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Just bought a Flashback 2! They're at Walmart!

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I just spent the last 2 hours playing with my Flashback 2. I got it directly from Curt in Dallas and it is from the same batch that Al will have for sale here shortly.


I love the thing and while I am NOT a hardcore Atari user I found that none of the complaints raised in this thread held true for me with this unit.


The sticks work fine on my 2600, no issues with using original sticks or paddles on the FB2, and definitely NO stiff or loose connections.


The games play perfectly and I noticed no unusual flickering and absolutely NO screen roll on any games. This is original Atari 2600 hardware that you all asked for so its a litte odd that many of you are complaining about the very things that were dysfunctional with the original hardware and games in the first place ;) If you're having wierd problems, its most likely your TV, or your memory of how those games were supposed to look in the first place.


I plan to buy several for holiday presents very soon and I suggest all of you do likewise.


again, the batch Al has is from the same 100 units Curt had sent to Dallas for the vgXpo [unless I missed something] and my 2 hour fun fest with my unit passed with flying colors!!


screw walmart, buy 'em from Al and show your support.



-Mark Wolfe

phillyclassic / vgxpo




Pardon us, but I can assure you we are all not crazy....


Yes we have rolling, and flicker on mostly the hacked games, not the originals.

I have owned 2600's from the begining and none of my games experienced this problem, its not fair to try and turn the blame on us..


Yes, we all asked for original hardware, and we are not complaining at all about that.... Its the hacked/homebrew games that seem to have a sync problem.


I think you are making assumptions that are not correct.


I love the FB2 regardless of its faults, it is fantastic.

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Well, after a long delay in getting to Long Island, I finally found the flashback 2. I wish I could say all the nice things about it that I've read here. The truth is this is one of the worst products I've ever used. Many of games don't run the way they did on a real 2600. Some of these games can't even keep from losing the vertical sync. 20 of these games are actual atari games. (well sorta) The other 20 are "Hacks" and play like them. Playing any of the "sequels" and you're reminded how good the game was before someone with too much time on their hands hacked the originals. With very few exceptions the games run poorly even by 2600 standards. The only games I found that ran well were the two activision games and atari climber. The latter the only "homebrew" worth playing on this otherwise stinkpile. I find it hard to believe that the 2600 hardware is fully implemented here. I'm completly dumbfounded as to the praises being heaped on this product. There's nothing even decent about it with the exception of the joysticks being fairly decent. Hopefully this will find it's way into the dump all those E.T. carts made it to.

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Well, after a long delay in getting to Long Island, I finally found the flashback 2. I wish I could say all the nice things about it that I've read here. The truth is this is one of the worst products I've ever used. Many of games don't run the way they did on a real 2600. Some of these games can't even keep from losing the vertical sync. 20 of these games are actual atari games. (well sorta) The other 20 are "Hacks" and play like them. Playing any of the "sequels" and you're reminded how good the game was before someone with too much time on their hands hacked the originals. With very few exceptions the games run poorly even by 2600 standards. The only games I found that ran well were the two activision games and atari climber. The latter the only "homebrew" worth playing on this otherwise stinkpile. I find it hard to believe that the 2600 hardware is fully implemented here. I'm completly dumbfounded as to the praises being heaped on this product. There's nothing even decent about it with the exception of the joysticks being fairly decent. Hopefully this will find it's way into the dump all those E.T. carts made it to.



Wow. Scathing review. I'm surprised that you hated it that much. IMHO getting Adventure 2, return to Haunted House, 2 kickass new joysticks make it worth the 30 bucks...each of those games would run you at least $20 to get on cart, and the new sticks are quite an improvement over the classic ones, which run around $5 on ebay.

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Wow. Scathing review. I'm surprised that you hated it that much. IMHO getting Adventure 2, return to Haunted House, 2 kickass new joysticks make it worth the 30 bucks...each of those games would run you at least $20 to get on cart, and the new sticks are quite an improvement over the classic ones, which run around $5 on ebay.



I liked the joysticks that's about it. Pitfall worked well but, I have it on like a hundred other places. I guess it all works out. I like the new namco museum alot and everyone else hated it. Go figure.

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They have a couple left at the Wal-Mart in Halfmoon, NY (halfway between Albany and Saratoga Springs) but I guess I'll buy mine from Al once I hear that either (a) his support voice in Quadrun and thus have a second revision of the ROM, or (b) there's never going to be a second revision of the ROM.


I only read the first and last page of this thread after coming home from Wal-Mart tonight, so it's possible the answer has already been posted.

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I would love to know where all the "new" hacks and homebrews came from ... who designed and programmed them, how did they end up on the Flashback 2.0, etc.


Too bad it doesn't CREDIT any of the programmers in the manual. Strange...


So, does anyone know the story about how all these new games ended up on this thing?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the bump, but.... I've held off on buying one of these. Does the current crop being sold by AtariAge work as advertised (the millipede and no-voice-in-quadrun issues)? How about the ones in the wild now, 2 months after its release? Do these things have serial numbers I can look at to tell whether I'm getting a fixed or broken one?

