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More work this morning on X Vs. O. I was working on something else yesterday night and I looked at the clock only to discover it was almost 10 in the morning! So I went to sleep at about 11 last morning and woke up at around 11pm. Last night was spent trying to make the X vs. O game be sane. The reason for the insanity: I had put in to make the score be 0 since it was displaying garbage a long time ago. I fixed it and now everything (should be) working fine.


So I decided to work on the beginnings of Whack-an-O. I made it so if the score is red, the player was playing Whack-an-O and if it is white then the player was playing Shoot-an-O, thus preventing some sort of score cheating thing.


"The Os have invaded an X's garden! Whack those pesky Os when they come up, but don't whack the Xs who have come to help you in this time of need."


The whacking of the Os will be simple: it's the same as putting an X in tic-tac-toe: left whacks the center left square, etc. ACTION whacks the center square.


I decided to make this a 1-player game as well due to the complex nature of the game. I also worked on putting the normal Cedar Games logo back in the game. It is in the same bank as this game will be. Which means I have one more bank that is totally empty. Also, I changed the starting key types from O, X, times, and 0 keys to 1, 2, 3 and 4. Pressing 4 right now makes the game go crazy because I haven't put in code to handle a 4 press except for it to recognize it. So pressing any other key at the title screen (besides reset) does nothing.


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