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My website won't update.



I checked my Frank the Fruit Fly site. The last update on it was February 17. Which was odd because it says I last updated it on February 25 (yesterday.) So now I want to call my website provider and ask them why, but I don't want to talk to someone I can't understand in another country who doesn't know what I'm talking about. So if this persists, I might as well just shut the website down because what's the use of having a website if you can't update it?


I want people to play my LATEST Frank file, but I can't put it on my own website.


I changed a whole bunch of stuff. Like the music for level 2. The abrupt ending drove me nuts so I composed a new better song. So anyway, I guess you can't play it. I'm guessing it doesn't really matter anyway since nobody would play it.

I won an auction on eBay for another Giant PEZ dispenser. This time it's SpongeBob. But it's been about a week and I still haven't gotten the two I ordered. I just want to die. Unfortunately, I guess I'll never do that, either.


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