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Is it eBay or the USPS I hate?



I bought a book on April 17. It hasn't come yet. And if it doesn't come by May 5 (the end of the due date), I'm just going to lie and say I got the book and give positive feedback. I don't want to hassle with any stupid opening some dumb claim for a $7 item. Besides, they said it shipped, so it's probably the dumb post office's fault I never got the damn thing. Life is beginning to be unlivable for me. Now that and the stupid GoSub 2 problem I have where levels 1 - 12 don't work. I'm just frustrated with life. Life sucks. It's too hard to live right now. Not that I ever wanted to enter this world. I think I was put on this stupid earth against my will and be pummeled by some supernatural spirit, a "god" if you will. I mean, all the stupid stuff that keeps happening to me. I don't cause it. It's not my fault that stupid book hasn't come yet. It's not my fault that GoSub 2 isn't working. It's not my fault the Blazers are going to lose tonight. It's not my fault the ants keep coming. It's not my fault Mom got a dog when I told her I didn't want one. It's not my fault. When the little things keep piling up, they become bigger than the big things. For a video game metaphor, refer to Katamari Damacy. I am the sticky ball. The guy pushing me around is god. But perhaps we're all just sticky balls being pushed around by a god. And there's a time limit. Or perhaps I'm on the first level where there's no time limit so I'll never die. Oh well.


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