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Much ado about NOTHING! Idle chat and useless banter.

Entries in this blog

Internal overhauls

Never even realized I would be spending so much time with this thing!! What started out as a desire to make a few minor fixes is snowballing into one Giant todo list!   Regardless, it is still fun. Even if I don't half know what I'm doing. It's amazing though all the little quirks and bugs one notices when one has access to the source code. I go to test one thing and notice a small thing here, a small thing there. The record/playback function is one example. First issue is the one I me



quite pleased with my self

Well most of the atarixlbox stuff lately I've been posting over in my testing thread. But this one was worthy of a log.   I'm quite pleased with myself today. A couple of days ago I realized the record/playback function did not work and was a bit baffled as to why. After digging around in the emulator code I managed to fix it! A change I could actually submit to the A800 team, although I doubt they'd really care.   I tell ya. It sure caused some weird behavior when using the rewind function



configuration, controller config,and cheat files

After farting around with x-ports "upload game configuration" code I got to thinking it'd be kinda sweet if the user could download controller configs and cheat settings as well. His code doesn't really save the config info which can be pretty useful when you have a bunch of keys mapped to the controller.   Then I got to thinking further. What if I CRC'ed the file and included the CRC as part of the filename and then included a bunch of those files with Atarixlbox in directories (configs, pr



blah, blah, blah. Da, da, da

Kinda gotten away from updating the blog since I scrapped together a thread for testing atarixlbox. Here are some of the things I was thinking of changing. But really at this point I just wanna try to focus on playing with the emu and not "tweaking" it. Plus I've been fending off a cold recently. Not sure who is going to win, probably the cold but ah well.   I'm thinking of splitting off the "Computer Specific Options" in a seperate menu. See a few posts above where I list the configuratio



feeling lonely

ok well after listening to the numen demo just for kicks I quickly compiled a version of atarixlbox with the new_pokey code from foft, the creator of the GP2x port. It sounded pretty ok so I'm thinking of going with that, thus reducing the number of sound options to pick from. It even manages to make it through Ghostbusters without crashing.   Slapped the player/missile/playfield collision cheats in tonight, hopefully it will compile later without any big isssues. If it works well enoug



go, go go!, no, no, no!

I'm trying to round up some people for testing of this baby, just running into a few snags. But if anyone is interested in kicking some tires just PM me. The big issue is going to be figuring out how to distribute this thing considering it's origins.   In the meantime things will be delayed just a tad. I discovered that the pokey sound code I'm using will lock up rather quickly when music is playing. So I wanna sort that out, at least. Also stubborn 'ol me is kinda hung up on trying to



more!, more!, more!

Well I've pretty much completed upgrading the core to 2.03 with the exception of the sound core (see pokey.c comment below).   Had to back out of the pokey.c update until I can figure out why Beef Drop does not want to work..   I was fooling around and put some quick and dirty code in to support the 5200 analog stick. This does create some other issues (like where to map the numpad keys). The analog stick is only read when in 5200 mode. Centipede plays pretty ok, missile command is near



color blind, 3 steps forward 1 step back

[Colorblind]   I was tinkering around with some code that was posted up on the A800 sourceforge cvs that now provides seperate NTSC and PAL palette support. When I implemented the code (assuming I didn't foobar something) I noticed that the PAL palette's black level seemed kinda off. See below pictures.   Now this guy took pictures. See links below. Now the guy said this.. But the thing is he said that the picture was taken from an S-video modded Atari.  His pictures look closer to NT



minor atarixlbox update

Quick little update.   I got around to compiling the code changes I mentioned earlier (dec 23) and got em working except for the up/down configuration which I'll look at later.   Seems the capslock key is not mapped properly. Not sure how to fix this.   After a bit of tracking I was able to get the capslock situation fixed. Now we can enter lowercase letters! This one took a while cause after spending all my time in the core code trying to get it to work. I eventually discovered the cu



