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Master System Minimalist Box Art - Part 5

Here me again with some new Sega Master System game cover art from various games we never expected see on Master System. Well, Tetris probably exist somewhere... Even MicroVision has Tetris! Space Invaders definitely exists on SMS. And the previous entries : Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1



SF2 Champion Edition - NES

When SF2 arrived in the arcades NES was still very popular. I remember my friends talking about how cool would be a NES version. Then the pirates comes with so many SF2 clones, but they have some flaws. I decided to make a concept proof demo, much like what I did on Simpsons Demo, to test some of my ideas about a SF2 game made by me. This demo just shows a background (India) and random sprites crossing the screen. But sadly it's not turned so good as the Simpsons one. NES graphics and it



Springfield - NES

Last year I did my first demo for the NES, which was some sprites from The Simpsons cartoon. What you don't know I was slowly making tons of Simpsons sprites, just for fun. I decided to revamp my previous demo to show not 4 but 18 characters, with a proper background. Actually I have here 22 characters done, but this is more I can fit in a NES PPU RAM (Sprite RAM). Yes, I could reload the sprites on RAM, but I got bored of this demo actually. The sprites moves left and right on screen, and eve



Escalator Action

I never cared to play Elevator Action (proto) on 2600. Too much unfinished (and ugly) to be minimally fun. For years I had an idea how to implement this game on 2600, but I never had intention to port it by myself. I actually did the concept proof kernel for another project and it worked, so finally now I decide to give a shoot at Elevator Action. Well, the game is too much complex, and now I'm very surprised how far the prototype is. They managed to make a moving elevator with both players in



Nes Sprite Programming

Slow but improving my NES programming skills. Today (well, yesterday) I did a code to create a sprite "block" (don't know how to call it). This is something new to me, on Atari 2600 and Odyssey2 each sprite is a single object. On NES the sprites is a little tile, 8x8 pixels. Naturally to display large images you need to use more than a single tile, and make them move together is a bit tricky. But I find a way to do it, so I can create many combinations using only a single Y and X variables f



Simpsons NES

I was playing Simpsons - Bart vs Space Mutants for NES and I was disappointed by the game graphics. Actually none of the versions for other systems have good graphics. I played the Master System version back in the day, and I never pass the first level. Anyway, back to the NES, Here's my redemptions of the sprites, using the same sizes. I've spent more time on Bart, that's why it is more detailed. You can compare with the original (also Moe). One would think it's not possible to make



Bubsy the Extra-Terrestrial

I enjoyed Bubsy for SNES back in the day. It is a fun game with some good music (at least on first stage).   Bubsy Snes OST :   The gameplay is not great, but had good mechanics like the glider. And this was fast, a Sonic like game engine on Snes, without blast processing. I had a friend who where crazy about this game. It certainly is not on my worst game list. I remember be intrigued about wtf bobcat is, short tail wild cats do not exist in my country. We have ocelots.   Bubsy is the



Gaping Dragon

Has been long time I don't do a pixel art. Many people said my drawings are cute, even if it is not supposed to. So I decided to create a drawing/pixel art series of ugliest monsters in cute form. Problem my weak eyes aren't help me with this, so I'll stop on this first entry. Here's Gaping Dragon from Dark Souls in his puppy form. I can see a plush of this thing making success on internetz. Sorry the few colors and small size, I can't stand too long drawing or my eyes hurts. For



SMS Minimalist Cover Art - Part 2

Second part of my take on classic games as they where released for Master System using this peculiar Art Style. The joke here is get a game and abstract more you can but yet keep some in-game elements recognizable, and use it as label art. Do not take them as a serious.



SMS Minimalist Cover Art

People say they're the worst cover art ever, and one of the reasons Sega Master System was a failure in the US. I kind of agree, but I like them, just not take them as serious. Here's my redemptions of others famous games as If they're released in this style. (Drawings from internet)



Hedgehog Xtreme

Recently I've decided to start another project (there aren't many to take care, only my biggest Odyssey2 project ever, and save 2 Atari 2600 games in development hell, other side projects involving sprite drawing and many more games I want to start to code...) Anyway I already talked about in my older blogs. It's a fan game that re-creates the canceled Sonic Xtreme originally planned for Sega Saturn (and PCs) in 1996. The game was very interesting in many ways, mostly because the perspectiv



Game Gear Sprites

I don't put the title as Sonic 3 Game Gear to not let people think I'm working on it.   Just found these old sprites on my computer, years ago I was thinking about how good Sonic 3 could be in Game Gear / Master System.   I wish I could code this game, but man, too difficult to do it alone.   Sonic 3 is my favorite sonic game so far, everything is perfect, the artwork, music, level design. Too bad it's an "unfinished game", as you need to plug into S&K to have the real deal.   The



The Princess (Rescue) is in another castle.

