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Locating the missing E.T.cartridges....


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How hard can it be, seriously?


I have some time on my hands. Who could I write, or call to find out information about this secret burial site of E.T. cartridges in Nevada supposedly.


I assume that others have already gone looking, or perhaps oddly enough they haven't even tried (thinking that others have already tried it). The concept of diffusion of responsibility.


Someone who used to work for Atari must know something, wouldn't you think?


Unless, and this is my theory, that it is NOT true that millions of E.T. cartridges are buried, because if they were, someone would undoubtedly have dug them up by now (if you consider all the avid Atari collectors and stuff out there). It is just logical.


I read about people hassling the Purina Dog Chow company asking about their cartridges, so these same people must have hassled someone about these cartridges??!

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I heard they were buried in southern New Mexico. I live in Albuquerque, in the middle of that state, so my friends and I have often entertained the notion of going south with a shovel. But there's a LOTTA dirt to dig in sunny NM, and I wouldn't know where to start...or what the hell I would do with a million E.T. carts!



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Even if you found them, the carts were supposedly crushed so at best you might be able to salvage a few PCBs that weren't ruined.


There is also a landfill full of Atari 1400 series machines and if any of those were not completely destroyed you would have more valuable boards.


I heard that Atari employees rushed into the pit and dodged bulldozers to save some of them. They were not happy to see their hard work destroyed.

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Who cares if they were all smooshed into a giant square metal thing. That would make a hell of a "trophy" for any Atari collector, eh?


And yes, even if I did locate a burial site from hounding former Atari workers, what would I do with this information?


Last I checked I don't own a shoveling machine (whatever they are called). Excavating machine? Steamshovel? Digging Thingie?


I also would imagine that there are countless landfills in some states, piled high full of junk that would take centuries to dig through.

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Okay, I've done it.


I just drove south for about four hours and came across a huge X in the sand. This would explain why Warner Inc. has been suing everyone in New Mexico who's been using the letter X in print.


I got out my Digging Thingie steam shovel and started...anthropologizing. Apart from a slightly disheveled Howard Scott Warshaw, who was "rooting around looking for some attention," I didn't encounter anything. UNTIL...


My steam shovel hit metal! I went to work clearing the sand off the huge rooftop of what was gradually revealing itself as an underground warehouse. I located the entry hatch, climbed down inside, turned on my floodlight...and instantly saw a countless number of silver cardboard boxes with thin lines of rainbow colors banded around them. But I hadn't found exactly what I'd expected.


The actual nature of the buried cartridges was simply misunderstood. There are, indeed, what appear to be millions of E.T. cartridges down there -- although they're not Extra-Terrestrial, but rather, Entertainment Tonight. It seems that Warshaw was in the middle of developing a VCS game based on the popular TV show. The game was similar to Seaquest. You were a diver with a perm. You beat the game by becoming the most shallow onscreen character.


And now, for those of you who've patiently read through my 101st message only to encounter that bad joke, I offer, by way of humble reward, a (real) E.T. Easter egg that's not quite as well-known as the "Yar/Indiana Jones" egg:



All regards,


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It's no wonder that the E.T. carts are buried in Nevada;they'll take anything--gambling,above ground/open-air nuke tests,and now they are taking all the nuke waste!And they host the Classic Gaming Expo.What a state!

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Yes, I think it has just become part of Atari 2600 Lore.


Except that I heard that alot of people were returning these E.T. cartridges to get refunds, because they thought the game was horrible. What would a company do with a bunch of "bad" cartridges? I doubt they'd just give them away, who would they give them to? Perhaps the trash was the appropriate place for them.


The story SOUNDS like it is true, but doesn't mean it is.


When is the last time a human stepped foot on the moon? Why haven't they done this in long time? When IS the last time a human WAS on the moon? Have you heard anything on the news lately about astronaunts going to the moon? Maybe they never went, eh?


Or is the moon so barren and boring that there really has never been any point to going there, but since we were in competition with the soviets, we had to have a good story for the public.


I know i'm off on a tangent, but I'm talking about how stories, even ones that we all assume are true, may actually NOT be true.

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What's funny about this thread is that I really love E.T. It requires a lot of thought, and some adept joystick work in parts. It's a great adventure game, and I believe that the reason for which it didn't sell well in '82 was that you couldn't just plug it in and blast everything to hell.


I don't believe the USA ever went to the moon. Look at the pictures. Look at all that blackness. Where are all the stars? Wouldn't they be especially bright without the atmosphere there?


-- Chris, who takes people up on tangents at the drop of a hat

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As far as the moon thing goes, that isn't to say I don't believe that we've gone into space/and that there are space stations and satellites up there.


Those are readily visible with telescopes, and can be independently verified by people as true.


I played E.T., and I think the theme song is ok, and the game is probably alot better than some I've seen on the Atari 2600.


But when WAS the last time we went to the moon, seriously? Or was it ONLY that ONE time? That is just wacky that we'd just go once, doesn't this seem odd to others?


Unless my theory is true, that we didn't ever go. I'm sure we've sent plenty of probes there tho (but not people).

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There is no moon hoax. It is well documented that we went to the moon. The reason you don't see stars has to do with exposure settings. If you want to take pics of the stars,you have to set the exposure real high which would wash out everything else. There are reasonable explanations for every argument the conspiricy nuts come up with.


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There are no conspiracy "nuts" in this case. It's actually a well-known "kept secret," and a lot of people from NASA have been fired for talking to the press about the cover-up. The pressure was high for America to prove itself as technologically superior to the Russians (which we weren't), so the moon landing was staged. If the exposure was so low as to cut out the stars, nothing else on the picture would've come out either! Take it from a photography student!



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Has the US had people go to the moon in the last ten years? And if they haven't, why not? Is it just too pointless to go there? I don't think we went to the moon in the 80's either.


I have heard from a semi reliable source that they knew a former nasa security director, that director supposedly said that Neil Armstrong, on his return from the supposed moon landing, had to undergo radiation procedures in case he and the others were exposed to that on the moon.


Why don't you hear about the moon anything on the news or special edition or anything like that. I haven't seen or heard anybody speak about it in the longest time. I am dead serious people.


I like E.T. too, don't forget that!!!


I think E.T. and Ross Perot are behind the whole cover up, and maybe condelezza pork chops and rice.

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Of course we landed on the moon. I've seen every hoax theory refuted. They placed a reflector on the moon that you can shoot your own laser at and record the bounced signal to measure the difference fer chrissake.


I love how the head conspiracist (forgot the name) tries to use Armstrong's silence on the subject as proof of a conspiracy. If some nut confronted me with questions like "so how come you're helping NASA cover up the hoax?" when I knew damn well I'd been there, I wish I'd have the grace to just not answer him instead of popping him in the ****ing mouth.


As to "why'd we only go there once?", there were multiple trips there -- 12 landings? The reason we don't go anymore is because there are too many other things to explore, and NASA's budget gets cut every year. They can't afford to just go traipsing to the moon without reason or funding.

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