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5 Million Copies of ET


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Originally posted by King Atari:

One thing I'll say about the game, I like it. It's pretty good for 80's nostalgia, as was the movie (look close and you can see an Atari in the living room, and the brother is later heard talking about "Space Invaders". Maybe that was a deal Atari and Spielberg struck).


One of the shirts Mike (the older brother) wears is a screenshot of Space Invaders (apparently the Taito coin-op, not an Atari version).

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Originally posted by atarigamer:

So the phone and all the other stuff you have to get (in the game).


Isn't some of the stuff in the holes? Or is that just something I don't need.


The three items you use to assemble the “phone” are in the wells. (If you retrieve a part and it gets stolen by the federal agent, it'll reappear in a well.) You can save time figuring out which wells contain the parts by pressing the joystick button when the power zone indicator is a question mark: if one of the wells on screen contains a phone part, the well will emanate a golden flash.

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Elliot may also end up with a piece of the phone (especially if you lose a piece to the FBI). If you cannot seem to locate a piece in the wells, you better believe that little is hoarding the piece in his house. You will need to "call Elliot" and juice him up with some sweet candy bribes in order for him to fork over the missing phone chunk. I think it takes all 9 pieces that you can carry to get the little to come clean with the goods.

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1983 (April) Atari closes its El Paso manufacturing plant. Fourteen trailer trucks filled with unsold games are dumped in an Alamorgordo, New Mexico landfill and buried in concrete. Atari claims the games were defective.


got this piece from here as this thread is to long for me to read all over again , i dont know if the 14 trailer trucks full of unsold games was mentioned


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Yeah, imagine a full blown ET game on one of the modern systems with all the frills, the ship landing, the search for the phone, dodging the FBI and Scientists, riding the bike with the brat, dress-up with Drew Barrymore, maybe even a Halloween level to collect Reeses Pieces, the glowing finger, etc.

You could switch between being ET and roaming around, and being Elliot trying to save the alien from the heinous American government!


You could even add the original 2600 game in as a mini-game you can play at Elliot's house.


This would be cool.

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As I stated earlier they are making new ET games!!! Like at least 3 for the Gameboy Advanced and One for PS2 I believe!!! So Stan you may get your wish... I did a search tho and couldnt find any info or screenshots of the actual games. I remember one was called E.T.: The return to the green planet!!

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Oh wait after the last post I made it's 4 more posts till it hits 100!!!... So what I ment to write the last post was "Only 4 more posts until this thread reaches 100!!!!"


Oh wait now its gonna be 3.


OK!!! Three more posts and this thread will have hit 100!!! WooHoo!!! Ooops I forgot to mention E.T.


Ummmmm.... E.T. is our friend.



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