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Agh! It's flickering!



So my light bulb began to flicker. I have one of those weird light bulbs. I got some on amazon and they're supposed to come Saturday. Hopefully my light bulb will last until then. And hopefully I got the right kind. But the flickering it's doing is annoying. I woke up today at about noon and I noticed its beginning. I am wondering if it does that as a warning that it's about to go out or if it would do that regardless.


I do know I had a heck of a time trying to unscrew the light fixture to get to the bulb to change it the last time. Which was about two years ago or so. I must say having it be continualy on for two years is good for a light bulb life though. I don't turn off the lights when I go to sleep because I have a bunch of crap and video game consoles strewn about my floor and I don't want to step on them accidentally if I need to get up.


I accidentally pulled off the light fixture I remember changing the light bulb the last time because I didn't remember how to change it. But I remember now. And I also remembered how to put it back up if I pull it off again. It's kind of loose fitting so hopefully I don't this time. As it turned out I needed to unscrew the light fixture instead of just pulling it off. I got some Flex Glue to try to put the light fixture back on and it didn't work at all. Liars.


But its flickering is driving me crazy!


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