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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

Entries in this blog

Artie the Atari - The Lost Episodes

Okay... these aren't so much "lost" as "procrastinated".   I had written and nearly completed these strips almost two years ago, as the conclusion to the "100th episode spectacular" storyline.   To recap: consoles began mysteriously disappearing. It turned out that Evil Artie was responsible, having assembled a massive army of zombie E.T. cartridges from the Alamogordo, New Mexico landfill. What was Evil Artie's plan? Where was he taking his army? What happened to all of the

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum in Comic Strips

Artie the Atari - the (in)complete index

As Artie the Atari grinds its way towards its 150th episode, I decided to put an index together of all of the episodes to date. Someday, I'd like to annotate and collect them all into a PDF or iBook, but that may have to wait until episode 300. (Note: since writing that I've gone well past the 300th episode. Still thinking "someday" for the book. ) I'll periodically update the index as new episodes are added. 2007 The first strips! Artie's flickering Adventure: Stripping
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