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Good Easy Text Editor?


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Can anyone recommend a good easy text editor, preferably something with menus or intuitive commands? I would prefer something that is a single executable file.


Most of the time I just need to list the disk directory, choose a file, make a change, then save it. I would prefer not to have to type the filename to load and then type it again to save.


If there is anything out there that supports MyDOS subdirectories, that would be great too.



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Just what I was going to suggest. It's easy, it's free and it's just as good as the commercial text editors/word processors and can work with any DOS and most GUI's like BossXL, ATOS or Diamond GOS (not IN the windows environment, but it's compatible to go back and forth). It can be used simply, for batch files and the like, or can be used as a complex word processor with many adavanced options. I think there may even be a version for the XEP80 or some of the 800's right cartridge slot 80 column devices. IIRC.

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Can anyone recommend a good easy text editor, preferably something with menus or intuitive commands?  I would prefer something that is a single executable file.


I used the Action cart editor for years on my real 8-bits. I used to use TP on the emulator but now I use Panther! I really like it... Drop-Down menus.. Simple but efffective!

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Can anyone recommend a good easy text editor, preferably something with menus or intuitive commands?  I would prefer something that is a single executable file.


I used the Action cart editor for years on my real 8-bits. I used to use TP on the emulator but now I use Panther! I really like it... Drop-Down menus.. Simple but efffective!


I'll have to look into this 'Panther' editor. It sounds interesting, especially with drop-down menus, should fit in better with a desktop GUI. But what type of input do you use for the drop-down menus? Keyboard? Joystick? Can it accept mouse input? preferably from port 2, which most or all the 8-bit GUI desktop's use or can be configured to use.


oh, and is everything in Polish? Or is there an option or version for English?

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Its called Atariwriter ;-)







Can anyone recommend a good easy text editor, preferably something with menus or intuitive commands?  I would prefer something that is a single executable file.


Most of the time I just need to list the disk directory, choose a file, make a change, then save it.  I would prefer not to have to type the filename to load and then type it again to save.


If there is anything out there that supports MyDOS subdirectories, that would be great too.




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  • 18 years later...

The Panther text editor program is kinda hard to find in 2024.

It has a nice "ribbon" type menu line that will appeal to MS Word users.

AND it works with SpartaDos 3.2g.

I was able to download the "Avalon" version (in English) using this link in the Wayback Machine.






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...here are some Public Domain and some type-in Text Editors that I have in my collection.

All of them are single files, approx. half of them with docs or keyboard reference (the other half without any docs).


The Page6 Writer however seems to be the same thing as Speedscript ?!?




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