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The Warriors


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I know that there were a couple of interesting releases this week, but I think this one's worth checking out, especially if you like the genre.


The game was developed by Rockstar Toronto, and it is based off of the cult-classic movie.


It's a beat-em up with co-op play, nice combos, and some other interesting aspects of the game, such as tagging, picking locks, looting and stealing. It follows the King of the Monsters style for splitting the screen. When you are together, it uses one screen, but you can easily run off the screen where it will immediately change to the split (vertically).


The game uses the original voice actors and is fairly faithful to the movie. As expected from Rockstar, it carries the Mature label. I've only rented it so far, but it is worth checking out. It's out for PS2 and Xbox.

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I dig the movie too. Always have since shortly after it's release :D


Of course you have to watch it in it's full unedited glory. I've seen it a couple of times on tv (USA Network) and it was just as bad as watching the modified and cleaned up Cheech and Chong movies :lol:

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Of course you have to watch it in it's full unedited glory. I've seen it a couple of times on tv (USA Network) and it was just as bad as watching the modified and cleaned up Cheech and Chong movies :lol:



It's no better unmodified. I have the unedited DVD (which I got while still working at Rockstar), and I also saw the movie when it was first released in theaters. It was bad when it was released and it's still bad now. Let's not forget that this film, along with Xanadu, basically killed Michael Beck's career. He was supposed to be the next Harrison Ford at that time.


It's kind of fun in a campy way, but it's not overtly hilarious enough to be a true cult classic. It's just sort of interesting as a mediocre chronicle of NYC in the 1970's. If you want real campy fun, though, just watch Saturday Night Fever instead :)


Most of what's fun about watching the movie would only be interesting to New Yorkers. It's kind of interesting seeing how various real neighborhoods and subway stations were portrayed at the time (it's a mixture of reality and fantasy; the route they take is basically correct, but not totally, and some of the neighborhoods don't look anything like they did even back then). To an outsider, obviously that wouldn't mean anything.


I haven't played the game but most people when I worked at the company thought making it was a pretty stupid idea. The game itself could be good, though; it would probably actually be better if it wasn't totally faithful to the movie. But the movie itself is not really a "cult classic" whatever Rockstar would have you believe. It wasn't good in the 1970's and it's not good now, even as a B-movie. It's just not that much fun to watch unless you live here and remember that time.

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The Warriors has to me the greatest movie line of all time.

"Warriors come out and plaaaaaeyaa."




I have a friend who looks like that guy. It's hillarious.


"what about the money you owe?"



"FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!"



He's the same little weasel in Commando. The guy Arnold dropped off a cliff.


"It wasn't us. It was themmmm. the warrriorrrs."

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The Warriors has to me the greatest movie line of all time.

"Warriors come out and plaaaaaeyaa."




I have a friend who looks like that guy. It's hillarious.


"what about the money you owe?"



"FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!"



He's the same little weasel in Commando. The guy Arnold dropped off a cliff.


"It wasn't us. It was themmmm. the warrriorrrs."




He's played many scumballs:




I remember seeing Dreamscape in the theater. He was slimy in that as well!!

Edited by Recycled
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I was discussing this with some of my slumming hang out at the pub be it you work there or not gaming buddies.. and we pretty much went on to say. " whats with teh dude clicking the bottles and saying Wahrrrioars. cum out ahn PLAY-YAY?

"dude you aint scaring me.. I just wanna slap you right now for just being an ass"

but it looks fun as a straight up brawler, like previosuly mentioned.. its street fighter brought up to speed , with a theme. dig it..

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I can't believe you guys dissin' the warriors. I loved the movie, I saw it when it first came out in 1979. I was very excited about the game. The only problem I have, is that I'm not very good at these type of games. I wind up wandering around in whatever level I'm in, and it takes me forever to get through any mission. I just suck at these games. The game is a lot of fun though. I recommend it whether you like the movie or not.



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The only problem I have, is that I'm not very good at these type of games. I wind up wandering around in whatever level I'm in, and it takes me forever to get through any mission.


These types of games? It's a beat em up! ala Double Dragon or Final Fight... It's not another GTA (although of course it has some elements of it) ;)

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I have a problem with any game that has a map, and you have to move around and find things or do things (a lot of games today are like this). I have a terrible sense of direction, and really struggle with that kind of stuff. I'm not saying the warriors is a complicated game, it's not. It is a beat em up, but it has that open free roaming kind of GTA feel. I never got into the GTA games, I suck at them too. You should have seen me just trying to get through one of the early levels where you need to spray paint stuff and steal car radios. It probably took me more than an hour to get through those levels! I usually just play fighting games, like DOA, Tekken, KOF, SF, etc.




The only problem I have, is that I'm not very good at these type of games. I wind up wandering around in whatever level I'm in, and it takes me forever to get through any mission.


These types of games? It's a beat em up! ala Double Dragon or Final Fight... It's not another GTA (although of course it has some elements of it) ;)


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I'll wait for that Final Fight in 3D that Capcom's supposed to be working on. It'll have the same gameplay but with characters that aren't so cheesy or a plot so ridiculous.


I mean...so there's a guy who wants to end the warfare between the gangs and unite them? And when he's killed, the gangs suspect one another for the death? Me...I'd suspect a SWATman doing a preemptive strike.

"The gangs of New York united? No problem here, move along!..."

But since the "gangs" in that movie are all pretty silly...they could have hired Don Knotts to be the leader uniting the gangs. It would have made sense even then.

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.they could have hired Don Knotts to be the leader uniting the gangs. It would have made sense even then.



I dunno about there man.. sure.. he had a gun.. but only one bullet man.. only one bullet

of course....thats what couldve made him so bad ass in the first place

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  • 2 months later...

After watching the movie, it became one of my all time favorite movies. The game gives some back story which is cool. I like the quick brawl feature and being able to play as the Baseball Furies. Great movie and great game. I'm suprised and glad how good the game is.

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