

Tom Arnesveen - Submission #3

Efren Ramirez - Submission #9

MoJoFLTR - Submission #2

Brett Gladson - Submission #9

Adrian Roberts - Submission #1

Adrian Roberts - Submission #2

Adrian Roberts - Submission #3

Matthias David - Submission #1

Keith Erickson - Submission #1


That brings the total label count to 89, with about a day and a half remaining in the contest.



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Here's a second batch of labels for today:


Jason Parlee - Submission #6

Uwe Heinrich - Submission #5

Brett Gladson - Submission #10

Brett Gladson - Submission #11

Dave Giarrusso - Submission #1

Eric Edvalson - Submission #1


Phew! I'm still not counting, but that brings the total up to 95 labels. Poor, Poor Andrew.



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With so many good entries, I'm glad that Andrew doesn't want to use a poll to let us decide.


But I'm still missing a Pop Art style (Roy Lichtenstein!) label. That would be great!

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Originally posted by Tom X:

Hey, Andrew, buddy, pal, I was just wondering; do you have plans for any new games?


For the Atari 2600? No, not for a while. But you can grab yourself a Gameboy Advance emulator - switch it into "run as fast as possible" mode, and try running www.2headed.com/2600.bin on it.






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it's pretty hard work to get that game .... i had ordered one with marc about a year ago ..... then half a year later we initially wanted to do a trade for it ..... this time the pre-order is allready over ....




still i have the chance to win and get the special version




otherwise i will be punished with a deskjet hozer label ..... but don't worry, i have allready 20 hozer games, so i'm used to it

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The Qb Label Contest is now over! Thanks to everyone who submitted entries to this contest, we received over 100 labels! Here are the last few that were submitted yesterday:


Mike Tinnes - Submission #1

Uwe Heinrich - Submission #6

MoJoFLTR - Submission #3

MoJoFLTR - Submission #4

Luiz Scocca - Submission #2

Luiz Scocca - Submission #3

Adrian Mims - Submission #1


In addition, the following label was updated:


Efren Ramirez - Submission #9


Can't wait to see Andrew choose a winner!




[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Albert ]

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Wow, so many Lables. I am so happy that I am not Andrew, who must say which one is the best. I like many of them. 102 Lables WOW .


Its a new World Record. My last hope is that I win the contest, or I never get this great game. .

But my lable has no changes againt the other great one.


Maybe I must kill 20 other on the list, to get my game. Can you give me the names Andrew. (only joking). Has some double preorder?


Maybe the winning lable is on the list too, then he don't need the other game anymore, so an other get his place.

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I'm getting mad now!!!!!!!, I have been in all three label contest's just using my windows paint program, but play time is now over. Too many other people have nice drawing programs like coral draw, cad cam, and others, so now I went out and spent over $200 dollors on some of these programs and I'm going to take some classes, so the next contest, its not going to be so easy.

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Thank you to everyone who entered, and a big thank-you to the staff at AtariAge for their hosting and hard work managing the competition.


I have narrowed my favourites down to about 10 entries, now that I've seen them all, but haven't yet selected a winner.


I will announce the winner, and 2nd and 3rd places, within 24 hours.




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I use Photoshop 6 for most of it, and the vector tools in Flash for anything else.

Photoshop LE is a good cheap program that, I think, comes free with certain scanners and has most of the basic functions of Photoshop.

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