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  1. This issue occurs on both of my VBXE 2.x equipped machines. I've attached the original image if you want to give it a try. Note that because of a custom SIO loader, the image won't load through a PBI device. Rescue on Fractalus [Intro Ver.] .atr
  2. VBXE users might not get to see the cool spaceship intro, which is also used to check if the GTIA is faulty. From what I've seen, this version can freeze the VBXE, so you'll have to power it off and on again. When it boots up, it does this annoying memory cleaning thing that wipes out all the hardware settings, leaving the VBXE registers in a weird state (actually it turns off RGB output, Atari build-in video still works). A patched image is attached, that skips the cleaning of the upper addresses. Rescue on Fractalus [Intro Ver.] vbxe patch.atr
  3. trub


    A bug has been identified in the SDX Supercart version that causes XVER to display it as SIDE2. We are addressing this issue for future versions.
  4. The "ADD FILES" button should now work (I forgot to implement this feature 😀). Please clear the browser cache first (typically Ctrl+F5). Note that the online imager (still in beta) is primarily designed for simple modifications of SDX images. Use the Windows tool for advanced scenarios.
  5. Judging by the photo, it is a "Super SpartaDOS" PCB. You can search this forum for the authors and ask them directly. I think the referenced site (bitsofthepast) with build instructions and firmware is currently offline. This is a pass-through (stackable) cartridge, as the original SDX cart from ICD. If the pass-through option is not necessary, you can build e.g. SIC! cartridge using schematics, gerber and jed files provided here.
  6. I do not understand your question. SpartaDOS X 4.4x runs on a variety of hardware and cartridges. You can check this here.
  7. IDEPTIME.SYS is available in CAR:, provided you are using an SDX 4.49g image for IDE Plus 2.0. Make sure you are not using any other SDX hardware (e.g. U1MB) at the same time (you can use XVER to verify this).
  8. I am afraid this is a permanent situation. ? I will send you PM.
  9. @tmp Thanks for the report. I have uploaded a new version of SDX Imager 3.1.2 which should not crash when there is a problem opening the last file. @Ricky Spanish Provide more information to let us know what is going on. We will be working on the COPY /R bug with long device specification.
  10. The SDX Upgrade Project page should now be operational. Let me know when there are problems.
  11. Sorry for not being able to access the site. We have to upgrade the website scripts to the newer PHP version. I will let you know when it is done.
  12. Please check if the problem occurs with the latest version 3.1.1 (I put it on the site a few hours ago).
  13. Currently, after replacing the battery, the driver should be forced to load with the /F option (SIDE3CLK.SYS /F). Then the time can be set with DATE and TIME commands. This will be corrected in the next edition of SDX (along with other fixes).
  14. @tschak909I am aware of this SIO command and already tried it However, for now I want to keep the TTR generic. Perhaps I will add a command line switch invoking CP/M for FujiNet/ATR8000. @DrVenkman By holding the keys (e.g. Ctrl+Shift =, apparently on the real hw) you may cycle thorough different colors. For example, one may get an amber-like dumb terminal feeling I had some problems with configuring the WS 4.0 supplied in the Big RunCPM ZIP. So I downloaded another copy and then it was able to configure it for ADM-31. There were no problems with WS 3 tough.
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