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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

Entries in this blog

Stella at 20, at 20

Okay... that's a bit of a cheat. Technically, it should be Stella at 20, at 19. But that just doesn't sound as cool. Bet you never thought you'd see another post about this project... did ya'? Well, at a certain point, neither did I. Eleven years ago, almost to the week, I received the original camera tapes for the two-volume documentary Stella at 20 from Glenn Saunders, with the intent of re-editing it into an expanded version of the documentary. The goal was to put it out on DVD, since it

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum


Almost two years since the last list. Looks like the prediction of the great Homebrew Crash of 2016 was right! Hide the children! Run for the hills! Exit from the EU! Nah... there's plenty of stuff happening. Some of it just takes awhile to materialize, since this is all done in peoples' spare time and all that. Some of this is old. Some of it is new. Some of it is borrowed. Some of it is way overdue. Wait... that's not quite how it goes. Eh, close enough. Anyway... latest updates are

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

X-Men: Apocalypse - Spoiler-free movie review

Well... I had completely lost any interest in seeing this movie after being completely underwhelmed by the trailers. But I was really bored yesterday evening, so I decided to go. I thought the last X-Men movie was good, and I'd finally rented Deadpool the other week, and thought that was pretty good, too. So maybe Fox was going to do okay with this movie. As an aside, how faithful Deadpool was to the comic, I couldn't tell you. He came along after I had stopped reading comics. His movie was en

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

New old music - part 12: "Good Times!"

No... I am not going to start off this blog post with "Hey, hey - it's The Monkees' 50th anniversary". Even though it is anyway. Fortunately, I'm not quite old enough to remember when they were originally on TV. But I am old enough to have started watching them in the mid-70's. Anyway, you can read all about that whole thing here. Go ahead... I'll wait. Caught up? Okay. So Rhino Records, the owner of the Monkees' properties since 1994, has a bunch of stuff planned this year for their anni

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

New old music - part 11: "The Wrecking Crew"

This is part movie review, and part music review. Because it's a review of a movie about music. A few years ago, I'd heard there was a documentary in the works about The Wrecking Crew. I waited years for it to get released, as it was hung up in trying to get the rights for all of the music it contained. But finally, a successful Kickstarter campaign pushed it over the top, and last year it finally got released. This may not mean much to most people, since they don't know what The Wrecking Cre

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

New old music - parts 8, 9 & 10

It's been awhile since I wrote reviews for Herb Alpert's music. But that doesn't mean he's stopped making it. Previously, I reviewed a pair of duet albums he did with his wife (here and here). Since then, Herb (still going strong at 81) has cranked out a new album every year for the past three years. 2013: Steppin' Out 2014: In The Mood 2015: Come Fly With Me I'm going to review these together because... well, they're all very similar. Which for Herb, is kind of an oddity

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Captain America: Civil War - Spoiler-free movie review

I'm just about to head off for a late-night show at the ArcLight. I'll be posting a review either much later tonight, or in all likelihood, tomorrow. I hadn't quite planned on going to see the movie this soon, but it's getting really difficult to avoid spoilers. I've really been looking forward to this movie, since Winter Soldier was so good. But on the other hand, Age of Ultron was quite a disappointment, so I have no idea how this will turn out. Except, of course, that it will be much be

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Once more unto the breach

As with last year, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and even the year before that, (and all of the years before that before I had a blog), it's the end of the school year here at CalArts, and I've been buried in work, putting our student animation shows together. This is number 22 for me, if I'm doing the math right. No guarantees there, by the way. Last weekend... no. Ummm... wait

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Spoiler-free movie review

Back on April 8, 2015, I posted a status update about the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice , and my impression at the time was, "Batman v. Superman sure looks... dreary." Monday night (admittedly, at an 11:15PM showing) I saw BvS in at the ArcLight theater in Sherman Oaks. This was in one of their biggest theaters, in an ATMOS-equipped room, and less than a week after the film opened. So even though it was a pretty late showing, and on a week night, you'd expect some kind of a crowd for

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Zootopia - Spoiler-free movie review

Sometimes, working at CalArts is a good thing. Like on Thursday. Co-director Rich Moore (Wreck-It Ralph) held a screening and Q&A session for his latest Disney animated film - Zootopia - which opens in the U.S. Friday. So hey - free sneak preview! Now, I thought Wreck-It Ralph was excellent, so I was hoping for good things from Zootopia. As the first trailers trickled out for it, the film looked like it would be funny and well-animated, making for a nice, cartoony return to the "talking

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

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