Morph mania

Well I've been wanting to change the default menu graphics for atarixlbox for ages. Although I do not exactly have the graphic skills. I was actually hoping to find someone with graphic talent to do the work for me. So I dug in and messed around a little.   This is an idea of what I was envisioning for the opening graphic displayed, as well as the sound that would be played. Hmm seems that startup sounds is NOT a feature of x-port emu's. Maybe later I will change that, but for now I'll ha



fast forward, fast forward

Figured out why the fast forward stopped working. Also found what I think to be a bug in the 2.03 code. Seems they moved alot of loop code that was in main.c over into atari.c. Problem is the loop that worked by default in main.c don't work so well in a called function. So I modified it and finally got it working.



atarixlbox core update

Well seems like an all-in-one core update is a little bit beyond me. Although I was able to resolve all errors the emu would just lock up on load of a game. It's no fun flying blind. I did learn alot though.   So I decided to go with baby steps until I have a better understanding. It's a little more work in the long run but they've moved so much stuff around since 103 that its harder to catch things. So far I have found several items that would not have caught my attention in the first



Christmas mayhem

Well I had some major plans for the atarixlbox code Christmas week but as usual succumbed to the Christmas madness. So maybe once I recover from it I'll be able to do what I originally planned. Have not had much time to play with anything I got. Spent most of my time unpacking all the junk I lugged up north for the visit to the family. Although I did get to see a little of the Zack and Wicki game as my son was playing it today.




I've been kinda pre-occupied with Christmas and things like Rock Band. So work has been kinda slow.   I'm being kinda lazy with the updates lately but here is what I've done. Have not tested any of these yet, just edited the code. I decided I just wanted to enjoy the changes I've made so far without getting caught up with compiling, tweaking, compiling, editing, test, tweak some more.   Fixed up the controller save code in the "game options" screen. Oopsy. Fixed up the code that copi



Rumble me this, rumble me that.

Created some cheat codes and rumble settings for a few atari games in Atarixlbox.   Gyruss - Unlimited live for both players. Double shots for both players. Donkey Kong - Unlimited live for both players. Controller rumbles when kong stomps on the ground. Pacman - Unlimited lives for both players. Controller rumbles when pac dies or eats a ghost.   Ms. Pacman - Unlimited lives for both players. Ms Pac seems to have a couple "quirks". One it only seems to use one byte to store lives. I



Atarixlbox Changes

It's funny how minor little typo's can affect how code runs. Especially something like a semicolon which was totally messing up my loadstate code.   Herein lies a list of the changes I made (that I remember). I reversed the order so the sequence they were completed is bottom up.   Informational: Current code base is 1.3.2 with a few things upped to 1.3.5. Don't expect any miracle updates anytime soon.   Todo:   Fix cartridge select code so it is more flexible for future cartridge



Atari 8-bit emulation

Well seems I somehow got myself involved with modifying the recently released x-port source code for the Atari800 emulator. This runs on the xbox for those who are not in the know. Being that the Atari 8-bit computers were like my first love (PC wise). I've always had a fondness for the machine and emulation thereof. My first computer was an Atari 400 with 8k. I remember one of my first programming endeavors was to get a 16k Basic game to run in 8k and alter it for 2 players (the game was G



I be jammin! Won't you Jamm with me?

Well although I managed to sneak in a few rounds off klax and warlords on my awecades unit despite my lego star wars kick. Seems a new beast is about to garner my attention.   Guitar Hero 2!!   Last time I got hooked on GH I actually got blisters on my fingers.   I figured I'd dust off this old Blog and post it. I originally posted it back in Nov of last year.   My plans at the time were to start working in February on replacing the default Awecades drive with mine own containing m



Blog Bshmog

This is an old entry (actually on of my first) that I resurrected just to explain the title of my Blog....   I don't care much for blogs but I figured, what the heck. My blog description pretty much sums up what I think about them (in general).   Just don't expect anything serious (hence the title).   Blame it on my co-worker.



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