Mortal Kombat HD Remix was a fan game project I was following since 3 or 4 years ago. I'm big fan of classic fighting games, the original MK was one of my favorites, so it was going to be special. The project goal was recreate the original MK game in high resolution using 3D graphics modeled after the original, respecting the animation, lighting and so on. Taking advantage of CG, the artist was making more animation frames and so on.   This is the link for the youtube channel if you want to



Project Space Mockup

Today I have a good idea for a space shooter game. I'll not work on it, lot of others priority projects on to do list, so it's just an idea I'm throwing.   The game place in a solar system invaded by aliens. This means stages alternating between planets and space.   The aliens are displayed in rows just like Demon Attack, but each alien have unique behaviors. Some of them just stay shooting while others fall down to the player ship. After some alien waves, you fight against a mother ship,



Dead Punk

Another variation of technique I call hyper sprite.   Also the making of sprite set and what I needed to do for convert it to Atari 2600 graphics.     Believe, this was the easier part, making the kernel was the difficult thing, thanks to HMOVE hardware bug.   I'm listening right now Tenpole Tudor, very cool early 80's punk band from UK. Together with Toy Dolls, Damned and Sex Pistols my favorite punk bands from that era.   Below, the Atari 2600 rom if you want.



Two fan games that worth a look (part 2)

In 2011 I've post about 2 fan games that I was looking at : Sonic 2 HD and Card Saga Wars   See the entry here   Time to update the status of them and talk about another 2 games, coincidently another sonic and fight game.   Sonic 2 HD was over. The group involved with this project release a working demo last year but soon after they quit to work on it. Doesn't clear why, it seems they fight each other about silly things. Ego, probably.   Card saga wars is not dead but they didn't update



Fighting Games

Quick image edits I did for fun, because it's easier than code the games.   MK for the Neo-Geo AES Killer Instinct for the Genesis King of Fighters 94 for the Snes



Two fan games that worth a look

There are two fan games I following the progress and they are great!   The first one is Sonic 2 HD remake.   The objective is remake the classic Sonic 2 (the best of all Sonic games, although I love Sonic 3 because the graphics) in High Definition graphics. Everthing is done from zero, even the animation of the characters (wich are made by hand using cartoon drawing techniques). It's absolute great, all the people involved in this project are talentous artists. The game engine is coded by



Blaze Fielding

A recent sprite I did. Her name is Blaze Fielding from Streets of Rage (sega genesis).   I did backups every significant steps for you know the process of creation.   Well, that is for today



Bee-Ball! Odyssey^2 mockup

Here is Bee-Ball mockup for the Odyssey^2.   No, I'll not code it.   Don't know if this screen is doable, is possible to change the graphics "on the fly" using line interrupts but don't know how flexible it is.   Odyssey2 support 4 single colored sprites limited by 8x8 pixels each, I'm overlaping 2 for each bee. The raquets are made by bios character, as well the ball and the bee's eye and wing. (I can use up to 12 bios characters at same line).   The net is not possible by this way, I h



AtariAge on Odyssey 2

I was reading about Odyssey 2 programming and created a demo, it dysplays AtariAge on the screen. I think it's not bad for only 2 hours studing the O2 hardware.   I have no plans for this console for now, but I liked some of the 8048 assembly instructions (O2 processor). It's very similar to Chip8 language that I give a try last year. The hardware also.   Odyssey 2 support 4 sprites on the screen, they are limited to 8x8 pixels. You can draw them as 2x wide. Don't know yet if is possible



My first MIDI

I like videogame musics from 16 bit era most because in that machines (Snes, Genesis, Neo-Geo) the musicians used their full potential without much limitations, they have good chips with 6 or more sound channels and lot of rom to use. I collect Midi since end of 90's, vgmusic was one of the first internet sites that I visit and still downloading midis today, even with possibility to play original music files emulated by programs. Aways wanted to create midis, but I'm not musician and have no ta



Homebrew Projects

Here's my to do list just the sake of curiosity.   1 - Spidergame (ArachnaMania)   This is my recent project and unique that I already start to work on codes. I want to return to code it this year but, well, real life stuff is a problem. Not the time really, but I'm a bit tired lately. Homebrew project require a huge effort, I need to work almost every day at least 2 hours to have a good progress. I, and assume most of us (2600 programmers) aren't here for money. Back in the early 80's e



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