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Sorry for the bump, but.... I've held off on buying one of these.  Does the current crop being sold by AtariAge work as advertised (the millipede and no-voice-in-quadrun issues)?  How about the ones in the wild now, 2 months after its release?  Do these things have serial numbers I can look at to tell whether I'm getting a fixed or broken one?


AFAIK the Rev As only went to Wal-Mart. If you buy one at Target or elsewhere, it should be a Rev B.


BTW, the Rev Bs are only "less broken", not fully repaired. Supposedly there will be a Rev C coming out next year with bugfixes to some of the new games, to fix issues of flicker, unstable picture, double images, etc. I think it may also have the TIA "improvement" removed, making it possibly compatible with more cartridges if hacked to add a cart port.

Edited by A.J. Franzman
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( ( ((clapping hands)) ) )

You get kudos if you can read my whole post in one setting, or actually read it at all! ;)



I was thinking to myself the other day and posting in some forums asking about getting myself a 2600 A/C adapter... so I can play some 2600 games again and get my poor little 2600 off the floor.


Around 3:00pm-ish yesterday I just said screw it! I'm not waiting for someone to get me this as a gift only to find out I might not get it. I got some birthday money from an ex recently that said in the card, "Go get yourself that game thing you wanted that I can't remember the name of..." (which may have some reasoning behind why she's my ex ;) ) but anyway.... I ate that $20 for lunch one day and never looked back.


Picked up the phone book... called the first Wal*Mart that I seen close by and asked if they had any Flashback2's in the (electronics)... she came back and said... I was told we have them but they are in the toys section. Huh? oh, ok... so I said rather rudely "soooo, connect me to the (TOYS) section..." (bleep, blip.... minute passes by).... Ok, do you have the Atari Flashback 2 (saying it slowly because it's been like 10 years since I've called a place up asking anything ATARI related!) "The what..." , she said.. (Oh god...,thinking to myself...)

"The... A T A R I , F L A S H B A C K , 2.... Doooo youuuu haavveeee theeeemmm iinnnnn stooooock?" OH, one second.... (bleep, blip...)... excited voice like she just got her... yea, anyways.. "THEY ARE 29.87!" Ok, thanks-(click)


So I run to Wal*Mart 'Maze Crazing" my way through the store and finally... I look over "ding ding" the Tower of Flashbacks! I think my jaw dropped but I went into a slight coma for like 3 minutes in awe.... then I woke back up and picked up a box! Looking carefully over the box I felt the presence of some kind soul I know of and said to myself, "Yes, I must get this badboy!"


While most trips to Wal*Mart never surpass 3 minutes in/out time by any means this one managed to last 30 friggin minutes! (yes, I go in knowing the 2 items I want... speed walk my happy ass in and out of there... ) Yay, self-checkout lane! I think I'll do that since I look like a freak on a stick with my newly aquired gashing forhead due to some nice guy at work the other night throwing a clipboard at my head on accident.... oh, the Flashback 2, yes, as I was saying.... ( haha, wink )


Here I am in line waiting on these 3 16 year olds to check out their crap... in Spanish. Oh god... you hit the wrong button... I smile in amusement. My buddy says well, looks like we're going to be here for a while (and pointed at the pile of clothes, same towel like materials and color each, qty 40+ that each have to be scanned) (a genius would type x40 and scan 1.... but who am I to lash my intelligence out on other people? ;-) )


8 minutes pass.... I mildly say outloud while starring at the ceiling:


"Dear God , Please Forgive me for I am about to Sin!"

At least I got a few laughs from it.... as the 5,000 people behind me waiting as well....


Yay! I get that thing through the line in it's beautiful box and out the door I went! (waits for loud siren to beep for stupid anti-thefty thing to go off)... nope, not this time... thank GOD.... runs to truck and drives like 80mph home....


( (( intermission )) ) (I do say... this is some damn fine tea... and I don't even like tea!)


I get to my grandparents/mothers house.... knowing they have TV's.... and I take few minutes to recollect myself before opening the box of joy. (Yes, I was excited!)

So, FB2 on table, knife in hand.... "I'm going in...."..... .. ....


The packaging is done nicely. I was greeted with the familiar joysticks that we've all grown up with and love! I pick up the first one.... first thing I do is hit the fire button (red one, ya know ;) don't want to get that confused with anyone...) and well, the button is stuck. Hit it a few times it pops out and is "normal" whew! (as I think to myself) thought I was going to have to go back to that terrifying place known as WalMart....


So I pull them out... air-game using the sticks to see how they feel after hearing all the feedback on here. Yep, they are lose and I can see how that can be better so you don't have to break them in :) Pulled the manual out and did a quick looksy over on that. Cool!


(... and god said" Thou shall not disassemble, modify, reverse engineer or eat coco-puffs while enjoying the Flashback2" Very well , I said! (looks for screwdriver ;-) (just kidding))


Pulling out the Flashback 2 itself was amazing. I had an instant flashback to the last Atari system I opened up, being the Jaguar. It was like Christmas all over again only not :)

If someone had a camera to catch the smiles and grins on my face it would be the first in a while! I studied it a bit all around because I wanted to see the great works of the familiar names I know of put to work with hearts/mindset inside. This thing kicks ass! Quality is higher than I expected (as not to be taken the wrong way, I expected the plastic to be much ... well, worse) but it came out great! Kudos!


Oh look... the 9pin Joystick Port 1 is pushed in (flashback to my first Jaguar system I had to take back the 2nd day because the 2nd port wouldn't hold the jagpad connector)... Fudge! I really don't have to wanna take this thing back! Got to pop out, and back in a few times, and then out again and finally (so far) it has stayed that way. I was going to throw it back in the box and take it back but said no.... maybe it's just nothing.


Finding a TV was a bitch! I mean... there's only 4 of them and NONE of them have composite connections? WTF? You can't be serious! 2 older TV's and 2 post-1998 TV's and NO FRIGGIN COMPOSITE INPUTS! What the hell is going on.... argh!!

(So I scrambe to yank their old VCR out to connect through RF and all that crap)

Wow... it's just so beautifully grainy just like the good ol' days! :) hahaha.....


I tried out some of the games... I kind of like the menu setup but then it hit me as not really making much sense. Only reason I say that is while one section has the same or similar type games in another section... the other section has like what? 4-5 games? and the others have 9+? I just assume have the whole screen split off in columns with their category up above for easier access. First game I played? GlobalThermoNuclearWar... ok, no really, Missile Command! Nice... everything feels right, plays right... controls are a'bit faster than I remember... but cool!!!


The game I've been wanting to play for a while now, Yar's Revenge (Ray Kassar? Haha, with the gradient lovefield of being, ah, nevermind..) was there! (remember, my screen is still 80's grainy.... ) What the hell? What's this field going all around the screen for? Where's the shield? What's going on? (( as I was thinking to myself reading all the posts on here of whats wrong and I already knew what was to be expected this shook me up, I was almost ready at that point to throw it back in the box and blow some @%$^ off but went on to play more games!) *later I found out I went to Yar's Return instead on accident... my impressions changed as soon as I found out I could play Yar's Revenge and was happily smiling again*


River Raid was cool to see on there.... Radar Lock... great game... I was blasting away on that for a while. Lunar Landar... yes, the flickering sucks.... and it's a well, I can't seem to want to play it... no biggie... Caverns of Mars... it flickers... but not to where I can complain about it. Actually it was remindning me of the flashing in H.E.R.O and I got over it... cool stuff. The only other game I really had a problem with was PONG. I love Pong... but this one seemed not to be working correctly for me. It wasn't until the 3rd shut-off/turn-on I got it to work right... and my buddy and I got it going. It's glitchy... I don't want to play it. The ball kept going through my buddies paddle and it was pissing him off... and I was getting discouraged because well... no one wants to play a game that cheats. Regardless... I just told him it's my aurora and I had the same effect when I went bowling the other day and the computer kept marking me down for pins I didn't hit... but didn't do that for my buddy... haha... :) So it's probably just my FB2 unit? ;)


I decided to mess around with it and hold buttons down on turn-on and found that test port program (as mentioned earlier in this thread that I wasn't aware of because I've just now tuned into this thread ;).... neat.... what better way to test the units? Great idea!


Frog Pond was cool... reminded me of Frogs and Flies... and I got my 2 year old nephew on the floor playing it... he was having a blast with it even though he has no clue what's going on? He was laughing and giggling and eating it up! I was smiling.... because he was having a good time! (if only I had a camera/camcorder at the time!) Yar's Revenge didn't scare him either ;) (you know who I'm talking about ;-) (and this kid is a sissy, no offense to him.. I blame his mom...)


So that was cool... the system has been running for 3 hours playing through various games and I was smiling. Tired of course for not having slept for like 28 hours but still smiling.

So aside from the small issues at hand (yes, my Quadrun had voice but I don't think the voice is a big of enough deal to return a unit) I consider this a great system! Will make a bunch of stocking stuffers and lots of people smile! I keep trying to sit the joysticks on the system and they keep falling off... haha... it's amazing to see the size difference next to my original 2600...


My only advice to Atari is: You guys have the name.... it's in your control. Take your time with it... and don't rush. 2 month time-frame? How about "When it's ready!" I can see the rush for the holiday season... but nothing a few extra hands and proper planning couldn't have worked out. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and overlook small defect details (especially when it comes to those who refuse to accept anything that has a minor glitch in it) but perfection really is key. Afterall, if it's coming from Atari... it better be Atari! :)


To the team involved (and if you read this post, ha), Great work... I look forward to seeing future flashbacks (and other devices, :) ) in the future from Atari.... I think I just have a new found respect all over again. Anyways... back to playing some Atari games... and working on that prototype I've been putting off for some time now... :) See ya~

Edited by Clint Thompson
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